[2.6] Elemental Flicker Strike, Terminus Est [Pathfinder].
![]() Edit: Before you read this build, you should know that i already tried Uber atziri/shaper and its not viable or just i lack the mechanical skills needed to defeat them, but feel free to give the build a try if you would like to. Uber Atziri video is down there. Hello, its my first build here, but i think its worth to share with you all. Here we go: Its not a cheap build, but honestly, what is cheap in this game?. So here we go with the required uniques:
A normal coil is enough, you dont need 6 link, i was clearing t15 maps with 5 linked terminus. So thats basically the core of the build. For Boots aim for a rare ones with life good resists, and mov speed if posible. Gloves, you should try to aim for elemental weakness on hit curse gloves with some good stats, its not mandatory, but makes a difference. In the case u find the gloves, u would need a +1 to curse the way u get it, its up to you. Just remember you need good flat life to reach a minimum of 5k life pool. For belt u need Life + WED + Phys dmg + good resists. Rings and amulet same as the belt, i will link my gear below so you can see it better. Note: as you lvl up gems, you may notice that you need more intelligence, in that case you need int on your rings, amulet, gloves, boots or even jewels. I use two terminus est, one for single target, one for destroying packs.
Links Terminus Est
Single target: Flicker Strike + Multistrike + Increased Critical Strikes + Physical to Lightning + Weapon Elemental Damage + Melee physical damage or Fortify (Thats up to you and only if you have a 6l. Multi Target: Flicker Strike + Multistrike + Melee Splash + Physical to Lightning + Weapon Elemental Damage (you wont need a 6l here, but if you have, you can choose Inc Crit or Melee Phys
Rest of Links
CWDT + Immortal call Leap Slam + Faster Attacks Hatred + Blasphemy + Assasin's Mark Summon Ice Golem Portal Gem Cyclone + Power Charge on crit + Increased Critical Strikes + Fortify + WED These are the skills i use, its your job to make them fit in your gear. Idea of the build:
In deep information
The idea i got since they buffed Terminus Est sword (thanks for creating this amazing unique) was to stack lots of physical damage, then gain % of this damage as element. Also, since the new changes to the tree, you can see i take the 40% of physical damage converted to cold nodes, using the Physical to lightning gem we gain up to 29% of our phys damage as lightning damage, we convert 90% of our damage as element (50% Lightning from the gem, 40% Cold from the tree). I use lightning damage because of the shock, and as we are going full crit, we will always freeze and shock enemies, since we use a physical damage sword and we are using elemental damage, we can stack more damage nodes in the tree and we also can stack WED from gear/tree combined with flat phys. The elemental damage we gain from physical damage is the following:
Hatred 36% Taste of Hate 30% Phys to lightning 29% Pathfinder ascendancy 10% Thats a total of 105% of our physical gained as elemental damage. We also stack element penetration, we can reach up to 55% i will explain further in the Flaks section of this build. About defences, we stack 189% life from the tree, we are using Abyssus helmet, it makes us squishy, but we can fix it using a Taste of hate flask and a Lightning coil armour, this will convert the physical damage we take to elemental, our resists will be capped so the downside of abyssus will be gone doing this. Flasks to use:
The Wise Oak is one of the best flasks in the game, but requires you to overcap your elemental resistances equally, what does it mean? it means, that at least, your cold resistance and lightning resistance must be the same %, for example lets say 88%. If you have a total of 88% cold resistance and 88% lightning resistance, this flask will give you a 40% elemental penetration (20% cold pen, 20% lightning pen) but if you are building a new char, i advice you to make them all the same % so you get full benefit of the flask (with the current flask setup, u would need a +50% fire resist somewhere, because the flasks toh and topaz are giving +50% lightning and cold for 6 seconds. If your fire resistance is lower than cold and lightning, you will only get a 10% reduced elemental damage taken from fire, but if you have the same resists % you get 10% reduced elemental damage taken for each element.
Rest of flasks doesnt need too much explanation, Diamond for crit, ToH for more damage plus mitigation, Topaz flask for mitigation, Lions flask for more damage. Ascendancy + Bandits
Ascendancy: Pathfinder, when i first created this char i went for raider, to have an easy start, later on i swap to Pathfinder because it fits a lot better with this build, If you go Pathfinder u will need The Green Dream Jewel, to gain frenzy charges on kill, if you go Raider u wont need it. Points to take:
Veteran Bowyer + Nature's Boon + Master Surgeon. Bandits: Flat Life or pasive point (Your choice) + Pasive Point + Frenzy Charge. In case you are curious:
My Current Gear
Path of Building Damage Calculations (When everything procs):
![]() Defensive stats:
![]() To finnish the guide, here some proves i did Guardians and got to try shaper and uber atziri:
Chimera run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmZbuIBDnSY&t=6s Hydra run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zr_nIF4yB0 Phoenix run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiwSNUN-wiU Xoph run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzDFxyJwzU8 Esh run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-a6T523X80 Tul's run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEUwPUymeaA Normal Atziri run https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSU8SeInAz8 Uber Atziri run (Failed), but still worth watching, so you can judge if the build has potential to finnish her, i think it has the potential, but i lack mechanical skills Last edited by manueloel#6494 on Apr 16, 2017, 6:34:53 AM Last bumped on Dec 9, 2017, 8:13:41 AM
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What did you prioritize on jewels (besides life, ats or phys damage?) And is the amulet for a specific reason, aside from the extra curse? Seems to be way more than enoguh crit chance without, and you could use a crit/crit multi/life ammy instead.
