[2.6 - LSC] Ngamahu's Flame Cyclone Raider - T16 Guardians & Shaper Viable
![]() This build makes use of Ngamahu's Flame two handed axe and Xoph's Blood amulet. When combined they convert 100% of physical damage to fire damage. The axe also procs Molten Burst on melee hits. In this case, Cyclone hits. We then work on lowering and penetrating enemy's fire resistance. We can get up to 75% lowered fire resistance, and 86% fire resistance penetration. I played this build in Breach and started with it in Legacy. It works extreme well and is hellofafun and easy to play. However, it's not cheap, and is quite squishy. Don't try this in HC. You can check my current build in my profile, name's ZeFreeze: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/rhah/characters Core Items: Gameplay Videos:
T16 Minotaur Map Full Clear: https://youtu.be/W1_PniVogtM T16 Phoenix Map Full Clear: https://youtu.be/c6ZnYVe5u2A T16 Chimera Map Full Clear: https://youtu.be/AD9YbZBARgg T16 Hydra Map Full Clear: https://youtu.be/9uMZYb9-SGs Shaper Fight(Shaper only stages): https://youtu.be/PN7C1nxw_iw Shaper's Realm Full Clear: https://youtu.be/DYbcs8R5M9I low quality Gameplay:
Very simple gameplay.
Basically, all you need to do is to cyclone around. As you do that, Ngamahu's Flame procs Molten Burst, dealing more damage. Both Cyclone and Molten Burst are damage dealers. Cyclone kills most of the trash while Molten Burst finishes them off and helps greatly with bosses. Use Leap to get Fortify buff. I generally only use it on hard-hitting bosses to avoid 1-shots. Activate potions about every 5 seconds. [Removed by Support] Summon Ancestral Warchief Totem on bosses for some extra damage. It gives you 19% more melee damage and some distraction. Not a requirement, stuff still dies quite fast without it. Keep Herald of Ash and Flammability(attached to Blasphemy) curse activated. Limitations:
Elemental reflect is a bitch. If you just cyclone over a reflect mob, you should be ok. But if you stay on it then you will probably die. Don't do reflect maps. You can clear t16 maps with this build and kill all Guardians. Guardians aren't a total faceroll. You will die fast if you fuck up. Shaper viable. Challenging. Don't know about Uber Atziri. Passive Tree (lv 92):
https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIBAQBeBS0F-QguCZYNjQ48EYEUIBRxFHUV8BcmGJEZjhpVIq8i6iPTI_YqOC5TMHcwfDIBMn426DhTOQ46Ujy-QdBDMUZpR35KfUz_TZJOKlBHVP5Z_loaW69fcGEhYetjp2RSZU1oZW8ndO12rHbneHp4-XpTeoR673zZft1_K4IHg22ExYTZhO-FUoZgh2qHdo19jbmPYJAKlcyXeZpqmyabjZu1o4qkwqknqZStjbIZvJ-9Nr3mvqfBo8MzwzrPes9-0K3Tb9N-2NXZYdl82sHdRuJh5FHqGOsJ7T_tg-4O7w7vevPd9zL46_lj_Ev8xf1u If you level higher, the rest of the points go into life% passives. Ascendancy (Ranger - Raider):
Raider is king because of easy frenzy charge generation, ton of movement speed, and immunity to elemental status ailments. Way of the Poacher >> Quartz Infusion >> Avatar of the Veil >> Avatar of the Slaughter Bandits:
+40 life >> Point >> +1 Frenzy Charge Gems + links:
Weapon: 1 - greater multiple projectiles 2 - physical projectile attack damage 3 - weapon elemental damage 4 - concentrated effect 5 - elemental focus 6 - added fire or fire penetration Chest: 1 - cyclone 2 - weapon elemental damage 3 - melee physical damage 4 - increased area of effect (swap with concentrated effect on bosses) 5 - elemental focus 6 - added fire damage or fire penetration or faster attacks I'm not sure about the 6th link. Fire damage and fire penetration supposedly offer similar damage. Faster attacks offers less cyclone damage but increases the number of Molten Burst procs. It's hard to say which one is best. So, imho, either one works. You probably won't notice much of a difference, if any. Boots/Gloves/Helmet: Blasphemy + Flammability Herald of Ash Can also link all of em and add Enlighten for a bigger mana pool, if you have some currency to burn. Boots/Gloves/Helmet: Leap Slam + Fortify + Faster Attacks + Blood Magic Can also add Culling Strike to the mix by replacing Blood Magic, to finish bosses faster. Increasing the quality of this gem will increase the attack speed bonus. 20% quality = 10% AS. Boots/Gloves/Helmet: Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Increased Duration Ancestral Warchief Leveling:
