TettaVolante wrote:
Ageless_Emperion wrote:
They'd push him over and he wouldn't be able to get back up
Medieval knights were quite agile and fast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hlIUrd7d1Q
Right, done in replicas created from modern materials, on a leveled surface and while not in actual combat. Yeah sure if you tweak enough variables you can make anything look manageable.
Honestly this thread is making my head hurt, it has drawn out the weirdest portion of the community, the ones that argue for realism in poe, a game where magic and gods are a thing...
~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart!
Posted byDalleRok#6207on Apr 10, 2017, 5:26:58 PM
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring Last edited by LG0012#6831 on Apr 10, 2017, 6:07:10 PM
Posted byLG0012#6831on Apr 10, 2017, 6:05:40 PM
SigmaBlack wrote:
We want Solaris' Spear-and-Shield and Lunaris Crescent Blades as uniques RAIT NAO!!!
Yes, those would be good unique weapons. But first: spears should be a 1H weapon type... however, what would distinguish them in terms of game mechanics, aside from longer reach, from thrusting swords? Perhaps there should be a 'flurry' skill gem that works with spears and thrusting swords - if I recall right, Daresso uses something similar.
White Knight of the Order of Mihoshi Enthusiasts
"Destroyed overnight, or the next one's free."
Posted byFirefly00#7398on Apr 10, 2017, 8:02:38 PM
Ageless_Emperion wrote:
TettaVolante wrote:
Ageless_Emperion wrote:
They'd push him over and he wouldn't be able to get back up
Medieval knights were quite agile and fast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hlIUrd7d1Q
Right, done in replicas created from modern materials, on a leveled surface and while not in actual combat. Yeah sure if you tweak enough variables you can make anything look manageable.
Honestly this thread is making my head hurt, it has drawn out the weirdest portion of the community, the ones that argue for realism in poe, a game where magic and gods are a thing...
yeah typical field or battle plate armor of the period in question (1400-1650 A.D.) weighed 45-55lbs
Less than a fully kitted fireman or modern day infantryman
here is an interesting Essay from the MET you should read.
Pay special attention to this part.
"The notion that the development of plate armor (completed by about 1420–30) greatly impaired a wearer’s mobility is also untrue. A harness of plate armor was made up of individual elements for each limb. Each element in turn consisted of lames (strips of metal) and plates, linked by movable rivets and leather straps, and thus allowing practically all of the body’s movements without any impairment due to rigidity of material. The widely held view that a man in armor could hardly move, and, once he had fallen to the ground, was unable to rise again, is also without foundation. On the contrary, historical sources tell us of the famous French knight Jean de Maingre (ca. 1366–1421), known as Maréchal Boucicault, who, in full armor, was able to climb up the underside of a ladder using only his hands. Furthermore, there are several illustrations from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance depicting men-at-arms, squires, or knights, all in full armor, mounting horses without help or instruments such as ladders or cranes. Modern experiments with genuine fifteenth- and sixteenth-century armor as well as with accurate copies have shown that even an untrained man in a properly fitted armor can mount and dismount a horse, sit or lie on the ground, get up again, run, and generally move his limbs freely and without discomfort."
Posted bythawn4444#3507on Apr 10, 2017, 8:38:34 PM
tacotiklah wrote:
Are they as regularly used as your stereotypical sword? No. But that doesn't mean it's impossible to use them. For sure it would take a lot of training to use them, let alone wield them safely and not harm yourself. But that doesn't mean it can't be done, and honestly, I can easily see how deadly they could be to an opponent in a fight. The BaguaZheng I showed were originally the size of Lunaris' blades, but were reduced in size to be handheld and with an opposite facing moon over the guard handle. Most likely since over the centuries, emperors in both Japan and China banned weapons and peasants were forced to makeshift them from tools and/or make them easily hidden from view. It's rather hard to hide giant curved blades from view. lol
Point being, they are very much possible and the "dancing" you see is actually necessary in the proper use of them. These forms have the user dodging and weaving from possible attacks, and the twirling used in counterattacks actually provide the centrifugal force to do serious damage with them. Sure, it looks weird to an outsider. But I've done some study in martial arts in my day, and I can tell you that these forms are 100% necessary to maximize the use and killing potential of the weapons. They also have the side benefits of being a kind of art unto themselves and an extra form of distraction against enemies (and yes the flags added to them help a LOT with that).
Can I ask for a link?
Posted byKaramzin#2906on Apr 10, 2017, 9:23:03 PM
thawn4444 wrote:
Ageless_Emperion wrote:
TettaVolante wrote:
Medieval knights were quite agile and fast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hlIUrd7d1Q
Right, done in replicas created from modern materials, on a leveled surface and while not in actual combat. Yeah sure if you tweak enough variables you can make anything look manageable.
