[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)
3.3 Vaal Double Strike Update!
So, I've made A LOT of changes... First, let me show you the DPS: ![]() Full Quality GIF: https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/EqualBruisedAmericancrocodile PoB: https://pastebin.com/X8gPsx09 I've completely switched the tree around over to Critical Strike, because Elemental Overload is really just not that good with the little elemental damage I do. Also, this is my first venture into a Crit Based Variant, so I wanted to explore that for a long time. Thankfully there are a lot of smarter people than me playing Crit Based Vaal Double Strike builds, so I took some pointers from their (Mathil, PTProject) builds and rearranged mine. The major difference is that they go for Swords, while I prefer to keep the InstaLifeLeech provided from Bloodseeker. If you look at the links for Vaal DS, you'll see it's still just at 5L. If I add Bloodlust and use Puncture + Increased duration at the start of boss fights, it will be much higher DPS, though it might not be needed at all with Haemophilia, but it would allow you to use higher DPS gloves, such as Shaper's Touch. Not to mention I can still pick up Lion's Roar for another huge chunk of DPS. Current Gear Overall, making really good progress, and feel like this guy will take care of Shaper NP when it comes to it. GL! Stay tuned for more updates Last edited by corosou#7048 on Jun 7, 2018, 4:14:43 PM
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3.3 Vaal Double Strike added to main thread...
This new variant is tanky, quick, and very fun to play. You get bleed, freeze, stun, ignite, slow-down immunity, thanks to Unstoppable and Death's Doors. Add Cyclopean Coil for ignite immunity. Additionally we have instant life leech to let you face tank a lot of damage. Finally, very good single target DPS. Sitting at around 800k without flasks on 5L Double Strike setup. Not to mention we also have Culling Strike on Crit, thanks to Marylene's. And much more DPS if you choose to use Bloodlust + Puncture + Abyssus. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() https://pastebin.com/ZD1aWjna Youtube: T16 Minotaur (Full Run, Temple Incursion, Deathless) Youtube: T15 Lava Lake (Boss Fight, Temple Incursion, Deathless) Stay tuned for further info... Last edited by corosou#7048 on Jun 8, 2018, 6:18:50 PM
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3.3 Vaal Double Strike Update... (Potential 4M Shaper DPS!!)
So, I just wanted to show you guys what it is that I am aiming for. First, a DISCLAIMER, that the numbers below are "Perfect Scenario" numbers, but as you can see, there's a lot of room to play with. The idea with this setup is to push Shaper into the next phase as quickly as possible. I have only tested this in Minotaur and don't have all the gear listed, but it seems to work fairly well. In my mind it would go down something like this: Start Fight > Totem > Blood Rage > Face Tank > Frenzy x 3 > Puncture > Flasks > Double Strike I realize that's a long sequence, but I feel I can get it down. If it's too troublesome, you can sacrifice some DPS by swappin Bloodlust + Puncture > Ruthless, and/or dropping Frenzy. Testing will tell... As always, you know I love my cheap/neglected uniques! And as you can see, Wasp's Nest is insane for this setup. I got me an almost perfect roll for 20c! Nebuloch 40% is all you need and they go for about 5c. So, use Bloodseeker + Nebuloch in Main Weapon Slots for mapping and Wasp + Nebuloch on Secondary for bosses ;) For the numbers below, Double Strike is setup completely as a single target skill. To deal with the Shaper portal adds, I've added Splash to Ancestral Protector. I don't foresee a problem with this, but again, testing will tell... Anyway, here are the numbers: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() https://pastebin.com/rLZaeZ48 So, for now, this is a nice dream ;) as I am broke, and there's not even an enchanted Abyssus for sale. Either way, I am sure I will get around to testing this. GL and stay tuned for more updates... Last edited by corosou#7048 on Jun 10, 2018, 6:52:46 AM
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Vaal Double Strike video update...
T16 Chimera: ![]() GfyCat: HQ GIF Youtube: Vaal Double Strike Juggernaut: T16 Chimera (Boss Fight, Deathless) GL! |
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Hey man! Glad you are continuing this thread of awesome builds. Played all of them to my delight.
