I can't tell if you're being ironic or not.
Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016 // You'd better run. “EA is fine” -relith |
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hahhaha rlowe
Rup, I feel the opposite of cool in this game, I feel hopeless in this game, but if I don't try then I got no right to complain about it. It's like everyone that complains about trump but didn't bother voting. Logic, how does it twerk? I realize you're using broad generalizations to cover the most ground, not name-shame, or whatever the other reasons are, so I just speak for myself and not others. Re: Vortex Check my thread on what I said the first day I posted it: " But that's just me being weak I guess! :) You might also recall my joyous celebration when it was finally nerfed. That shit had to go! Same thing with wise oak and all the other sources of pen(is), shit's cray. Re: Full mirrored gear in a pve build I'll never pvp with, nor have ever promoted in the pvp section: If you notice, only one thing is mirrored, doe's wand. Everything else is a unique or I made myself. But yes, I agree with you, the gear I make is definitely mirror worthy - so thanks! My char sheet has been public for years, and I never make it private. When I was working on the wander, I got tons of whispers in game about it so I put the build guide up. And since GGG pushed 3.0 out, I'm not actively promoting it anymore. Check yourself the last time I bumped it. Also you don't need mirrored rings, 450ex chest, or a 500ex weapon to achieve the GG damage while still relying on wise oak as a crutch. I guess you missed the "budget" section? I'll link it or you:
Budget Build recommendations
You MUST have shavs/skyforth/CoE. CoE is 20c clean, Shavs you can find a 6l in standard for about 6ex, and skyforth about 22-25ex depending on version. If you do not/cannot get these items, do not attempt this build. A solid 2-mod-rare Chaos wand will be your best friend on the come-up. It doesn't have to be as awesome as this one, but just get one with some phys/chaos dmg them multi mod it. Unlike physical damage, there is only ONE tier of Chaos damage on wands, so if you find a wand with chaos damage it can be divined to to top-tier. Just get one with some spell/chaos or phys/chaos, then multimod and add phys/spell (whichever mod it doesn't currently have). This will be your weapon through the entire game until you get a mirrored pure phys wand. You could get a prophecy wand for the 11%crit/more x-y, or an imbued wand as they are more common. If you can't find one to purchase you could always alt spam until you get phys/spell/chaos and then try to regal another mod (phys/spell/chaos). This is my friend's shield he bought for 5ex in standard, this would do pretty well in this build. You want a solid amulet with crit/multi/es%/flat phys and a spot for flat chaos, res is nice too. Rings are already pretty budget, I bought each one for 2ex and then cleaned for 2ex and multimodded for 2ex, and rolled es/chaos dmg which is 1ex. So about 7.5ex each for exactly what you want. Not bad! Just throw divines to them until you get 20%es and some dmg rolls you're happy with. ![]() Bro, this is standard we're talking about here. There are shit tons of builds out there using legacy vinktar which by itself is 70ex+. For the price of that one flask, you can get everything listed above including all flasks, and still have some left over. Wanders that don't use wise oak/vinktar require investment in order to deal GG damage. Running out of time here, so I'll just quickly finish by saying your signature goes perfectly with your bolded last line, keep up the great work! Although it's still not pvp viable just like my wander isn't. So, declaring melee isn't dead by using point blank/proj/wise oak is completely untrue and is simply bandaid'ing the real core issues. Just the facts, not a big deal or anything against you. Hope this helps! 🎆🎆
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 |
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" USA! USA! USA! " USA! USA! USA! Relating to yer comment about Molten Strike, Rup, Molten strike is awesome! Next to Flicker Strike and Heavy Strike, it's one of my favorites. In fact my first three builds (all on the same character) were Heavy Strike, Molten Strike, Flicker Strike, respectively. After 2.0 I was able to develop characters around each of those skills based upon Ascendancy (Slayer, Chieftain, Trickster), which I still have active and geared today. Melee may be somewhat(temporarily) attenuated in PvP but it's still 'da best! Ahem, USA! USA! USA! |
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ahfack your build doesnt require skyforth to make it work first of all, and you have to kill shaper deathless or at least with 1 death(preferably to a micromanagement mistake) to serve it to public as something legit. we all know that.
