[*820*] Divinity is recruiting permanently!

Heya ...

my IGN is EL_Tobus

and i read your charter. I want to get anything done that the game can offer and would gladly pursue all further challenges .. be it alone or in a group!


Ingame Name at the moment: IronfrankSSF

i readet ofc the charter. i am sc player from eu server and i allways searching for a guild that do challenges, i will that new portal xD
Last edited by Ironfrank123#6826 on Dec 4, 2017, 10:02:57 PM
Hi, I really like the idea behind your guild and would love to join. I've read and have no problem following the charter.

I'm a long-term SC league player, usually shoot for 36/40, thinking about going for 40/40 this time.
IGN: IWantaGoat
Hi, i like the idea of a new 820. Yes, I have read your guild charter and im willing to contribute to the cause. Thanks

Current IGN: AB_SpinToWin

Awesome idea for a guild, i'm looking to complete as many challenges this league as i can (maybe all), so happy to find you guys.

I've read the charter and agree to it. Looking forward to contributing and playing with you guys.

IGN: Dea_Tacita
Steel and Iron,
Guard me well!
Or else I'm Dead,
and Doomed to Hell!
Hi i would like to join the guild and yes i have read the charter.

ign: Revorg

Would like to join the guild, read up on the charter.

ign: AnimatedSleejer
I have read the charter and would love to be a part of your guild.
ign: HellMade
Last edited by KAL0PSIA#2577 on Dec 9, 2017, 3:36:30 AM
Hello again !! I very wanna join your guild this is the place for me . I Have reed GUild Charter and i will do all i could for our guild

IGN : LongVuong

I have read the guild charter and i want to be part of the guild.

IGN: Monisl

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