Minion Balance Changes in The Fall of Oriath Beta

1 april joke?
Please fix the minions, golems .. in general, when we die they do not die that is broken. And it is not logical.
Again... nothing for Dominating blow

Wouldnt be surprise if they remove it

- 2.0: Dominating Blow: Minions deal 20% less damage at level 1, with the penalty reduced at each gem level. Each level grant 2% more minion damage, for 20% more damage at level 20.

- 2.1: Minions created by it now deal 35% less damage at all levels.

From 20%more( level 20) to -35%(all levels) thats somewhere like 50%less damage nerf! and not only that, it removed a part of the incentive to level them gem not having the damage scale per lvl.

And having its mechanic denied to endgame bosses and recent contents:

- Atziri

- shaper

- Izaro

All fights with non-Dominatable adds monsters or they die once add-phase is over.

Also, league monsters cannot be Dom Blow:

- Breach
- Beyond

Thats why we need

What if, instead of converting Monsters into minions, Dominating blow was Converting monsters of each kind into 1 Model, 1 representative and that monster feeds from the monsters you dominate. Lets call that monster/minion, a Prime.

IE: Kill a Goatman, all the next Goatman you Dominate will be absorbed by this Prime Goatman . So instead of having 10 distinct Goatman, you now have 1 Goatman with the power of 10.

So lets say we have the Prime that does 1-10 damage and has 200 hp:

  • then he absorbs a monster with 1-8dmg/100hp
  • a rare with 10-20dmg/300hp/extra life(dunno real % but lets say 30%)/Resistance aura.

Then this Prime now has stats that goes like:

Damage: 12-38 base

life: 800hp (600*1.3)

mods: Extra life (previously added) and Resistance aura

And you can have 1 Prime of each type of monsters!

1 Roah, 1 prime titty bitch,1 devourer, etc

The first monster you convert creates the Prime, the monsters you convert afterward are added to it. The Prime timer is frozen as long as there is another monster buffing him. Each added monster have their own individual timer that when expires make the Prime shrinks (obviously).

Scenario 1 :

- Kill a monster(monster1) that becomes Prime( lasts 15sec)

- Kill another similar monster(Monter2) that adds its stats to the Prime but have its own timer ( 15sec)

- Prime timer freezes

- 15 second later, monster2's timer runs out

- Prime timer starts (15sec)

- 15sec later and you have not killed another similar monster, Prime dies

Scenario 2 :

- Kill a monster(monster1) that becomes Prime( lasts 15sec)

- Kill another similar monster(Monter2) that adds its stats to the Prime but have its own timer ( 15sec)

- Prime timer freezes

- 10second later you Kill another monster (monsters3) which adds to Prime

- 5 second later, monster2's timer runs out, Prime shrinks and loses Monster2's buff

- Prime timer is still frozen because Monster3 timer is still running

The more absorbed monster(buffs) it has, the bigger it gets. This would just take the Souleater+Headhunter feeling we have with Dom blow and take it to its final and perfect form, a complete and polished skill.


Microtransation opportunity:
Using Invasion boss models as hosts for the Prime would be pretty cool and good recycling


- this could fix Bloodline issues
- Increased monster diversity could be way more interesting with such skill mechanic.
- the lag Dominating blow generates

Dominating blow Enchants also suck fucking hard

If we look at other Duration summoning skills enchants we got :



- Srs damage (25% & 40%)
- Srs duration
- Chance to spawn an additionnal Srs


Animate Weapon:

- AW damage(25% & 40%)
- AW duration
- Chance to spawn an additional AW


Summon skeleton:

- Summon skeleton damage(25% & 40%)
- Chance to spawn 1 additional skeleton
- Chance to spawn 2 additional skeleton

and then we got Dominating blow

- Dom blow player damage (24% & 34%)
- Dom blow Minion duration
- Dom Blow minion damage (20% & 30%)

1) Where are the Additional monster mods? or even Dominated monster has a chance to become 1 rarity higher

2)All other minion skills get 40% increased damage (minion) while dom blow gets 30% + having a 35% less damage on the gem

3) why are the damage mods 2 separate enchants? it only makes the skill weaker by watering down its power sources. Being a single mod would be way better, still shit but better.

4) The Enchant that buffs Player Dom blow damage is 24-36%, even the melee part of Dom Blow gets weaker enchants than other melee skill


3.0 is COming: Fall of Oriath

Aint it the perfect timing?

ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Last edited by Sexcalibure#7575 on Mar 31, 2017, 6:19:25 AM
1 april joke?

I hope not. Spectres permanence is long requested QoL improvement. If that's joke, it's a cruel one.

Skeletons, like RS, were too spammy. Global restriction sounds reasonable.

Zombies are strong, but not in the endgame, and their damage is soooo slow. The extra damage mod, along with recent changes, makes them a viable main damage skill. With current meta, most Zommbie-based necro will run with 5 at most anyway.

Time for danse macabre!

I'll wait and see what exactly you end up doing with Spectres before rejoicing, but it is nice to hear that some much needed QoL changes are coming their way.

