Damage Over Time Changes - Part 1

Does this basically mean is doesn't matter if you are a slow caster with heavy fire dmg,
or low dmg turbo caster, your ignite dmg burns the same total dps on both builds, because of the average dps you inflict on ignited targets?
"Players can now smack around players who are having trouble very early on."
Elemenz wrote:
Does this basically mean is doesn't matter if you are a slow caster with heavy fire dmg,
or low dmg turbo caster, your ignite dmg burns the same total dps on both builds, because of the average dps you inflict on ignited targets?

Yes and no. Your base damage is what matters, and you still can only have 1 ignite on an enemy. Using Martyr of Innocence will scale both the skill and the ignite.

You can use spell echo which reduces damage, and that won't affect your ignites.

You will do better ignites using a spell with her base damage.
This DOT change makes fire trap better at pure burning damage, as now you just care about adding initial damage to it, then going for all the burning you can get.
State of Beyond Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3568084

State of Blight Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3568078

State of Harbinger Mechanic: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3568062
Rory wrote:
give new sources of chances to cause Bleeding

Wait, wait, wait. Will we FINALLY be getting Bleed on Bladefall, Ethereal Knives, and Blade Vortex? Spell bleed? Please, oh please. A Gore Blade Vortex, Bladefall, and EK with the release of 3.0 after making them be able to bleed would be the fricken best.
Bring back Poison/Bleed builds! Stop nerfing it!!!
So let me get this straight if we look at the Fireball example from wiki


1. Fireball dmg got doubled by 100% increased Elemental = 1478
2. Now the Ignite dmg wont start with 1438 base, instead it will start with 739(right?)
3. The Ignite dmg however will still be increased by 100% Elemental dmg but it wont be 295,6
it will be 147,8 times 2 which is 295,6

So the dot dmg get cut in half unless u use items/passives or gems that target ailemnts

Number 2 is where ppl get confused (like me) who think that double dipping is just 1 mod effects 2 dmg sources cuz if that is ur definition then ''double dipping'' is still in the game

Unless im wrong and didnt get any of this right ofc
flameblast rip.
Please make flameblast great again on 3.0.0 :_:
Bleed damage could be buffed or maybe rework bleed mechanic to debuff?
And buff life GGG
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well i think problems come from bosses die SUPER mega fast from non dot dmg while dot do must lesser dmg

IF boss wont die INSTANTLY from any hit or spell its gonne fix it
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead
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markmandoo wrote:
Those numbers and the loss of double-dipping don't tell the whole story though. Keep in mind GGG are going to reveal more about how the new system will work, this is just what we know right now.

Look at the date of the post
Just don't get hit 4Head

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