My personal wishlist for 3.0 (SSF perspective)

Drops are fine SSF. I've got like 200 uniques. Lots of rares wearable and i'm only lvl 88.

In red maps

You do understand it's all relative right? So even if I' only got 2 unique so would other guy. At the end of that day effort shines no matter drop rate.

I would ask for more respec orbs tho or even open tree since you are building on what you find - not what you spec. I've sold everything I could and spent 40 regrets when I switched from cster to attacker when I found a Bringer of Rain. After all it's almost a 7L
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Mar 26, 2017, 1:09:24 AM
Fruz wrote:
Temeritas wrote:

Try 6L and 3R2B1G "The Perfect Form" without trading(and obviously mastersharing) in the first month of a league....

6L is a luxury, not a requirement.
Deal with it.
Same for the chromes here, you are trying to do something very very rare, so the only thing you can do it :
deal with it.

Everything IS fine, you just need to fix your expectation, this chest is not supposed to be 5off coloured, it has almost a 200 dext requirement, learn the mechanics and fix your expectations.

I know very well how it works, thats the reason i want it to change ;)

That is simply not true anymore, thanks to GGG's "outstanding" designdecisions. Support gems went from mainly effect manipulation to simply being a more damage multiplier. In addition to balance out builds which simply scale to high monster hp were adjusted. Heck it took i think 40min or so for the chimera fight, and that is afaik the T16 boss with the lowest hp. So now, you actually need 6L to progress if you don't decide to play one of the broken builds.

And if "Deal with it, because its the way the game is" is you answer, than we should probably also remove masters and and gem vendors, or how about we reduce the chance for links again (remeber the increase to link chance with quality ? Well they at least increased the base chance somewhat after its removal)? I mean, before they wer CHANGED it was the way the game was, so we should just except it instead of advocating for change right ? Hell no! The point of this thread is to advocate for an other change to make the game more enjoyable. The exact form of the change is what is intended to be discussed here.

Fruz wrote:
Temeritas wrote:
You know what would be amazing ? Beeing able to play a build you enjoy, as long as it is well thought out, and actually beeing able go grind and progress through the game(yes, bosses and maps are part of the game) without having to trade and only investing ~3 times as much effort as a moderate trader. Currently it would be a ~100times or even more.

Which is exactly what I am doing, always solo, and SSF this league.
This game is ( one more time ) balanced around trade, if you impose yourself some limitations ( such as being SSF ), there is only one thing that you need to understand :

Deal with it.

And if you think that it's possible to really reduce the gap between trading and not trading without making everything piss easy to obtain, you have likely no clue how the whole thing works.

PS : mastersharing ???

How the hell can it be as easy to obtain as with trading, something that already exists, with a pre-established condition to take more effort than trading....

I would also agree if GGG would make trading harder again.(limit the number of trades per day and we will see the forums explode with either botter complains or people wanting a change to the currency system because they can't obtain the necessary currency anymore)
But that fucks over people who enjoy it, with SSF there is a chance to cater to different crowd. One who enjoys the economy simulator with tacked on arpg and the other wants to actually play a real arpg. You know with selecting a class(mostly with preconcieved image of what it looks like in the end in mind) and then improving it by slaughtering through hordes(and hordes and hordes and hordes) of monsters until you finally reach the endboss and and continue slaughtering until you can kill him.

If you still don't get how this is the maindraw for many people who play arpgs and who want a game with a great baseidea (with sadly currently a lot of flaws) like PoE to support than i can't help you. The "I got mine, i don't care what others want." mentality you appear to have is troublesome, because as long as it is not something you want, you will automatically be agianst it. Which makes discussing suggestions with you utterly pointless.

edit: some wording
The Bestiary league proved once and for all, that GGG only listens to crying instead of well thought out criticism.
Last edited by Temeritas on Mar 26, 2017, 8:45:37 AM
The fact that 6L is still a luxury is still very, very true.
It definitely has became more accessible because of some stupid divination card sets (partly), and the dmg bonuses are so high that you really do not need a 6L to perform for most builds ( some exotic builds have less room for support and feel the 5L -> 6L more than others ).

And yes, I would not mind going back to 6L being rarers, I don't want the game easier because I'm playing SSF, because I think that a) it would not be good for the game overall, and b) because I know that the game has not been designed around SSF and I don't want it to cater to my own personal needs.