Persistence being the most important one, by far.
Take care out there.
Sexcalibure wrote:
Again... nothing for Dominating blow

Wouldnt be surprise if they remove it

- 2.0: Dominating Blow: Minions deal 20% less damage at level 1, with the penalty reduced at each gem level. Each level grant 2% more minion damage, for 20% more damage at level 20.

- 2.1: Minions created by it now deal 35% less damage at all levels.

From 20%more( level 20) to -35%(all levels) thats somewhere like 50%less damage nerf! and not only that, it removed a part of the incentive to level them gem not having the damage scale per lvl.

And having its mechanic denied to endgame bosses and recent contents:

- Atziri

- shaper

- Izaro

All fights with non-Dominatable adds monsters or they die once add-phase is over.

Also, league monsters cannot be Dom Blow:

- Breach
- Beyond

Thats why we need

What if, instead of converting Monsters into minions, Dominating blow was Converting monsters of each kind into 1 Model, 1 representative and that monster feeds from the monsters you dominate. Lets call that monster/minion, a Prime.

IE: Kill a Goatman, all the next Goatman you Dominate will be absorbed by this Prime Goatman . So instead of having 10 distinct Goatman, you now have 1 Goatman with the power of 10.

So lets say we have the Prime that does 1-10 damage and has 200 hp:

  • then he absorbs a monster with 1-8dmg/100hp
  • a rare with 10-20dmg/300hp/extra life(dunno real % but lets say 30%)/Resistance aura.

Then this Prime now has stats that goes like:

Damage: 12-38 base

life: 800hp (600*1.3)

mods: Extra life (previously added) and Resistance aura

And you can have 1 Prime of each type of monsters!

1 Roah, 1 prime titty bitch,1 devourer, etc

The first monster you convert creates the Prime, the monsters you convert afterward are added to it. The Prime timer is frozen as long as there is another monster buffing him. Each added monster have their own individual timer that when expires make the Prime shrinks (obviously).

Scenario 1 :

- Kill a monster(monster1) that becomes Prime( lasts 15sec)

- Kill another similar monster(Monter2) that adds its stats to the Prime but have its own timer ( 15sec)

- Prime timer freezes

- 15 second later, monster2's timer runs out

- Prime timer starts (15sec)

- 15sec later and you have not killed another similar monster, Prime dies

Scenario 2 :

- Kill a monster(monster1) that becomes Prime( lasts 15sec)

- Kill another similar monster(Monter2) that adds its stats to the Prime but have its own timer ( 15sec)

- Prime timer freezes

- 10second later you Kill another monster (monsters3) which adds to Prime

- 5 second later, monster2's timer runs out, Prime shrinks and loses Monster2's buff

- Prime timer is still frozen because Monster3 timer is still running

The more absorbed monster(buffs) it has, the bigger it gets. This would just take the Souleater+Headhunter feeling we have with Dom blow and take it to its final and perfect form, a complete and polished skill.


Microtransation opportunity:
Using Invasion boss models as hosts for the Prime would be pretty cool and good recycling


- this could fix Bloodline issues
- Increased monster diversity could be way more interesting with such skill mechanic.
- the lag Dominating blow generates

Dominating blow Enchants also suck fucking hard

If we look at other Duration summoning skills enchants we got :



- Srs damage (25% & 40%)
- Srs duration
- Chance to spawn an additionnal Srs


Animate Weapon:

- AW damage(25% & 40%)
- AW duration
- Chance to spawn an additional AW


Summon skeleton:

- Summon skeleton damage(25% & 40%)
- Chance to spawn 1 additional skeleton
- Chance to spawn 2 additional skeleton

and then we got Dominating blow

- Dom blow player damage (24% & 34%)
- Dom blow Minion duration
- Dom Blow minion damage (20% & 30%)

1) Where are the Additional monster mods? or even Dominated monster has a chance to become 1 rarity higher

2)All other minion skills get 40% increased damage (minion) while dom blow gets 30% + having a 35% less damage on the gem

3) why are the damage mods 2 separate enchants? it only makes the skill weaker by watering down its power sources. Being a single mod would be way better, still shit but better.

4) The Enchant that buffs Player Dom blow damage is 24-36%, even the melee part of Dom Blow gets weaker enchants than other melee skill


3.0 is COming: Fall of Oriath

Aint it the perfect timing?

Very good idea!
I'm glad skeletons are getting some love but will the skele mages ever be much good with their current ai? what about an aggressive/follow ai mod for skeletons with army of bones rework?
Any chance of a spreadsheet for golems as well?


Raised Zombies have had their damage increased, and now do 45% more damage with a level 20 minion gem. Alongside the new zombie threshold jewel, they should be a more reliable source of damage while maintaining their defensive capabilities.

you mean the defensive capabilities that cant even really survive shaper?

base damage is fine and dandy i suppose but frankly... it wont matter if my dps pool gets wiped every 2 seconds because the boss just spams to much shit for a dumb as nails minion that does not have mathil level dodging skills to survive.
Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Mar 31, 2017, 6:48:38 AM

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