[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

And ANOTHER quick video update...

This time my first PoorJoy's, which I feel is an important milestone/test-bed to determine the viability of a build, and it was a cakewalk!

Youtube - PoE 3.2: TectonicJuggernaut - PoorJoy's Asylum (Full Run)

And a short 1min vid of T13 Core second phase boss fight to showcase single-target DPS:

Youtube - PoE 3.2: TectonicJuggernaut - T13 Core (Boss Fight, Second Phase DPS)

Last edited by corosou#7048 on Mar 9, 2018, 3:30:51 PM
And another... ;)

Short 1min fight of my first Carcass corrupted clear.

Youtube - TectonicJuggernaut: T15 Carcass (Boss Fight, Corrupted)

Switched back to Elem Weakness for this one. It's definitely more DPS, but not as much freezing/shattering on trash. So, I would say go for Elem Weak if you're doing things like farming T15+ bosses, but for fast mapping, Frostbite for sure.

With Elem Weakness:

Last edited by corosou#7048 on Mar 9, 2018, 5:38:54 PM
Enjoying the vids!

I've been running this build primarily as BF, though I used Reave for a while for AoE clear. Build really comes into its own with Uber Ascendancy, it makes BF feel much better (along with inc area effect) for trash clearing.

Also definitely liking the Nebuloch suggestion. I'll end up grabbing the Regen/Endur charge node and the 0.8% life regen node to counteract some of the fire damage, but it seems fine so long as I have something to hit.

Build is fun. Will feel even better I'm sure once I link the Carcass I have stashed and pick up Death's Door.
bguybus wrote:
Enjoying the vids!

I've been running this build primarily as BF, though I used Reave for a while for AoE clear. Build really comes into its own with Uber Ascendancy, it makes BF feel much better (along with inc area effect) for trash clearing.

Also definitely liking the Nebuloch suggestion. I'll end up grabbing the Regen/Endur charge node and the 0.8% life regen node to counteract some of the fire damage, but it seems fine so long as I have something to hit.

Build is fun. Will feel even better I'm sure once I link the Carcass I have stashed and pick up Death's Door.

Sweet! Glad to hear it.

Definitely give Nebuloch a try cuz the 5-8 phys per endurance change is global, so it's huge! It works great as a stat stick for Jugg.
Argus in less than 10sec

Pretty tanky on traps too ;)

Essenced Uber Izaro slam? Sure! For science!!

Last edited by corosou#7048 on Mar 9, 2018, 10:18:30 PM
Another vid..

Just cuz it was mad fun and an Essence of Insanity almost took me to school, but I survived!

I've been pushing the build pretty hard, jumping into massive packs to see what I can take, and it's really surprising how tanky this toon is, especially considering I am not using a life flask at all...

Anyway, it was such a fun map that I figured it deserves you guys seeing the entire un-cut run, and also so you can get an idea of what corrupted red tier mapping with the build looks like.

Keep in mind that I am enfeebled, so ya, dps is not a problem ;)

Youtube - TectonicJuggernaut: T13 Malformation (Full Run, Corrupted, Ess of Insanity)
Last edited by corosou#7048 on Mar 10, 2018, 5:15:40 AM
Quick weekend update...

Just a few changes for today.

I was finding myself missing Whirling Blades a lot, specially when you run into a dead end and there's nothing left to kill to refill flask, but then I realized I can just put it in my weapon slot!

So, I got these too:

All the green sockets make Whirling super fast, so no need to use clunky Leap Slam to get back to the action! ;) I actually ran Uber Lab with these, killed all the trash with them and then just swapped to maces at Izaro. Works just fine!

Also, snagged this Elder bad boy for 10c! A really nice option other than Steel Rings with that melee bonus:

This put me a bit under resists, so I dropped "Druidic Rite" for "Sentinel" and it's working out just fine... Overflowing Chalice refills flasks so much on its own, that it's not really required.


EDIT: Forgot to mention another small, but important change. Sometimes just moving gems around can make a big diff and in this case it might make Lightpoacher BiS.

I was already doing Orb of Storms + Increased Crit Strikes to proc EO, but I had it on my weapon slot, turns out I can move that combo into Lightpoacher and the Spirit Charges get more crits to proc EO too, so much so that speed mapping you can rely on it and the occasional Orb on tough mobs.

One last thing to mention, about the weapon swap. Keep in mind that if you are using Frostbreath it's giving you a lot of cold res, so you'll lose that when you weapon swap to Prismatics. I didn't think of it and ran into a Haku with a bunch of those totems, and well... I didn't last long Whirling right into that shit ;)

It's why PoB can only take you so far... What looks good in paper you gotta test out in the field to see how it performs.

I ran a bunch of red maps in a 4man earlier and it was pretty damned fun!
Last edited by corosou#7048 on Mar 11, 2018, 12:16:00 AM
Craiceann and Kaom's seems like a viable alternative for the BF/Reave version of this build. Get immunity to bleed, high armor, 30 fire/cold from Craic which opens up Kaom's on boots to ignore stun,
temp chains, chilled, etc.

You drop some damage, but I think Craic/Kaom's give you a really strong combo for safer mapping.
bguybus wrote:
Craiceann and Kaom's seems like a viable alternative for the BF/Reave version of this build. Get immunity to bleed, high armor, 30 fire/cold from Craic which opens up Kaom's on boots to ignore stun,
temp chains, chilled, etc.

You drop some damage, but I think Craic/Kaom's give you a really strong combo for safer mapping.

Cool! Thanks for the info

Let us know how it goes...

Last edited by corosou#7048 on Mar 13, 2018, 9:46:55 AM
ok if i want go BF /reave jugg what weapon setup should i use? scourge and stat stic scepter or instant leech claw and stat stic scepter? Im asking coz i am quite confused

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