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On jewels, its depending on how good is your gear, what are you missing the most and what do you feel the character needs. I use 4. 3 of these jewels with 7% life and phys dmg/crit multi, resists and 1 with +2 mana gain on hit to sustain better the mana. I used this Amu, because when i was building the character, i was missing crit chance, but you can feel free to use a rare one with great stats. Try to aim for crit chance/multi, flat life, resists only if u still missing some.
Last edited by manueloel#6494 on Apr 13, 2017, 10:49:47 AM
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Hello ^_^,
Currently trying this build out on my char Gilgs_FlickOfDahFlask Just hit level 68 and bought these two, couldn't get a rustic sash with good resists. Wondering how you capped your resists with lightning coil? Also gonna divine that terminus later on, I just got it six linked for cheap so I took it. Abyssus is a hand-me-down from a facebreaker shield charger with no crit chance multiplier so I will be getting a higher crit chance abyssus as well. Also, can't seem to get this build to work on path of building, can you generate a code if you use it? is green dream placement up by the fire/lightning res by the marauder life nodes? Last edited by GilgasGaming#5470 on Apr 13, 2017, 5:32:19 AM
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Hello :p
Well, leather belt is also good, you will have some extra hp (but ur life roll is not that good to be a leather belt). That said, I capped my resists using good rares, Boots, Gloves, Amu and 2 rings. I think it can be still easy to cap buying decent gear, at a good price, obviously to do it, you should babysit the trade for few days and check prices. Now it can be quite expensive due to this change in the economy this league, but still doable. The green dream placement is in the Scion jewel spot, which is located next to the nodes that are giving us 10 to all resists plus, 18% lightning and 18% cold resists. It's giving us a 28% chance to gain frenzy charge on kill. If you feel like you need resists, you can use resist jewels with 7% inc hp. Path of Building Code:
Thanks for trying out my build. :D Last edited by manueloel#6494 on Apr 13, 2017, 10:45:58 AM
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Yeah, I think it gives a total of 86 life, could be much higher but with the combined high implicit and mid-tier roll it gives a decent amount of life for a starter belt, was really worried about resists because I played an abby character and I couldn't imagine not being capped xD
Also would steel rings with wed increase damage? I was thinking of trying to craft steel rings with high implicit, +phys, +wed and +life. Also just got my green dream =D Edit: Also do you use harmony and are you still capped for the +1 curse? Do you need the stat rolls on your rings as well? Gonna put gearing on hold until I get a good grasp of where I can take the character so your guidance would be appreciated =D Last edited by GilgasGaming#5470 on Apr 13, 2017, 4:11:58 PM
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Actually when i started to buy gear, i was looking for steel rings, but early in the league they were like 30c just the base so it was unreachable to me, or just i had other important gear to buy, but the answer is: if you can afford it go for it.
Dont worry about resists, if you manage to buy decent rares you will reach the overcap easy, in the case you dont, you can use resist/hp jewels to fix the resists you need. Good job about the Green Dream :p. Yes, I am using the gear that i linked plus the jewels i use which give me some resists. My Cold and lightning resists are actually hitting 98% in merciless so i am overcapped at 98% making viable to use The Wise Oak. The perfect rings for this build, would be Steel rings with max flat phys roll, decent hp, decent wed, plus some resists. I am pretty sure you will need some resists in your rings, but it will depend on how are you building up the resists. To be honest i would first try to get the core items, Terminus est, abyssus, lightning coil (these are the core items of the build, from this point is up to you how you build the char). Then ur next goal should be to buy a nice gloves with ele weakness on hit, remember that if you buy a gloves with nice resists, you will reach the cap even easier than me, mine only give 20% fire resist. If you find a good gloves, then try to find a decent amu with +1 to curse, the stats for the amu, aim for crit chance, life, crit multi, flat phys, some resists, if the amu is having +1 to curse plus 2 or 3 stats described here then i think is enough (to use +1 to curse and ele weakness is optional, but its giving us like 400k dps). Then, once you have the gear that you wont change and is hard to find, i advice you to start buying nice rare items (Boots first, and then the rings or in case you dont go dual curse, buy first the gloves/boots and then rings and amu) gloves and boots must have great hp and great resists, if you go for ele weakness gloves and u decide to be flexible and buy one similar like mine, then u will have to focus harder on resists in other items. Try to overcap your resists at the same % and then you are practically finnished. In case you decide to not go dual curse, it will be a lot easier for you to overcap resists plus you can have a lot more hp, because its really hard to find the corrupted items we need with good hp roll. So, its up to you how you really want to build it, tankier or heavier dps. If you can do both, then both (might be really hard and expensive). Last edited by manueloel#6494 on Apr 13, 2017, 10:32:46 PM
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Thank you ^_^,
Will keep you posted, so far love the build though. Going to get all my gear sorted and then get my ascendancy done! EDIT: Also when you get a chance can you post a screenshot of your defenses in the main post? Would help a lot ^_^ Last edited by GilgasGaming#5470 on Apr 13, 2017, 9:16:37 PM
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You are welcome. :D
I am glad you love it, cant wait to see your progression. By the way, in case you havent noticed yet, i just uploaded and edited the guide with Uber Atziri video even i failed, i think this build has the potentital to finnish her, but my mechanical skills arent good enough. Sure, let me take a screenshot and i will add it. My bad, i forgot about defenses. |
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So here's what I ended up with
Not the best but not the worst, also did my first two labs but couldn't kill merc izaro with 2k hp :P Gonna get to around 80 and try again. Uber atziri is definitely possible by the looks of it though! Edit: Also my boots are being stubborn is why they'r not linked or colored properly. Last edited by GilgasGaming#5470 on Apr 14, 2017, 7:55:37 PM
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