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Varskar wrote:
That might be a stupid question but can you start as scion or do you need to release her every league? :P I think I will give it a shot. My plan is to use bisco + two rings + two mf gems in a six link. How much life u think will it have?

Once unlocked you can start with her for ever right away.
If you are planning to play something else besides standard you only can get Item Rarity, Quantity does no longer drop, Legacy League was an exception.
8.5k is kinda the softcap without kaoms stuff, so with 2 ventors + Biscos you should have around 7.3k with decent other gear
Last edited by Twinks#7280 on Aug 2, 2017, 8:31:58 AM
do you think dual dyadus is endgame viable now? Since no bosses are chill immune, they can all be technically chilled even at 1% effectiveness right?.
Hi this will be my first RF build, can u tell us the difference between this one and the one of Pohx Kappa? pls take ur time and Thanks for the build looks awesome.
id_rather_be_single wrote:
do you think dual dyadus is endgame viable now? Since no bosses are chill immune, they can all be technically chilled even at 1% effectiveness right?.

From what I have been reading it should be like that yes.
If you use the right elemental source, chill does now always get applied for 2 seconds.
The dealt amount of damage does only influence the speed reduction of the Boss.
Be aware though that ground effects which chill do not count for Dyadus, you actually need to hit with something, also with giving up the RotP shield you will become squishy and that for doubling the damage vs chilled enemies. Might be working good though with a other build made around bruning damage.

frederickf wrote:
Hi this will be my first RF build, can u tell us the difference between this one and the one of Pohx Kappa? pls take ur time and Thanks for the build looks awesome.

Hi, I am in general not a friend of comparing x with y because I do provide every single stat/info you need to do so by your own. If you are missing stuff from other builds then just ask them for it.
But in that special case I would not even do it if it would be on my end, because Pohx did "trashtalk" Life RF builds several times in the recent past and is/was doing that build just to swim on the 3.0 hype wave, that is also the reasoning for Berserker over Juggernaut / Chieftain, because others were covered already plenty of times.
Been trying to get caught up on the latest changes (haven't played since Perandus). Had a few builds bookmarked, then I came across yours and it became a search-stopper. Thank you for putting in the detail and the time to create it.
Daze wrote:
Been trying to get caught up on the latest changes (haven't played since Perandus). Had a few builds bookmarked, then I came across yours and it became a search-stopper. Thank you for putting in the detail and the time to create it.

Thanks for the kind words.

Everything is now updated for 3.0 and we should be good to go.
Gl & hf all
Last edited by Twinks#7280 on Aug 3, 2017, 8:00:31 AM
Last edited by Llynok#4739 on Aug 3, 2017, 11:42:42 AM
OK thanks a lot for the answer, ill try your build looks amazing and looks really complete, and Scion FTW, Thanks ;) Gl.
Hey, just passing by to say thanks and that I used this guide to create my own char in Legacy. I loved the chill play style. Made good currency and managed to see most of the game with it.
I did have one question though: Why Scion? Just a personal preference or any particular reason?

Once again, thanks for the guide!
ChaosHill wrote:
Hey, just passing by to say thanks and that I used this guide to create my own char in Legacy. I loved the chill play style. Made good currency and managed to see most of the game with it.
I did have one question though: Why Scion? Just a personal preference or any particular reason?

Once again, thanks for the guide!

There were two main reasons for me to choose Scion.
The first was that I already played every other RF possibility.
The second one was that Ascendant was/is so bad, that there is literally no build available which another char could not do much better.
But the Life RF version is kinda at one Level with other Classes, as always there are a few advantages and disadvantages but they are making up for eachother.
Harbringer will be the 4th League in a row I am playing it and the main reason I did stick with it over everything else is that there is in my eyes no single build/version which can be played more relaxed/easy than that. I am not one of those people which are getting an orgasm at 300+ APM and a screen full of effects. I prefer the possibility of interacting / watching something during playing and also playing sometimes braindead just map after map and only listening if a "ping" does happen and what shall I say, that build does provide everything of that with ease and still can do every content.

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