of course, don't take me very serious when i quote some shit from nietzsche, i'm not entirely serious there. still, it has a point. things are broken, we are using them, standart league is for most of us, choosing a skill gem and trying to get most dps out of it and most defenses with that setup. using clever ideas, finding synergies etc. you know, makes you feel good, don't you? that's what we do, that's all we do. finding a skill gem and having the most dps out of it like nobody had done before? it makes you feel very enthusiastic about it. i just don't like elitism without basis and strong arguments, acting as if nobody is abusing any stuff and trying to be saint. OMG pathfinder succkksss. Motlen strikesss, is that even meleeeee. has melee had 10M+ dps before? thats something new, then it's great, thats my mindset. double dipping is not a clever idea anymore, vinktar is not either, bows wands... overuseeed. (yet, people sitll couldnt figure out that doomfletch inquisitor has more damage than brood twine actually, ahah, brood twine inquisitor gets like 9-10% more dps only compared to doomfletch) i really like people who finds new stuff and comes with some weird ideas and make them work. jorge's flameblast comes to my mind for example while writing these. those who bash new stuff or same stuff over and over again, i find it very pathetic. makes me react. hurrr durr i use cwdt flame dash lacerate with full of double dipping items... but... hurrrr pathfidner sucks....!!11 pathetic. we are all part of the same hypocrisy. "saints" on the other hand are another story. one last thing, if you are feeling hopeless why don't you kill shaper with tempestous steel. actually you can. i killed shaper deathless with oro's. tempestous steel kill would be awesome too, i have no doubt. somebody has to do it. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on May 28, 2017, 3:42:52 PM
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Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016 // You'd better run. “EA is fine” -relith |
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Well, I'm glad to hear you weren't all the way serious :) Hard to accurately read one's tone via tcp/ip sometimes. Yeah, I know I don't have to have skyforth I just don't want people messaging me stupid fucking questions "I DIE ALL THE TIME, BLAH BLAH" because they're getting stunned or "MY CRIT CHANCE SUX WHYYYYY" if they don't even have power charges up. There are multiple ways to cover for it and I did tell a guy in my thread the first thing that came to my mind:
" I prefer this to be the exception to the rule rather than the rule itself so people know what to expect. I don't want my thread to be at the top of the ranger forum with people bitching about how they're dying all the time or not getting the damage I'm showing (learned that from the signalshot thread #realtalk #nodisrespect). I'd rather be honest straight out the gate so they don't get roped into something they believe to be true, even if it's their fault and not mine. Not to sound super hipster, but the whole shaper deathless thing is already tired, and that's just the facts. The only reason I do it is because I get whisps about it and that's what people want to see. The whole "I do this much damage with PoB" is next in line on the tired-train, but again, that's what people want to see so what can you do? As I've said in my thread, PoB calculations should be taken with a grain of salt. How much pen you can get in this fucking game is out of control. Penetration values are off the charts, and abusing those methods in order to pull off a shaper kill with a unique weapon is utterly worthless. It doesn't even take a unique/magic/rare weapon at all, you can do it with a white one:
![]() Which, to touch on PoB being tired. I guarantee the build above (with a white weapon) doesn't do 25% the damage yours does on PoB (with mind fang) but the kill time is still similar enough. If you're killing shaper before he can slam you, then you're doing it. Yes, you're using a melee tagged skill, but it's only strong because of ele pen/projectile scaling. You say this almost verbatim in your own thread: " How can you say melee isn't dead when you use no melee scaling? Seriously? lol If you want to accomplish something by actually being creative, make a build with 0 elemental damage and no projectiles. Do a deathless shaper with heavy strike or something crazy like that. Using proj/pen/wise oak in order to claim melee is not dead is the wrong way to go about it, and that's just me being 100% honest. 🎆🎆
🎆🎆 NEW #1 LLRF Helm -> 30% MORE|25CON|25BURN|-12fire|352es 🎆🎆 #1 Phys/Impale Leg 70% Multi Amulet + #1 Phys Rings! 🎆🎆 ^^Free 7L Fortify Cyclone! 🎆🎆 |
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" Jokes on you, no one plays PvP so there is no way to substantiate these claims. "That's nice cupcake" ~ Rlowe, 1984 - RIP in pieces, least we 4get
"""Everyone is an asshole and I'm awesome" ~ Mygalomorphae, 2016" ~ philophil, 2016" ~ Mygalomorphae, 2016 "Fuck." ~ Rlowe, 2017 " thread..." ~ Rlowe, 2017 |
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" oh you became the judge what is creative and what is not lately? cool, please let me know what i should do at 3.0 which can be considered as "creative" melee is a range of attacking isn't it? english clearly isn't my native language. so it's mostly about the range isn't it? " -wikipedia to be able to in hit range, if you have to jump center of the creatures and surround yourself, where you can be hit and damaged from everything around you, you are melee. you are in melee fight, am i not right? what makes melee range projectiles non cool while sword hit or axe hit is considered as cool? isn't that from the same range? well, first of all if you use dying sun & or invest on more aoe(tree), it greatly reduces single target dps of Molten strikes(bigger spread of projectiles) and reduces point blank damage modifier with each investment. so you have to keep things in "melee" range to be able to hit hard with molten strikes. anyway, what about EQ? EQ is cool? EQ is less melee than molten strikes according to your logic. what makes it so special when its pure phys? what is creative there? what makes elemental damage scaling non cool? what is cool, what is creative? all your arguments are just bubbles that you blow to air? they have no base. -close range -little central control well molten strikes is a melee skill with projectiles. you don't hit shit from distance, you get close, you facetank incoming stuff and do a close combat. i'm really curious what makes stuff non cool - non creative in your logic. cause i see none. anyway, i'm really curious about your 240ex 1# cyclone axe' shaper kill speed too, i'd like to compare it with my 6ex oro's oh lol i found it, amazing. i surrender. thats very creative. holy fuck, still can't believe. oro's btw. "You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength." Last edited by Rupenus#5905 on May 28, 2017, 7:44:02 PM
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Why defend yourself? Just do it.
I mean, you're making it sound like you have what it takes since you have to get close and that you deal with the shortcomings of Molten Strike, why not just go Heavy Strike? Lavender or Leave.
PvPresident, 2016 // You'd better run. “EA is fine” -relith |
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My last post was removed because it was faaaaaaar too truthful and was in another thread.
I can't resist this one though, really comparing multiple.....I mean multiple Molten Strike boulders overlapping on a target to any other melee skill? That's literally one of the most ignorant comparisons I could of ever imagined id see here. Even bare bones Molten Strike only supported by Concentrated Effect and maybe...maybe Point Blank > 90% of the melee skills in the game especially shit like Heavy Strike. When you fools get on my level and show up with a true single target melee skill, let me know. On another note, why don't you scrubs use Ethereal Knives or Freezing Pulse anymore? Oh that's right, no aoe/psuedo shotgunning crutch. GGG, the ADA of gaming....huuuur i gotz mai skilz. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on May 28, 2017, 8:38:05 PM
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