Melee leveling skills: lv 1 - Cleave lv 12 - Sweep lv 12 - Sunder lv 28 - Cyclone Recommended uniques(Two handed Axes): lv 13 - Limbsplit lv 18 - Wideswing lv 27 - Geofri's Baptism (mace) lv 33 - Reaper's Pursuit - culling, hits can't be evaded lv 36 - Hrimnor's Dirge (mace) - 50% physical damage as extra cold lv 40 - The Cauteriser - 70% physical as extra fire damage lv 55 - Ngamahu's Flame lv 58 - Kaom's Primacy (when starting in a new league and can't yet buy Ngamahu's Flame) Or you can just use a rare two handed axe with high physical damage. You can buy a usable one for cheap even at the start of a new league. Mana Management: Elreon Rings or Praxis rings Elreon Amulet Rush to Essence Sap passive - it gives +2 mana gained for each enemy hit by your attacks; or if you have a jewel with this property then you can rush to the nearest jewel socket instead. Buffs: Use Herald of Ash and/or Hatred. You might have to drop one of em, depending on your mana management. Leveling Tree(first 58 points): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIBAABeBS0ILg2NDjwUcRiRGY4aVSP2MHcwfDboOlJDMUd-Sn1M_02STipZ_luvYSFkUmVNdO14enzZgayE2YTvhmCHaod2jX2bjaOKqSepeamUvJ-9Nr6nwUnBo8jc037aweJh5GrqGO2D7g7vevcy-Ov8xf4d Basically you go to Essence Sap cluster, to get some mana generation going. Respec out of it when you get a jewel with +2 mana gained, and mana leech passive on the other leech cluster. Then move towards Resolute Technique, while grabbing some damage and life on the way. Grab Winter Spirit for 40% physical to cold conversion. It should be worth it if you are using Weapon Elemental Damage gem. Respec out of it when you get Xoph's Blood amulet. Grab extra frenzy charges when you get frenzy charge generation from Raider Ascension. Get Point Blank and Iron Grip when you start using Ngamahu's Flame. You should have some life leech and Vaal pact going before attempting 10+ maps. Perhaps even earlier. My gear + explanation:
You need 111 intelligence in total to be able to equip level 20 concentrated effect, increased area of effect and elemental focus gems. That comes to 97 additional intelligence. You can get it with passive points, rings, jewels and perhaps gloves. - converts 50% of physical damage to fire - converts the other 50% of physical damage to fire for a total of 100% phys to fire conversion - casts Molten Burst on Cyclone hits - gems that you socket will affect Molten Burst - sockets don't need to be linked - can get Culling Strike corruption to finish tough bosses faster - movement speed is important because you are running and spinning everywhere - you can enchant this with 15% cyclone speed or 40% increased cyclone damage - lots of life - life, movement speed, resists - can also craft (4-12%)elemental damage with weapons on boots if you find a good pair with a free prefix (Haku 6) - life, elemental damage with weapons, resists - life/%phys damage implicit, i recommend going life - can craft (1-5%) movement speed if you find a good one with a free prefix (Tora 6) - life, resists, %elemental damage with weapons, intelligence, and adds physical damage to attacks if you can afford it - you can can also get an opal ring with 15-25% elemental damage as implicit - life, resists, adds physical damage, attack speed - you can corrupt gloves for "curse enemies with level 11 elemental weakness on hit" and replace one of the rings with Doedre's Damning to be able to apply a second curse -ideally you want a corrupted one with +2 mana on hit or elemental damage Expensive Upgrades:
Primary: (14-16%)Fire Damage // (14-16%)Physical Damage // (14-16%)Physical Damage with Axes // (12-14%)Physical Damage with Two Handed Melee Weapons Secondary: (5-7%)Maximum Life Other: (8-10%)Damage // (10-12%)Area Damage // (12-16)Intelligence // (6-8) Attributes // (8-10)Strength and Intelligence // (8-10%) Elemental Resistances // (10-12%) Double Res // (12-15%) Single Res // (3-5%) Attack Speed Attack speed isn't as good as Damage and Area Damage. Also, don't pay extra for Projectile Damage and Melee Damage. Melee only affects Cyclone while Projectile only affects Molten Burst. Need this mod on one of the jewels: +2 Mana gained for each enemy hit by your attacks Examples: Potions:
