Act Six: The Brine King Fight

Rest in peace she died :(
holy fk that look cool. great work guy
Thanks for sharing all this but don't get carried away with the spoilers! Something like an act boss fight should be experienced organically when first playing through the content. While its nice to get this insight into the development, in my opinion many things should be left for the player to discover and be surprised.

**~~~ The Winds of Shit ~~~**
Really cool boss mechanics and the water wall is beautiful! :)
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
This looks awesome But tell me

Will the whole game be redesigned so it feels like this boss fight?

Less One shot, longer combat, bosses with actual spawns ( Unlike Shaper and Atziri which spawn when boss aint damagable)

There are 2 ways of making a boss fight:

1) He hits fast but weak damage and escapable


2) Hits hard but telegraphed and dodgable
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Last edited by Sexcalibure#7575 on Apr 19, 2017, 9:18:02 PM
Dweller of the Deep, part 2; Electric this time it's personal revengening
Looks like they are going for the World of Warcraft boss mechanics. Its been done before and it's boring now. Dodge this wait for the next phase. Please think outside the box GGG. On the other note looking really forward to seeing what else is coming.
Deadpeng wrote:
Another design by GGG that says 'Die melee die!'

Another design that says "all builds are melee" you mean?

Honestly, while the fight is graphically "loaded", not sure what my feelings are on how little space there is. If you lag even a tiny bit..
Bearpauw wrote:
Thanks for sharing all this but don't get carried away with the spoilers! Something like an act boss fight should be experienced organically when first playing through the content. While its nice to get this insight into the development, in my opinion many things should be left for the player to discover and be surprised.

I didn't know GGG forced you to watch the video.

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