PSA: You *CAN* level with Righteous Fire
Hey, i've been wanting to play RF for the longest of time but the leveling part always made me skip it. I hate having to farm/buy regrets so you can respec later on, it's just annoying and kinda makes you not want to play the build.
I've been using this guide and i quickly switched to RF on the harbringer SC league at level 20. 2 kikazaru's, shaper's seed and springleaf, spent 4 alchs and it got me trough ALL the content until mapping (literally flew trough everything, content became trivial with tons of HP and mobs dying instantly) I've used a similar build on hardcore just now. Seeing as the league is dead it was kinda hard to get the shield and shaper's seed (spent about 3c for both) and transitioned into RF at lvl 40ish when i had vitality+stone golem+purity of fire high enough level to get +1 to max fire resist. It's pretty straight forward, i had 3 ruby flask drops so i doubt it's hard to find one and as soon as you have this setup it's really easy to get it going. You also need 1 or 2 health pots to help with the degen (low levels have pretty bad monster density so you;re often left searching for targets and you drop low on hp). I also use rejuvenation totem for bosses so i don't have to care about degening, that coupled with shield charge+fortify and you can basically facetank bosses. Thanks a lot OP for the heads up, it was a blast to level up with RF, anyone saying it can't be done is wrong, your character isn't rippy at all since you stack shit ton of HP and hp=dmg with RF. Later edit: i forgot to mention using enduring cry for the extra 3 endurance charges, that coupled with fortify and a basalt flask should make you safe vs anything until mapping, if you die while having that the problem is behind the screen and not the build Last edited by tancurirazvan#6012 on Sep 3, 2017, 12:40:24 PM
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" IGN: Sexy_Batman Brag_Ironballs Lady_Jaya_Ballard Orbok_Meatgod Two_Open_Sockets
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I want to be able to use and maintain RF. Honestly, it's not because I want to level-up with it, but because it makes my character look cool! Haha! #dontjudgeme ;p
I'm a level 73 Inquisitor with 3,223 life. I have 2 x Kikazaru Rings and the Springleaf shield as recommended. I also have 75% (94%) Fire Resistance. I also have Purity of Fire. Plus, I have Vitality and a Stone Golem. But my life goes down to 1,120. When it reaches 1,119, it regens to 1,120. Therefore, I am somehow maintaining it, but why can't I maintain it at full life? Any advice? It does death, buddy! Get out of my way!
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"Because Springleaf gives 3% regen on full life but 6% regen on low life. Seems like 3% isn't enough to outregen RF self-damage, while 6% is ok. And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
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[/quote]Because Springleaf gives 3% regen on full life but 6% regen on low life. Seems like 3% isn't enough to outregen RF self-damage, while 6% is ok.[/quote]
Thank you for this insight! Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time trying to get the extra 3% life regen. Oh, well.... It does death, buddy! Get out of my way!
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Your Purity of Fire should be giving a couple percent Max Fire Resistance in no time - that'll help a fair bit. Rise of the Phoenix is also an option at your level, and much more effective than Springleaf is :)
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I started RF around level 40. Meginord's Vise gloves (req lv 35) with 2% regen helped a lot. I didn't see that one listed by OP. You do have to push to get the strength requirement for the regen effect on the gloves though. I only had on Kiki ring to work with, which hurt a bit. When I first started out, I'd slowly lose health, requiring a lot of life and ruby flasking, but everything died so quick it didn't matter. Level was quite fast once RF was going.
Prior to that, I just used sunder and shield charge with stacked elemental damage. Herald of Ash and Herald of Ice auras provided the meat of that. I grabbed the fire node passives early to help. It worked reasonably well, but it was starting to lull a little around lv 40 when I finally switched to RF, but it wasn't bad. Once you hit lv 65 for the phoenix shield, RF comes into its power and you start facetanking most things. Last edited by Lemabelle#6309 on Sep 13, 2017, 2:34:05 PM
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Wow! Thank you for the tips @Lemabelle and @Vipermagi!
I took a look at the Rise of the Phoenix Mosaic Kite Shield. Here are some of the specs I saw. +8% to all Elemental Resistances 87% increased Armour and Energy Shield 6 Life Regenerated per second +8% to maximum Fire Resistance +24% to Fire Resistance +25% to Fire Resistance while on Low Life 10% increased Movement Speed when on Low Life Cannot be Ignited while on Low Life I already have Fire Resistance maxed at 75%, and I can't get it any higher. So, I'm assuming the 8% increase to max Fire Resistance may be the key? On Meginord's Vise Steel Gauntlets, the 2% life regen is very tempting! But, it's hard for me to let go of my current glove. 40% increase in rarity items found is hard for me to let go. haha!!! But then again... do I want to win, or do I want to loot? I want both! Haha! It does death, buddy! Get out of my way!
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Thank you everyone for the tips!
I am now successfully maintaining RF! Woohoo!! It does death, buddy! Get out of my way!
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Sweet :) Glad we all could help ya out.
And yeah, it's the +8 to Max Fire Res that makes Rise so good. It's quite good. |
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