NEC [2.6] Blink/Mirror Arrow Poison Life-based [SC/HC] [TwinCore] [Guardians] [Atziri]

*** Current DoT 3.0 changes totally destroy this build ***

Let's give some example. Let's Assume I have 100% more with 400% increased minion damage and poison.

Now (in 2.6):
my minion deals 100 base damage, which after more/inc becomes 1000, then posion gives 10% as 100 dps, and double-dip makes it x10 once more, so as result I have 1000 hit + 1000 dps poison.

After (in 3.0):
my minion deals 100 base damage, which after more/inc becomes 1000, then poison deals 20 base dps , which after more/inc becomes 200 dps. So as result I have 1000 hit + 200 dps poison (!5 times less!). And that's all. I simply CANNOT increase this damage any further since no "damage over time increased" or "increased poison damage" nodes will be applied to minion damage output, right?

I don't think minions with physic dmg and poison were any kind of OP now, at all. As the final result our dps in poison became around 5 or even more times WORSE, as overall dps in fell like about 2-3 times. It was ALMOST CRITICALLY LOW already, but now it's just the end of the build. Search for some other builds boyz.

*** Still OK in 2.6 though =) ***

Special thanks to my friend Kukusenok, enjoy his streams (Russian language):

Kukusenok: So, are you a witch?
Me: Yes, I am a witch.
Kukusenok: But why do u use a bow?
Me: Because I'm an archer.
Kukusenok: And why does a WITCH damage with a bow as an ARCHER?
Me: Because In her heart, she is a summoner.

Русская версия/Russian version

Instead intro

Hi. This is my first try to write build on a forum. This character has level 94, and is not that common. Also sorry for my bad english, I'll try my best though.


+ Nice EHP (~9k) assuming MOM/EB, 200% increased maximum life (+4/5 jewels with maximum life, so around 230% in total). Also southbound or belly can be used here.
+ Leveling as a witch up to lvl ~75 is really flexible - you can go default spell caster with further refunds from quests only, or you can go as a summoner. It's up to you.
+ You can easily have 169/169/169/135 resists. Yeah, chaos res cap here for like 2-3 priced ex items. Without capped chaos res its really BUDGET build.
+ You do not need expensive uniques at all. But you 100% need Lioneye's glare. Soul strike/drillneck is welcomed too, but you can use rare quiver as well. Since these facts, it may be not good for SSF. But I already have 1 on my SSF HC character =)

+ Most of damage scaling is obtained through cheap things/skilltree.
+ It is chaos damage based build. Damage is dealt by your minions. So you really do not care about some specific map mods. (no regen is actually an issue, because it disables your enduring cry regen too)
+ 3 or 4 life flasks with 5 uses each =) Requires 19 or 20% reduced charges used on belt though.
+ Mana is not an issue at all.

- Final obtainable damage is not that high. And it cannot be scaled even by GG items. At all. Quite enough to clear T15 with comfort though.
- Shaper - think, it is almost impossible here. Everything else in game currently is viable. (videos TBD). Chimera and Hydra are gonna be a long fight, cuz of their poison immune, but still doable (you should swap poison for PPAD or Slower projectiles).
- You need dex on almost ALL of your gear.


I forgot to activate my auras, but still deathless =)))

- Just common abyss run
- Minotaur
- Phoenix

- Chimera - is a long and complex fight. We need to swap our poison for slower projectiles or ppad. I'm lazy and swapped only one of them.
- Hydra TBD - already killed it, even longer fight, than chimera, but much easier, if you understand, what to do.

Uber Atziri coming soon. I'm really poor on standard, commonly playing in hardcore leagues =) If someone can offer help with like maps/mortal fragments and so on - I'll really appreciate this :P But for now, I'm just slowly farming some things.

Original idea

This build is come kind of mix of these 2 builds:

Thanks its' authors.



Mirror Arrow - Added Chaos Damage - Poison - Minion Damage - GMP/LMP - Pierce
Blink Arrow - Added Chaos Damage - Poison - Minion Damage - GMP/LMP - Pierce


Enduring Cry - Increased Duration - Faster casting - Vaal discipline

Vaal discipline is good even after nerf. We need to have possibility to cast blink arrow, even if under heavy pressure.


