Kza has challenged you... Can you handle it?
" If I were you I wouldn't worry too much as you have been wrong about almost everything poe-related quite consistently. |
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" I wasnt wrong about your sexuality, I voted for you for biggest queen. If you really want to know about mistakes, you should ask your parents. I Stream PvP THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, Last edited by GrindcoreTHRALL#3263 on Mar 17, 2017, 11:14:58 AM
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" if you kill her Overpowered and invincible LL pvp char lol, make a video and share it with us lol |
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Last edited by Aodui#3921 on Sep 1, 2017, 12:54:48 PM
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Alpha testing is probably beyond your comprehension.
I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, |
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I agree with Vhlad. LLD feels too niche to opt into once a player reaches a high enough character in PvE, and investing on LLD gear is almost only useful in LLD, while investing in HLD is almost always useful for PvE too. LLD is intended for casuals, who can try out PvP early without much investment, but the problem is, that it is possible to invest a lot into LLD, so there can be as much gear gap between players as in HLD, if there would be gear restriction like the PT events had, it would have been more casual-friendly.
Other than a grind-free solution, LLD also sounds like an excuse to balance PvP properly. It removes build enabling ascendencies, many niche and creative unique items, and passive choices, an enormous amount of combinations, making it feel lackluster for those who's build mechanics and interactions are taken away by the exclusions. With enough balancing, technically HLD would be better for a dedicated PoE player, as the ultimate end-game we dream of, but the game needs LLD for the PvP population (at least that was the concept), the casual mass the game relies on financially. If everyone would be dedicated and the game would be perfectly balanced, there would be no need for LLD, but we lack in both. IGN: Márkusz
My builds: thread/1600072 ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) |
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" Are you are least providing some kind of currency reward to the one that dethrones you? |
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" I can agree with parts of your thoughts. What I think many people dont understand is this, when GGG decided to sponsor LLD, it made LLD official. People invested heavily into LLD thinking it was going to be a league of PvP within PoE for years to come. Many people spent hundreds of exalts because of tournaments, alt arts, and ladders. I would love for HLD to be balanced and draw more members. I would love the same for LLD. The LLD community has existed way before the seasons and definitely was encouraged by GGG with the seasons. If it was abandoned all together and the focus was only HLD, I am sure a part of the community would feel mislead. Maybe LLD wasnt the right direction to start with but its pretty shitty for them to run multiple seasons, 2 official and 1 community hosted sponsored by GGG, and then for everyone who invested into LLD just to be left out in the cold. I dont think it needs to be HLD or LLD. There is a place within the community for both, or I would mostly like to see an entire new system which leveled the playing field for everyone. I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, |
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You never balance PvP from the LLD perspective, that's partly where they started to go wrong.
Initially they made claims they could balance the two separately. Instead they balanced strictly based on LLD performance...the lack of experience, lack of actual effort by some players. Which created a not so clear vision of what was actual dominant and what was just being exploited on new players. During those seasons you had guys like Greenturd running around while bleeding constantly, not even making an effort to dispel it. Also using Temporal Chains + Puncture, which is retarded as well. I watched people try to face tank (they still do, because bad) Cyclone...ignoring the sheer fact it is countered by slows/bleed/bear traps/obstacles and does very minimal damage per hit if you're actually not standing in it with your dick in your hand. People consistently got frozen and instantly lost. It was a shit show and GGG saw it as true PvP. Also not taking into account obvious "counter picks/plays". These are expected and an integral part of any competitive setting. They aren't bad if there is a legitimate answer to said counter pick via items,swaps,player ability. This game still doesn't quite have that down yet. For instance Lapiz will only play against someone when he somewhat counters them first. He's basically a pud fuck otherwise. Like when he played trapper against Grindcores melee in LLD then puffed up his faggy chest like he was godlike. Yes yes I know rain of arrows off hand, aoe, leap slam, arc +++ all break traps but its still a bad match up especially with the truly limited options LLD offers. When you're trying to prove points you should do so without counter picking in such an obvious way, then it holds weight. You either balance separately or you focus on HLD/end game balance, leaving LLD to scavenge the left overs. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Mar 17, 2017, 10:19:37 PM
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I tried to get into HLD. I still fuck around with my lvl 28 golems but its hard to enjoy. I either 1 shot and smash people or I get offscreened by invis projectiles. When someone does tank me, its usually a CWDT tank that just frys the arena. I have been contemplating dumping a thousand exalts into HLD to see if its worth it but then everytime I just fuck around in sarn I think, "WTF is going on, how can anyone enjoy this?"
I can only imagine pvp at this point being something to fuck around with. Optimize your build for PvE and then hope your build can compete with enough builds in PvP to still be some fun. The amount of adjustments that need to be done is overwhelming. I feel like a HLD character either needs to be insanely well planned out with tons of currency dumped into it or abuse something broken and try to 1 shot the enemy before it can 1 shot you. If you are going to use all mirrored gear or close to mirrored gear just for pvp imo it wouldnt be worth it for PvP alone. Chances are your PvP build will never be even as close to as good as a optimized PvE build for clearing maps and shit, this is why it will stay something to just fuck around and do rather than take seriously : ( I Stream PvP
THE STORY OF MY Descent into the Abysmal Afterlife( HC to SC, too Stronk!) PK massacre, |
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