- Dying sun increases Molten Burst damage, lowers damage reflected and increases area of effect - The Wise Oak is also very good especially if you can balance all of your resistances, it will then not only increase your damage but also lower reflected damage - Mana flask is important for proper mana management - Quicksilver flask with bonus movement speed roll - make sure to have bleeding removal on at least one flask Chimera Setup: I usually switch to these flasks before the boss. The reason is because during the stage when Chimera attacks you from stealth, you might run out of instant flasks and die before clearing all of the clouds. So i grab an extra flask and get life over time ones with reduced recovery time. The evasion flasks are mostly for the pet stage. I like to group em all up, use leap to get fortify and pop flasks. The reason is that they hit hard and if a bunch of em hit you at the same time, you are likely to die. Evasion and smoke cloud help greatly with that. |
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Expanded the guide a little. Also added the rest of guardian map clears, and an animated gif demonstrating the build.
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Added Shaper kill video. Unfortunately i fucked up video quality. It's still sorta watchable. I'll try to record a better one sometime in the near future.
https://youtu.be/DYbcs8R5M9I |
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" Although people do pot macro, it is against the rules, so you might wana edit that out. Culling strike is usually used because when qualitied it gives attack speed. Miss my old buddies, but life be life sometimes. Last edited by Melissa_GGG#0000 on Apr 2, 2017, 9:32:21 PM
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Added a new Shaper video. This time better quality, and i edited miniboss stages out.
https://youtu.be/PN7C1nxw_iw " Thanks for letting me know that. I added a warning. Didn't know that about Culling, it does make it more attractive. |
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Just some questions about the build. I'm about to allocate my second notable for the ascendancy. I was wondering why we wouldn't go for the avatar of chase.
1. it would give us 100% uptime on onslaught except for on bosses. 2. A constant 40% attack/movement speed buff would be insane I feel since our main source of damage is with the meatballs flying about, rather than our cyclone. I understand phasing is good and the 40% increased ele damage is nice, I was just curious how you decided between them. They all seem so ridiculously good for this build haha. |
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" Because of the "immunity to elemental status ailments while phasing". You become immune to ignite, chill, freeze and shock. Also, we get Onslaught from Slaughter passive (10% chance to get Onslaught for 3 seconds on kill). Not as good but you'll have it for most of the map. |
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How do you generate endurance charges for immortal call cwdt setup?
Why not use Darkray Vectors with +1 frenzy charges corruption? Also, leaving that one lonely frenzy charge passive out makes me sad. I'm not sure how to fix it though because it'd be an extra 5 points just for that frenzy charge. Frenetic + Blood drinker are up there, it's not in your build but it's in the other more popular meatballer build. I have to say, I'm trying yours out right now and I'm really liking it. Another option I am taking right now - Druidic Rite is such a good skill, it sort of solves mana problems plus it gives flask charges and duration, super awesome passive and it's no extra travel for your build. Last edited by unklben#6915 on Apr 1, 2017, 10:56:13 PM
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" There is no endurance charges generation in this build. You don't need endurance charges for cwdt setup to work btw. They only increase duration of the effect. I don't use Dark Vectors because i'm not going dodge. Extra frenzy charges are nice but you lose life and a ton of resists. Life is very important because we absorb a lot of hits. Plus, i don't like how they lower charge duration and lose MS when charges drop. Going for that top frenzy charge is too costly. I often think about it myself, but there are just not enough points. Druidic rite only increases mana pool slightly. It does very little for mana management. Flask buffs are nice, but i'd rather invest those passives into life%. |
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