[2.6] The SoulTaxic- CI PoisonFinder TS/Barrage ,Shaper/ Guardians/ Uber / ALL mapmods
Does this build even work now? I tried to copy this. Decided not to reroll my char but exp new one. And failed on Cruel Izaro last phase. The dps seems very low, can't do maps properly. Ofc, i'm not using full items, cause you need at least 68 and 69 level for chest and boots, not counting 70+ for nice jewellery/belts/helms etc.
But shouldn't poison work already? What i'm doing wrong? Path of building shows 4k dps, not those crazy high numbers for poison builds i've seen in many different threads. Last edited by divinity#3723 on Apr 16, 2017, 9:53:46 AM
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" It absolutely works still. I consistently down Chayula in less than 2 seconds. |
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" are u using the bow with the correct links? do u have EO? |
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I'm not using Elemental Overload now, it's like 5 points away. As for bow. You could see by yourself. It would be 5 link, cause i don't have currency for 6L atm.
What am i missing else? Last edited by divinity#3723 on Apr 16, 2017, 2:43:20 PM
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I only have around 3 ex now. I already have 6l decent vaal regalia from other char(690es not the right colours yet though). I will buy voltaxic and jewellers touch for 5 link and vessel of vinktar.
What expensive items should i buy first? Quality and 20lvl gems/dying sun/+1 arrow quiver/+2barage helmet/temp chains shapers touch? Those gloves got so expensive, they cost like 5ex now lol. Maybe i can use curse on hit with HoT or witchfire brew instead? Or try and get some other gloves with that corruption? How far this build can go without those items? Is it still doable? I wonder if i can run this build to farm maps with it and get currency for upgrades after some time. Thanks for the answer ;) Last edited by Yuu07#5301 on Apr 16, 2017, 2:45:47 PM
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" Absolutly does. I did run some guardians yesterday and tried Uber atziri. Failed Uber atziri cause lack of expirience (died 2 times already to Oversouls lul fucked up that run pretty badly) probably easy doable even with my low equip. Phoenix is easy and minotaur is just care if he starts with his tunnel and dodge it (otherwise he oneshots atleast me with 8k es[took more dps less es]) and then burst him down in max 5seconds. Tried chimera with 40moster life and temp chains and died to adds. Without monster life and/or temp chains i probably would have killed it, then it was my first run ever so no experience with it AND i only run a 5link bow/aoe setup what made the ads pretty fucked up. Herself went down pretty fast (came to 3. add phase and herself went down 25% in like 5seconds too but ads were fuck up as i said cause 5link) Didnt try hydra. Got decent equip yet but not good at all (probably max 10-15ex) Tldr: Got just decent equip and can probably do everything in the game with just a little bit more experience/training. " Dying sun is a fucking gg flask for that build. Aoe gets a lot better and single target too....would suggest it as first upgrade. Then you can decide....helmet and gloves are probably more expensive then quiver but for single target helmet is obviously 2 times as good. |
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I don't see it's working unless elemental overload is a must. It's still like 40% more dmg. I just killed Rhoa on T5 in 3 minutes of shooting. I know i'm now almost 69 but still seems pretty bad, i've taken void manipulation, so i must be missing something?
Last edited by divinity#3723 on Apr 16, 2017, 6:24:04 PM
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of the following how would you rank jewel stats?
Damage Chaos Damage Damage Over Time Lightning Damage Projectile Damage Attack Speed Attack Speed with Bows |
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" You miss weapon ele dmg everywhere (belt rings) i loose 2,5k barrage TOOLTIP dps when not using my rings /belts with weapon ele (and tooltip is shit for poison builds and i think its for one arrow only so x8 for me and x7 for you) Then get a vinktars....gives me 4k barrage tooltip dps. Other then that just lvl up and slowly upgrade your gear as you can. I felt weak too at the begining but since i am around lvl 82 and got the gear i have now (without crystal belt , %es craft on ring and +1 quiver...but was able to do a lot already) With the lvls and the tiny gear upgrades my dps actually sky rocketed and as i said above everything except uber atziri and some guardians is easy as hell (and they probably only arent cause i am not used to). Uber izaro with 3ppl hp dies in 3-4seconds each phase (didnt try more ppl), normal atziri can be done while sleeping etc. Ps. i actually forgott....i use a slightly different skill tree (thx giacolam for that :D) with more dps and less es i think. But i am at 8k es right now and it works. |
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ok then, but when i saw ppl's dps in the calc, like millions, especially other poison builds, mine dps is strictly as tooltip says. So i thought maybe i'm missing something. Will try to gear now.
Also my crit bow was like 50k TS dps, now it's 5-10k and it's like 10x slower for killing, no hidden dmg. Last edited by divinity#3723 on Apr 16, 2017, 8:57:21 PM
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