Honestly this thread is making my head hurt, it has drawn out the weirdest portion of the community, the ones that argue for realism in poe, a game where magic and gods are a thing...
yeah typical field or battle plate armor of the period in question (1400-1650 A.D.) weighed 45-55lbs
Less than a fully kitted fireman or modern day infantryman
here is an interesting Essay from the MET you should read.
Pay special attention to this part.
"The notion that the development of plate armor (completed by about 1420–30) greatly impaired a wearer’s mobility is also untrue. A harness of plate armor was made up of individual elements for each limb. Each element in turn consisted of lames (strips of metal) and plates, linked by movable rivets and leather straps, and thus allowing practically all of the body’s movements without any impairment due to rigidity of material. The widely held view that a man in armor could hardly move, and, once he had fallen to the ground, was unable to rise again, is also without foundation. On the contrary, historical sources tell us of the famous French knight Jean de Maingre (ca. 1366–1421), known as Maréchal Boucicault, who, in full armor, was able to climb up the underside of a ladder using only his hands. Furthermore, there are several illustrations from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance depicting men-at-arms, squires, or knights, all in full armor, mounting horses without help or instruments such as ladders or cranes. Modern experiments with genuine fifteenth- and sixteenth-century armor as well as with accurate copies have shown that even an untrained man in a properly fitted armor can mount and dismount a horse, sit or lie on the ground, get up again, run, and generally move his limbs freely and without discomfort."
You are a mortal knight wearing plate, you have great articulation and physical training, you face a god on the battlefield. You are not an actual exile and are just a human. She is still a goddess, she pins you to the ground, you can't do anything, she cuts off your fucking head with her giant unwieldy crescent weapons because to her the concepts of strength, mobility and utility are obsolete.
Our conversation is over. In the future try to contain your medieval enthusiasm boner to your local renaissance fair. This is path of exile, where utility and reason give way to form and ideal.
~ I am Wreaclast middle class and proud of it!
~ Poor investment =/= entitlement to compensation.
~ Build smart, build S-mart! Last edited by Ageless_Emperion#2844 on Apr 11, 2017, 1:05:06 AM
Would love to see more concept art for the existing stuff in the gallery...
Posted byOra9#6348on Apr 12, 2017, 6:10:13 PM
TettaVolante wrote:
thawn4444 wrote:
TettaVolante wrote:
Right, done in replicas created from modern materials, on a leveled surface and while not in actual combat. Yeah sure if you tweak enough variables you can make anything look manageable.
Honestly this thread is making my head hurt, it has drawn out the weirdest portion of the community, the ones that argue for realism in poe, a game where magic and gods are a thing...
yeah typical field or battle plate armor of the period in question (1400-1650 A.D.) weighed 45-55lbs
Less than a fully kitted fireman or modern day infantryman
here is an interesting Essay from the MET you should read.
Pay special attention to this part.
"The notion that the development of plate armor (completed by about 1420–30) greatly impaired a wearer’s mobility is also untrue. A harness of plate armor was made up of individual elements for each limb. Each element in turn consisted of lames (strips of metal) and plates, linked by movable rivets and leather straps, and thus allowing practically all of the body’s movements without any impairment due to rigidity of material. The widely held view that a man in armor could hardly move, and, once he had fallen to the ground, was unable to rise again, is also without foundation. On the contrary, historical sources tell us of the famous French knight Jean de Maingre (ca. 1366–1421), known as Maréchal Boucicault, who, in full armor, was able to climb up the underside of a ladder using only his hands. Furthermore, there are several illustrations from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance depicting men-at-arms, squires, or knights, all in full armor, mounting horses without help or instruments such as ladders or cranes. Modern experiments with genuine fifteenth- and sixteenth-century armor as well as with accurate copies have shown that even an untrained man in a properly fitted armor can mount and dismount a horse, sit or lie on the ground, get up again, run, and generally move his limbs freely and without discomfort."
You are a mortal knight wearing plate, you have great articulation and physical training, you face a god on the battlefield. You are not an actual exile and are just a human. She is still a goddess, she pins you to the ground, you can't do anything, she cuts off your fucking head with her giant unwieldy crescent weapons because to her the concepts of strength, mobility and utility are obsolete.
Our conversation is over. In the future try to contain your medieval enthusiasm boner to your local renaissance fair. This is path of exile, where utility and reason give way to form and ideal.
I am none of those things. . .
. . .Just a dude who used 5 seconds of Google to find facts that proved your laughable assertions that knights couldn't get up if the fell over. . .
Posted bythawn4444#3507on Apr 14, 2017, 5:36:29 PM
Awesome! We need more arts!
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Posted byTreeOfDead#4438on Apr 14, 2017, 10:32:49 PM