Minion Balance Changes in The Fall of Oriath Beta

bwam wrote:
alhazred70 wrote:
bwam wrote:

Listen, noob

Some people play a game for years and remain noobs overvaluing things they think are clever, but actually are a waste of opportunity cost. Some people play a game for months and zip right past them. Yours is not the first drama queen overreacting forum post about a nerf that I've rolled my eyes at. The truth is the skill sucks, the fact that you waste sockets on it for a niche use that just litters the screen with more spam in party play, gives you a false sense of utility and can also be accomplished with a better skill (such as golems) doesn't change the fact that it sucks for everyone ELSE who might want to actually USE it. So you're being selfish; You would keep it unchanged and useless for others by crying about them making the actual end result stronger but less spammy.

Summoners are already visual and frame rate AIDS in party's if they nerf your pet niche use I'm more than happy to sip your sweet tears.

That said I think making the skill cast 3 skells and capping them at 12 or 15 with triple the health would be a better way to go. But since you got so butt hurt about a little snarky "fixed for you" joke... screw it, 1 skell per cast, good move GGG.

You just ranted for three paragraphs, accusing me of being "selfish" and generally overreacting to a friendly forum jibe. And you're calling me "butt hurt"?

When did a plurality of paragraphs become evidence of emotional content? Isn't that generally the job of punctuation?

So, I mean can you deny that you aren't approaching this from a selfish viewpoint? These changes to Skells as I alluded to in my last post probably aren't the best way to make the skill more relevant (to something besides a niche use that another skill is better for anyway) but at least it's a start, and they've said they want to make changes during the beta with active feedback so maybe with 1 skell per cast they can have double the AI overhead? Or triple their speed, agressiveness or both? 1 smarter skell that hits faster and harder is better then 2 stupid ones that aimlessly wander around as they currently do.

What if by making them 1 per cast they could change them to follow you and you no longer have to recast them at every pack? Wow we definitely wouldn't want that quality of life for someone wanting to actually USE the skill if it means you no longer get AS MUCH use for cheezing the enemy AI via CWDT spam.

Ops another three paragraphs.
Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4.
If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years.
Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Apr 3, 2017, 7:01:55 PM
alhazred70 wrote:
When did a plurality of paragraphs become evidence of emotional content? Isn't that generally the job of punctuation?

So, I mean can you deny that you aren't approaching this from a selfish viewpoint? These changes to Skells as I alluded to in my last post probably aren't the best way to make the skill more relevant (to something besides a niche use that another skill is better for anyway) but at least it's a start, and they've said they want to make changes during the beta with active feedback so maybe with 1 skell per cast they can have double the AI overhead? Or triple their speed, agressiveness or both? 1 smarter skell that hits faster and harder is better then 2 stupid ones that aimlessly wander around as they currently do.

What if by making them 1 per cast they could change them to follow you and you no longer have to recast them at every pack? Wow we definitely wouldn't want that quality of life for someone wanting to actually USE the skill if it means you no longer get AS MUCH use for cheezing the enemy AI via CWDT spam.

Ops another three paragraphs.

If you think it's "selfish" to represent a position being impacted by a decision, then you're confusing/conflating representing one's own interest with selfishness.
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - <
I see no update regarding improving their retarted targeting system
I hope they are able to put the store spectere up , because damm that is one of the things that anoyes me the most .
Less minions overall = less defense for the summoner. This makes HC summoning even more dangerous.

More damage = more clear speed. - This wasnt an issue for people who played summoner. Its not the same playstyle. Its not about speed clearing and it doesn't ever need to be. If you want to speed clear for cash, you play something OP that GGG has left broken.

I've played the "class" for almost 5 years and i do believe you're now compromising the classes identity by taking away what i means to be a true summoner -- to raise an army of the undead to kill and protect yourself with.

It was bad enough that the monster AI favored your character over your minions which already made no sense. With this further nerf to the summoner playstyle i do hope that more defensive options become available as staying alive is going to be that much harder with slower minion summoning (1 at a time) and less minions overall for mobs to target.
Still absolutely 0 information on accuracy rating of minions.
Monaclechild wrote:
I literally just started playing this game because it's finally evolved to a point where I can sit down and really get a great D2 Vibe out of it.

Thank goodness I was just complaining to my girlfriend the other day how you guys actually let me have minions and how I hated actually having minions and I preferred to have let's say, a Diablo 3 amount of minions. So let's keep it at 3. I feel like the threshold for player happiness vs performance should probably not focus on let's say....My favorite experience in the game. Having minions. You know the one thing that makes minion play in your game different from other Diablo-esque games.

So now there's no crossbows, No spears (my all-time personal favorite), and my first baby in this game, is getting murdered. I'm so irritated right now that I have to literally tell my girlfriend she just remade her character and spent about 50 hours playing it just to have it butchered before we could really get into this game. lol. That's so lame.

Fix your code instead of butchering your gameplay. This IS the lazy way out.

Let me point out, my computer, is 10 years old (almost). 2.4ghz quad core with 3GB of ram. That's right fellows, still kicking 3GB of RAM. My graphics card is a GeForce 610. A 40$ card. Now I'm a little confused what performance issues we're on about. Aside from some somewhat questionable A.I. patterns during combat.

I support this post!

I can tell the same story.

Stop nerfing my minion army!
The amount of minions you can have is the major thing that separates PoE Summoner Builds from the other ARPG out there!
Alea wrote:
This can means 1 thing:

The whole game difficulty could go back to early version era, where each pack was slow to kill ... So nerfing the actual non-sense of killing monsters so fast that we cant even see all the loot on the ground.

And then improving summons, logical, since those are slowpoke playing based.

Cant expect an answer to my post :(

Summoner hasn't been at that level in a long time.
The game is already needlessly more difficult for a Summoner for various reasons that have already been mentioned. I've played other builds:

Flicker Strike
Crit Ice Shot
Essence Drain
Various trappers
Fire Nova Miners
Various Totem builds

Of all of those, none are really more difficult to play than a Summoner once you start mapping.

Of all of those, you don't have to say to yourself "Damn, this magic pack just decimated my entire offensive/defensive aspect". Nor do you have to portal out/fall back and spend the next 2 minutes raising Zombies at 250+ mana per cast. Summoners (at least without SRS) are completely shafted because the defense of minions is so atrociously low than a single Volatile mod can nearly 1-shot your entire horde.

And, to compensate for this, GGG is doing nothing about the atrocious AI, the abysmal lack of defensive options (aside from shafting us into having mandatory auras just to clear maps), or targeting mechanics, they're simply lowering the amount of Zombies and increasing damage.

Damage was never the issue. Even without Monty's Grasp. The issue is how unreliable they are in nearly every other aspect. These issues aren't resolved and they're still huge detractors to playing a Summoner. I've been playing not long after beta ended and Summoners have only gotten worse.
If you're reading this, I'm probably on another year-long ban.
Thanks GGG.
sounds like my favorite
is getting indirectly nerfed which is sad - i know femurs isn't game breaking or anything but it sure was a strong option

played hell with my frame rates but with 70+ skellies out it was good fun laying waste to breaches with srs and a minion horde

The limit to army of bones and further restrictions does not bode well for my mob.

Hopefully when 3.0 drops the new reality for summoners will be better than the old but i have a feeling i will miss my dear old bones.

Dont miss Life node, life gain per level and base life buff GGG! We need life buffing so much!

Minion buffs important, but life base players suffering way way too longer and so much so its time to buff them more then you GGG want it, much more!
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