Giving useful constructive feedback is one thing, QQing because "I didn't get x and y so the game isn't fine !!!" is another thing.
If would have been much "healthier" if you had started with something constructive honestly.

Limiting the number of trades seems like a cheap band-aid to me.

I do not have the "I got mine, i don't care what others want." mentality like you say, but you definitely do, you want the game to cater to your own need, without thinking about the big picture, and without just adjusting your expectations to what it can offer you thing.

Some of the things could definitely improve for the game in general, not just SSF, but what I have seen here so far (in this thread) .... are not part of it (imho, of course).
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz on Mar 26, 2017, 3:56:49 PM
Fruz wrote:
The fact that 6L is still a luxury is still very, very true.
It definitely has became more accessible because of some stupid divination card sets (partly), and the dmg bonuses are so high that you really do not need a 6L to perform for most builds ( some exotic builds have less room for support and feel the 5L -> 6L more than others ).

And yes, I would not mind going back to 6L being rarers, I don't want the game easier because I'm playing SSF, because I think that a) it would not be good for the game overall, and b) because I know that the game has not been designed around SSF and I don't want it to cater to my own personal needs.

Thats where we heavily disagree, not the fact that they could make 6L rarer again, but that the game should be less balanced around. Be it directly or in the SSF Version.

Fruz wrote:

Giving useful constructive feedback is one thing, QQing because "I didn't get x and y so the game isn't fine !!!" is another thing.
If would have been much "healthier" if you had started with something constructive honestly.

I would rather regard my first post in this thread as constructive feedback. And considering the fact that every wish to change something originates from encountering something you wish to change in the first place means simply disregarding any complain as whining is silly.

Obviously complains can be qq, but i would not classify any anecdotal experience as qq. And if i read your post correctly you agree with my sentiment that the game is not well balanced for a SSF experience. What you appear to disagree with is the changes, if any, that should follow from this conclusion and how problematic each aspect of the game is.

Fruz wrote:

Limiting the number of trades seems like a cheap band-aid to me.

I do not have the "I got mine, i don't care what others want." mentality like you say, but you definitely do, you want the game to cater to your own need, without thinking about the big picture, and without just adjusting your expectations to what it can offer you thing.

That is why I didn't advocate for it, because it would fuck people over who enjoy this part of the game. Instead i referred to SSF as a possibility to cater to a crowd which is less interested in trading and more in the core gameplay.

The thing is, noone would be taking your difficult SSF Version from you, because you could still play it by yourself in the standard Version of the game(ok, the lack of ranking if you are interested in it would be bad), instead a gamemode would be created which, i guarantee you, a lot of players would enjoy.

And in regards to the big picture please enlighten me. If it is about MTX than they could just enable grouping for SSF and just keep dropped items bound. And if it is because big traders would have less people to scam, well to be honest, i don't care. I actively despise the behaviour of a lot of the richest players in this game(cornering the market, price manipulation, ripping of newbies, active scamming etc.), so i feel no compassion for people like that

Fruz wrote:

Some of the things could definitely improve for the game in general, not just SSF, but what I have seen here so far (in this thread) .... are not part of it (imho, of course).

Imho the game needs a lots of changes, my prefered SSF changes are quite unimportant in comparision to the issues i take with the general balance of the game(nerf player damage, nerf monster spike damage, nerf leech/sustain, remove instant logout, reduce monster density , adjust inter skill balance etc.), but it would make the other problems more bearable for me. Mainly because it would remove part of the influence broken builds have on me, in the form of their economic influence (clearspeed, bosskills etc.). Obviously it would not fix GGGs habit of adjusting the gamedifficulty to the higher part of the powercurve instead of adjusting the powercurve, but it would make it at least somewhat better. (I really just want to play/grind to actually improve my character and progress further instead of beeing stuck and not feeling any increase in power after a certain point.
The Bestiary league proved once and for all, that GGG only listens to crying instead of well thought out criticism.
I guess we do agree that the game is not being balanced around SSF yes.
Your first post was much more constructive than most of the QQ around here, I'll definitely give you that too.

And QQs are also somewhat useful to GGG I guess, but some are ....

Making items easier to access in SSF would ( I think ) also have the impact to drag in more people playing the "normal" version of the game, that GGG wants to prioritize because that's how they are designing it to be played, essentially.
I definitely think that making things easier in SSF is the beginning of a slippery slop in which GGG just won't go, and I personally think that it's a very good thing.

So let's agree to disagree on the SSF part I guess.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.

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