CWDT L16 - Immortal Call L17 - Spirit offering L18 - Desecrate L18
Spirit offering

- You do not need aspd from Flesh offering since mirror/blink arrow minion aspd is capped. And this cao is obtained easily just from you bow. Really.
- Spirit offering helps you with resists.
- The most important - it gives you large amount of ES, sustaining MOM for 100% efficiency like for VERY long time.
- Physical gained as chaos is what we need, sweet.

CWDT Level

- You need to assume 5 bodies to affect your spirit offering (since we have desecrate there too). So 10% of your HP gonna be restored as ES. And this amount must be 30% of CWDT damage taken amount to trigger.
Example: if you have 6k HP, then it is 600 ES, which is 30% of CWDT damage, then CWDT damage is 600*10/3 = 2000.
I can be lil wrong here with my math, AND you should remember, that the more CWDT level, the more your desecrate value (since it has only 3 charges with cooldown). So I raise this amount a lil bit.
I think +1/2 levels of cwdt/according other gems would be fine and may be even better.
This is really complicated, I appreciate any help in this math, if you can offer such ...=)


2x Purity of Fire/Cold/Lightning (depends on items)
Level 1 clarity (10% increased damage from necromancer)
Arctic armour

Passive tree

Level 72 before respec

Level 72 after respec

Here you should go Mirror/Blink arrow with Lioneye's Glare. You need at least 1 5-link and maxed "added chaos damage" gems as much as possible. Also tabula rasa with both mirror and blink arrow in combined double 5-links is ok too (could use kaom roots f.e for good hp pool for some time).

If you waste some of these and really have no currency to obtain it - just continue as spell caster until you have.

Why "Zealot's Oath"? Because we need our enduring cry to restore our energy shield, not life. It is important, cuz it is even one more source to have mana for blink arrow even under heavy pressure. Our life can be sustained by flasks spamming, since we have 15 uses (or even 20, if you don't use Brew).


Minion damage/maximum life - is all you need. Any other bonuses are ok, but not necessary.
My jewels:


Oak / Kill / Oak


Brew is our source for cursing. 15 uses for healing is quite enough. I choose bubbling instead of seething, because we have no regen at all, tried both variants, and bubbling seemed much better.

To obtain 5 uses on Divine life flask With "Arcane Chemistry" passive you must have 19% or 20% reduced flask charges used on your belt. Since it gives you 34% or 35% reduce. Some maths (note resulting charges for use are floored, not rounded):
- 34% reduce: charges for use 0.66 * 15 = 9.9 -> 9 of 45 -> 5 uses
- 33% reduce: charges for use 0.67 * 15 = 10.05 -> 10 of 45 -> 4 uses
If you wish to use Hallowed life flask (less heal amount, but less charges used as well), you can have less though:
- 31% reduce: charges for use 0.69 * 10 = 6.9 -> 6 of 30 -> 5 uses.
- 30% reduce: charges for use 0.7 * 10 = 7 -> 7 of 30 -> 4 uses.
So you only need 16% reduced flask charges used on your belt.

Def stats


From dariidar:

Your clones' DPS is NOT THE DPS SHOWN IN THE INGAME TOOLTIP! The tooltip DPS of Mirror Arrow only shows the damage of the arrow that lands on the ground before your clone is summoned.

To calculate mirror arrow clone DPS I have made a spreadsheet:


My current gear

Some thoughts

[ Bow ]
Lioneye's Glare. Pretty much no discussion here, since you need physical damage, and you cannot increase accuracy of your minions.

[ Quiver ]
- Drillneck is good in terms of damage. Was nerfed in 2.6 though to only 50% increased damage from pierce chance instead of 100%. Before 2.6 it was almost must have. Now it is not.
- Soul strike is very good if you miss some evergy shield for MOM sustain.
- Some really good quiver with life, flat phys, resists is an option.

