2.6.0h Patch Notes

"Realm down for maintenance" again. Sigh.
for how effective GGG has been at updating on scheduled timelines, i don't know why so many people have such little faith in them. you hear one little tidbit of information and jump to, OH GREAT DELAYS, GG NO UPDATE UNTIL 2018. i know the salt is real, but come on.

Out of the many many many games iv'e played, POE for a Free To Play Game, has been so on time with updates ect, i have nothing but faith in there team.

Atziri's Fallen Army Guild - Leader/Owner
TOP GUILD Since beta!
pm if you'd like to join.
Marxone wrote:
Patch doesn't matter. Beta access to content is what we want

haha i feel you, already loaded the $$ on my steam account for supporter pack. THE WAIT IS ON!
Atziri's Fallen Army Guild - Leader/Owner
TOP GUILD Since beta!
pm if you'd like to join.
NaarJitsu wrote:
I love how dweebs complain that 3.0 isn't being released like tomorrow.
Chill the fuck out, some games don't even get updates for years.
Be thankful you got an awesome game to play as is, for FREE, freggin' twats.

well the thing is 3.0 should've been here at the start of march or people already forgot the schedule ggg put up 1 year ago... it's already almost 2 months delayed plus the need of a beta but atleast the xbox release should be on time...
Where are regular daily news today? :O

Immo_scion - Lv 100 solo - Playing in partys is too easy - solo for life :)
mirificel wrote:
NaarJitsu wrote:
I love how dweebs complain that 3.0 isn't being released like tomorrow.
Chill the fuck out, some games don't even get updates for years.
Be thankful you got an awesome game to play as is, for FREE, freggin' twats.

well the thing is 3.0 should've been here at the start of march or people already forgot the schedule ggg put up 1 year ago... it's already almost 2 months delayed plus the need of a beta but atleast the xbox release should be on time...

They said that the beta would start either on late April, or early May, it's literally written on the Fall of Oriath announcement page, on the Timeline section... https://www.pathofexile.com/oriath

So I dunno where you get that information from... also, if they delay it, it won't be like they're gonna delay it for 6 months or so, so relax...
mirificel wrote:
NaarJitsu wrote:
I love how dweebs complain that 3.0 isn't being released like tomorrow.
Chill the fuck out, some games don't even get updates for years.
Be thankful you got an awesome game to play as is, for FREE, freggin' twats.

well the thing is 3.0 should've been here at the start of march or people already forgot the schedule ggg put up 1 year ago... it's already almost 2 months delayed plus the need of a beta but atleast the xbox release should be on time...

well, the expansion will be big, and the QA guys are busy giving interviews for the news posts, so... :)
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me.

3.13 was the golden age.
the beginning of the closed beta doesn't really matter, legacy league is amazing and i probably won't spend time for playing content which' progress gets reset anyway.

VendettaMachine wrote:
This made me remember to try Incinerate since it was changed. The timing is great! My level-84 Templar just died.
It was a pretty epic death. Like Clint Eastwood's in Gran Torino, except Clint Eastwood wasn't being controlled by an idiot.

OK, you win... this was THE funniest thing I read all day. Well played, friend. Well played.
Stay sane, exiles!
- Fixed an exploit where it could be determined if the Monstrous Treasure Prophecy had triggered on a map while you were still able to cancel consumption of the map.

Should it be news to me that you can cancel consumption of the map? That wasn't in the loading screen tips.

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