[2.6] CI Wanderfinder 105% lightpen, clears all content (no mirrored gear, legacy league items)
![]() ![]() ![]() Hello guys, this league I did a Wander again and came to the conclusion, that Wanders are still strong even with the Kinetic Blast / Frostwall nerf. You just use barrage as single target! This build is NOT beginner friendly! I strongly advise you not to play this build if you're quite new to the game! Requires a lot of gear. But there is a Budget variant too ;) Also check the videos below! Have fun reading! Quick Description:
We use Crown of Eyes (CoE) and a wand with high flat added lightning damage + % increaed spell damage / %increased weapon elemental damage rolls. As pathfinder we also "abuse" our flasks, using the new "The Wise Oak" flask, Vessel of Vinktar and Dying Sun. Also Choir of the Storm works nicely together with both "The Wise Oak" and Vinktar, because during Flask effect you get 127% increased critical strike chance! The diamond flask gives the final kick and increases the total critical strike chance to around 90%! Skyforth is not a must, but VERY helpful. Kinetic blast for mapclearing, Barrage for Bosses.
The items can be found in the gear section. Detailed Explanation
We want to get as much added lightning damage as possible on our gear, because we mainly have lightning penetration. Using the Vinktar gives us 15% extra light pen, also the wise oak gives us 30% penetration which is huge (your lightning resistance must be higher or the same as the other elemental resistances or it won't work!). Also check the resistances during flask effects! We use Thunderfist which makes the kinetic blast a 5link and it also gives 1-100 lightning damage which is very nice. Crown of Eyes is mandatory for this build. On the rings we stack flat damage, WED and resistances AND ACCURACY (u need high flat accuracy!). On belt we stack WED and resistances. Reduced Flask charges used and flask effect duration are super nice if possible.
The shield must have high ES and high spell damage (CoE scaling!). Choir of Storm is the only way to cap our crit chance, so it's kinda mandatory. And for the chest any high ES high resistance Vaal regalia is good. My ele resistances are not capped without flasks. Using the flasks is mandatory. Permanent flask uptime with Flaskfinder! This build has a lot of mechanic interactions. Lightning resistances give critchance (choir of the strmr), Powercharges give 10% increased damage each (critchance too ofc.), wise oak gives penetration during flask uptime (with the right resistances amount) and CoE scales with spell damage. Also skyforth + choir of the storm are a great combination i have 1592 mana atm, which means basically 7960 life in terms of stun threshold. Current Gear:
As you see, my gear isn't maxed out, lots of room to improve, especially in energy shield! With higher ES chests and shield, also %ES on rings i think 10k ES are easily achievable. Gem Setup:
6l: 1. Barrage 2.added lightning damage 3.lightning penetration 4.weapon elemental damage 5.elemental focus 6. increased critical damage (skyforth) OR powercharge on crit (non skyforth)
Gloves (Thunderfist): 1. Kinetic blast 2.GMP 3.weapon elemental damage 4.Pierce Auras: Discipline + Wrath, HoI + Curse on Hit (either poachers mark or assassin mark Rest is up to your choice. I have Ice golem, flame dash (to skip elevations) and portal gem. Also an CWDT + Immortal call + enfeeble/temp chains is quite good. Budget variant:
Swap Vessel of vinktar with atziris promise; swap dying sun with a silver flask or any flask you like. Crown of eyes and Thunderfist are cheap, nothing to change here. You can find decent shields and chest for a low price already. For Skyforth use rare boots, for fixing stun use either valyrium or eye of chayula (depending on your gear and resis rolls). Any Imbued Wand with high flat lightning damage and high spell damage will suffice.
Current Flasks
I am using the Basalt flask only when I'm running guardians, for t1-15 maps I just use rotgut (clearspeed). The other flasks cannot be changed, this is the best setup.
I was playing around with Path of Building (thx mathil :D) and managed to improve my tree a bit (around 5-6% more damage).
New tree at lvl 96: http://poeurl.com/bgK3 At lvl 100: http://poeurl.com/bgK4 Bandits
Skillpoint, Kraityn, Alira
DPS (don't forget penetration and the diamond flask effect are NOT counted in Tooltip dps!)
Hideout (Wrath, HoI and Lightning golem):
![]() ![]() Fully buffed (Wrath, HoI, Lightning golem, 5 Power charges, 3 Frenzy Charges, onslaught):
![]() ![]() 105% penetration proof (on Barrage):
![]() Video section:
Alternative Builds (not mine)
Last edited by Contractor#7386 on Apr 15, 2017, 9:30:06 AM Last bumped on Aug 5, 2017, 3:33:35 AM
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Added a budget variant now. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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Hey there, started yday with our build, so far so good, cant wait till CoE, thunderfist and choir of the storm. but i see u have no "max energy shield" mods on rings, and with thunderfist ure lacking imo with ES, which passives would u "sacrifice" to get at least energy from within jewel cluster? and maybe "40%ES from Shield" near alchemist ?
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what did you do about ascendancy?
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1.Nature adrenaline
2.nature's boon 3.Master alchemist 4.Veteran bowyer and if u have problem with flask charges take Master surgeon IMO :) |
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Hey! My account (I'm the TS) got locked for some reason, gotta wait for the answer of the GGG support, in meanwhile I answer your questions from this account:
" Yes I don't have the "max es" mod on my rings, my build isn't perfected and i went for damage instead of defences. It's up to you. Certainly you're lacking ES with Thunderfist. you can sacrifice some wand nodes for ES (15% damage nodes and maybe the accuracy/crit in the shadow area. But I preferred this way, more accuracy and damage = faster kill, which means less damage taken in a certain time period, which doesn't apply to big shots which are meant to be avoid, like the minotaur's dive or the shaper slam. " Pathfinder Ascendany in this order: 1.Nature adrenaline 2.Nature's boon 3.Master alchemist 4.Veteran bowyer Don't take Master Surgeon, it's NOT worth it. |
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100% approve this build best CI COE/ELE/Wander version so far.
Finaly somebody who is honest enough to recognize that other wander existed before A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
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Skyfort are mandatory? and how to craft a wand like that? hope you can help me :) btw would be nice if you add more videos ( shaper and the other guardians )
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" Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate it. " 1. Skyforth are not mandatory. You have to work around your build though, that means you have to find a way to generate power charges. Either you use a Orb of storms + PCoC Combo (less reliable, slow generation of power charges) or you use PCoC on Barrage (instead of increased crit multi). Skyforth is the only way to max your dps out. 2. How to craft: either you buy a wand with high flat lightning damage and high spell damage rolls, or you use Shrieking Essences of Wrath on t84 imbued wands, in the hope of getting at least 1 good prefix and 1 open suffix. You need a lvl 8 Haku & Elreon to mastercraft the Wand, i.e. first craft "Prefixes cannot be changed" -> scour (only the Prefixes remain) -> mastercraft Elreon "Can have multiple crafted mods" -> craft the other affixes. I got lucky with my Wand by spamming the Essence of Wrath, getting both t1 flat added lightning damage and t1 %incr. elemental damage with weapons. I deleted the other affixes and crafted spell damage, attack speed and crit chance. 3. I'll add more videos when my account gets (hopefully) unlocked. I don't know yet why my account has been locked, I hope it's some error which can be resolved soon. |
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Its my gear, still missing 3 ES nodes above CI and all the points near fussilade cluster Got pretty bad wand - still missing crit chance, but i managed to get 70/70/70 resistances so i can get all what the wise oak can provide (def and attack bonuses) Still without vessel of vinktar and dying sun, but my dps looks insane :) Great build! |
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