[ Boots ]
Rare Life ES Movespeed Res

[ Helm ]
Rare Bone Helmet Life ES Res Dex

[ Rings ]
2x Rare Life ES Res Dex

[ Amulet ]
- Sidhebreath Paua Amulet (+ implicit minion damage)
- Rare Life ES ES% Res Dex
- Bloodgrip - questionable

[ Belt ]
Rare Life ES Res Reduce Flask Usage

Gems quality

Quality is important

- T1 -
Minion Damage / Increased Duration / Faster Casting

- T2 -
Added Chaos Damage / Poison / Pierce / Enduring Cry / Desecrate

- T3 -
Mirror Arrow / Blink Arrow / Chain / Greater Multiple Projectiles / Summon Chaos Golem / Auras

- Useless -
Spirit Offering / Cast when Damage Taken / Immortal Call / Arctic Armour

Level 21 is important

- REALLY important -
Added Chaos Damage / Minion Damage / Chain / Greater Multiple Projectiles / Arctic Armour / Pierce

- Just better, than Level 20 -
Mirror Arrow / Blink Arrow / Poison / Increased Duration / Spirit Offering / Desecrate / Faster Casting / Auras

- Useless -
Enduring Cry / Summon Chaos Golem


- You must take "Mistress of sacrifice" from necromancer ascendant passives before switch.
- "Commander of darkness" is second ascendant you should take.

Some other notes

- You life/ES with intermediate Spirit offering on should be 70%/30%. In this case your MOM effectiveness is full.



- added Russian version of this build.


- added guardians videos (except hydra).
- added passive tree deeper explanations with step-to-step levelings.


what do you think of using trap with saboteur?

It surely will do more damage, but you will lose ES benefits from spirit offering. Since this build is 100% oriented on survivability in hardcore, I think, spirit offering is more important.
If speaking on softcore - then yeah, necromancer's only REALLY important thing is to take benefits from offerings. Everything else is not so important. So basically, if you go saboteur, then I would look into curses instead of auras. Like, frost armor + blasph + temp chain/vulnerability + enfeeble with some source of double curse. It seem to be much more strong than just 4% max resist for 2 elements.
From damaging gems - you surely should swap pierce and minion damage for trap and cluster traps.

Last edited by Fiard#4295 on May 30, 2017, 9:27:01 AM
Last bumped on Jul 14, 2017, 1:49:39 AM
thx, nice build
Minotaur video added
Phoenix and Chimera videos added
Changelog added
what do you think of using trap with saboteur?
IGN : Bondisk, Champion, Vegadisk
PVP Formula Guide Kor,
PVP Formula Guide Eng,
aliac123 wrote:
what do you think of using trap with saboteur?

It surely will do more damage, but you will lose ES benefits from spirit offering. Since this build is 100% oriented on survivability in hardcore, I think, spirit offering is more important.
If speaking on softcore - then yeah, necromancer's only REALLY important thing is to take benefits from offerings. Everything else is not so important. So basically, if you go saboteur, then I would look into curses instead of auras. Like, frost armor + blasph + temp chain/vulnerability + enfeeble with some source of double curse. It seem to be much more strong than just 4% max resist for 2 elements.
From damaging gems - you surely should swap pierce and minion damage for trap and cluster traps.
Passive tree should be reworked and it requires some research, which I cannot afford right now =)
*** Current DoT 3.0 changes totally destroy this build ***

Let's give some example. Let's Assume I have 100% more with 400% increased minion damage and poison.

Now (in 2.6):
my minion deals 100 base damage, which after more/inc becomes 1000, then posion gives 10% as 100 dps, and double-dip makes it x10 once more, so as result I have 1000 hit + 1000 dps poison.

After (in 3.0):
my minion deals 100 base damage, which after more/inc becomes 1000, then poison deals 20 base dps , which after more/inc becomes 200 dps. So as result I have 1000 hit + 200 dps poison (!5 times less!). And that's all. I simply CANNOT increase this damage any further since no "damage over time increased" or "increased poison damage" nodes will be applied to minion damage output, right?

I don't think minions with physic dmg and poison were any kind of OP now, at all. As the final result our dps in poison became around 5 or even more times WORSE, as overall dps in fell like about 2-3 times. It was ALMOST CRITICALLY LOW already, but now it's just the end of the build. Search for some other builds boyz.

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