New Microtransactions - Portal, Footprints, Character Effect and Pets!

andigor666 wrote:
Is the music used for the videos a remix of lioneye's watch town music?

More or less. It's both "Lioneye's watch" and "Sceptre of God" tracks merged together as new one but remade from zero.
Track is called Legacy Leagues Track which is available for download here

There was many questions on PoE forum and PoE's reddit regarding to this track.
I made it mostly for Legacy Leagues videos to bring some very classic, legacy vibes. You can also hear sample of it in multiple shorter videos like those microtransactions videos)
Its not going to be act 6's town music (because of faster tempo and because of upcoming new composition for new Lioneye's watch)

best regards

music composer
KamilOrmanJanowski wrote:
More or less. It's both "Lioneye's watch" and "Sceptre of God" tracks merged together as new one but remade from zero.
Track is called Legacy Leagues Track which is available for download here

Awesome, thanks! :-)
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Can I just add you guys to my bank account to make this easier :D

Gonna have to get these!
Last edited by bodierox#5333 on May 3, 2017, 10:33:49 AM
How about a Transaction for a Mouse Cursor...One we may actually be able to SEE.
Really digging the celestial footprints! Please keep making more MTX with the background graphics, they're amazing.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Last edited by Pizzarugi#6258 on May 3, 2017, 11:00:38 PM
stastu wrote:

ye, you might be right. When GiGiGi deployed the multi threading support, it was great for Phenom and FX series. (I had the same CPU, upgraded to FX-8350 from the Phenom). DX 11 favors however mid range AMD GPUs much more than the Nvidia ones as Nvidia cards used be behind. So your rig used only like half the updates. You did not mention if you play DX9, DX9ex or DX11, but if you are on the level of knowledge you say you are, i assume you play DX9 , shadows disabled.

I was kinda glad about the Xbox announcement as it explained the tweaks from last year, much more favorable towards AMD HW from the era of 2012-2014.

Anyway, nothing will help us with server lags (especially for league starts) so any HW conversation usually turns out meaningless in the real poe experience.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
Hi Marxone,
thank you for your response. I apologize in advance for the offtopic discussion.

Dx9 is little worse with my HWconfiguration in this game and nothing changes because the causality is different than these effects. I agree, in many games it's the first solution "turn off shadows" and also in this game for many HW configurations - but I can play with high details and nothing change with turn off shw., with low details. I dont need change the game options, because is not a causality. There is a solution out of a game option. So, if I have this knowledge I should play Dx9 no shadows is a logical fallacy - the false dilemma.

ad Xbox)
On our market is not popular and there are many causalits. It sells very rarely and also sales in our country dropped by 16 percent in 2016 while sales of games grew. People in our market prefer work + gaming stations (PCs) in one - with a wide use - with any upgrades (HW+peripherals) in the future - however Xbox (other consoles) are certainly suitable for a certain type of households.

main topic)
However, we are also out of the main topic and propably it's not good to discuss these things here because many players can interpret things differently and my English is not good, so excuse me.

GGG & PoE, D3, my experiences)
Imho GGG is doing good work - very good work, in fact.

Nothing is better the continuation Diablo I and Diablo II than PoE ("my subjective opinion as diablo player since 1996"). "Diablo 3 is unfortunately an arcade game for me"

One thing what I wish in PoE is a little darker and more sad atmosphere (like in Tristam) but maybe it's just my nostalgia, but the guitar and atmosphere in Tristram is unforgettable. (also I remember when the one of many cheats in Daiblo1 with 56K modem was a teleport in the town :)

I very much appreciate the Zana's story as the best of story from all new "diablo" games.

Good luck
● Tristram Guitar DI (I am HC DI,II player since 1996)
● DII intro
● Zana's story is the best of story from all ARPG
● Nerf do a fun PoE. That's challenge to build a new Phoenix and be HC
● I have no time to be slow in HC. It's not ARPG/fun
Last edited by stastu#6531 on May 9, 2017, 2:00:04 PM
.....Elephant companion....must...get.....
Thanks! Nice MTX
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Holy crap those GW2 twilight footsteps, if you would make a weapon effect to look like Twilight/Sunrise/Eternity in GW2 that would sell like hotcakes.

DO IT <3

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