[2.6] Starforge Lacerate - Becoming Master of the Universe (on a budget)

Doublepost :(
Last edited by 7thDayTheory on Mar 28, 2017, 7:18:50 AM
Can this build do somethink like shaper, uber lab and uber atziri? Guardians? I want to play with some lacerate build because it feels fun, but fun is not enough to play. This build is cheapest than the lacerate with cospris will. But, cospris can do all of endgame content and its very expensive to get all the good stuf. Sorry about my english.
Maicão wrote:
Can this build do somethink like shaper, uber lab and uber atziri? Guardians? I want to play with some lacerate build because it feels fun, but fun is not enough to play. This build is cheapest than the lacerate with cospris will. But, cospris can do all of endgame content and its very expensive to get all the good stuf. Sorry about my english.

Yes, it can. I play on a craptop and are not able to record, but I will link to similiar builds killing shaper.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh0D3SFC_Is&list=WL&index=11 - 2.6 Lacerate Slayer RT BM Starforge killing Shaper

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEFUONsix0I&list=WL&index=9 - Mathil killing bosses with Slayer RT BM Starforge

Last edited by 7thDayTheory on Mar 28, 2017, 1:18:26 PM
Bought myself a minotaur map and proceeded to kill him for my first time (never done any of the guardians before). Forgot to take off onslaught stone, but it was still easy.

Was able to facetank everything, but he was slowly wearing down my lifebulb so once in a while I had to move to let my leech recover my life.

Will see if I can afford to give the others a try as well. (Broke ATM).

On the other hand I managed to sixlink Cherrubims myself. First time I ever sixlink something myself, been playing since open beta.

And I bought a Sin's Rebirth.

Last edited by 7thDayTheory on Mar 29, 2017, 4:15:37 PM
All guardians down
Will attempt Shaper tomorrow.




Last edited by 7thDayTheory on Mar 29, 2017, 6:19:27 PM
Hi mate,

I have the same build but I am having hard time to kill Izaro . Could you please gear check me and give me some advice ? I have 5k HP pool atm.
I don't know. I had no problem facetanking Izaro with full keys. Obviously difficulty depends on the day, but it was easy.

You have somewhat low lifepool which may lead you to get oneshot however. With mediocre gear you should easily have 6-6.5k.

You can try swapping out amulet with Carnage Heart and taking Vitality Void on the passive tree. With that you can leech through anything including T16 guardians. Also, swap in conc. effect for bosses.

If you get oneshot you have to dodge mechanics, untill you get more life.

Some other stuff that might help is proper positioning so that your Lacerate hits towards one general direction hitting both adds and Izaro.

Get one instant life flask.

I always ran lab with one instant life flask + Writhing Jar. Use it once to spawn worms and stack overkill leech before the fight starts.

Basicly, as long as you don't get oneshot you can facetank everything. I suggest you work on getting your HP to 6K or more. We take alot of lifenodes on the tree, so it shouldn't be a problem.

I understand damage is cool, but dead guys don't kill anything.

Last edited by 7thDayTheory on Apr 4, 2017, 10:42:53 PM
Thanks for the answer, you are completely right but my problem is , I am 80 ish atm and my Life pool couln't pass 5.2k and also I have few life nodes left and I really didn't understand what I did wrong. I have almost everything with max life but still having the problem. I think I should drop dmg nodes and take life nodes .
You probably should. Or you can just wait a few levels :D
You switch to lacerate on which lvl?

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