Currently I'm playing the Vaal Double Strike and it's got quite some power. I was wondering if you tested any other weapons in off-hand instead of the Nebuloch? The 400 fire damage can be quite dangerous and I find myself thinking of replacing it. Was hoping for maybe some ideas. Thanks! |
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" Thanks! Glad to hear you've enjoyed them ;) To replace Nebuloch, I suggest an axe stat-stick. These are the stats you'd want to get: ![]() Of course you probably won't find something with all of them, so just try to get as many as you can, with the priority being the Extra Fire/Cold rolls. GL! Last edited by corosou#7048 on Jun 13, 2018, 11:56:51 AM
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" Thanks for the answer! Wow what a beast of an axe!! I'll try to craft something at least close to this. Good luck! |
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" Hehe, ya. I don't think one exists. One thing that I need to confirm is whether or not the "% increased Critical Strike Chance if you have killed recently" is in fact "global" as it's currently showing under PoB, and not just local to the weapon, as is the regular "% increased Critical Strike Chance" mod. Either way, as I said, first aim for the "Extra <elem>" mods. GL! |
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Important 3.3 Vaal Double Strike update!!
So, how about this for a DPS showcase? 5-Second Minotaur kill: ![]() HQ GIF Here are the latest changes: Finally Scored the sick enchant! Got a way to gain some Power Charges Swapping in at T16+ bosses Finally, here's a full video of The Elder - red tier: Youtube: The Elder (Boss Fight, Red Tier, Deathless) *without abyssus Stay tuned for more updates... GL! Last edited by corosou#7048 on Jun 15, 2018, 1:46:58 PM
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Important Vaal Double Strike 3.3 update.. Shaper Down!!!
I realize Shaper Down doesn't mean what it used to, now with Uber Elder around, but still a great benchmark for the overall strength of a build, and I think that this guy is probably the strongest variant I've ever put together! For your consideration: Shaper First Phase DPS ![]() HQ GIF Youtube: T16 Phoenix and T17 Shaper (Deathless) In the Phoenix fight I forgot to swap into Abyssus, so DPS was a bit low, but still a very nasty set of mods on that corrupted map. The Shaper first phase went great, the rest of them could use better execution, but still very happy for my first attempt. Easy mode for sure! Let's take a look at my current gear... 1.5ex corrupted attack speed is by far the best option to look for 5ex For max single target DPS. You want that same enchant 2ex For trash/mapping upto T16. You want the same enchant, again 9ex You care about the 80% Res > Life > Phys DMG > Global Crit > Elem Dmg. As you can see mine is pretty low elem. dmg roll 1.5ex A pretty decent stat stick! You can definitely do a lot better, but for the price, you can't complain and the movement mod lets me remove Blood Magic from Whirling and use Fortify in 3L You can get these corrupted with attack crit chance, attack speed and other goodies. Lots of options... 100c My regular Death's Door, cuz I hate bleed and I want more Endurance charges Intimidate + life + res + less crit dmg taken and cheap... can't go wrong 30c Can definitely still use Marylene's but I got this pretty cheap and it's more DPS. You can definitely find better and with life, res etc, just make sure you use PoB to figure out what is an actual upgrade. ~30c-1ex Just phys dmg diamond rings. Can get elem dmg on them for even more DPS I still have The Wasp Nest in swap slot, but I never use it really, and why bother? when I get insta leech from Bloodseeker and enough DPS to push Shaper into next phase in under 10secs.. Let's take a look at the numbers... First a disclaimer that these numbers are with everything enabled, including very temporary effects, such as Phase Run and Punishment. Either way, as you can judge by the DPS in the video, it doesn't really matter, as DPS is more than enough without them. Also, the kills were done using Melee Splash + Maim, while PoB is setup for max single target with Ruthless + Maim, which is what I use for something like Minotaur. For trash just swap in Lightpoacher + Melee Splash + Ancestral Call. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() https://pastebin.com/bN8rHPDa Last edited by corosou#7048 on Jun 20, 2018, 3:41:11 AM
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