Developer Questions and Answers
This gets asked a lot, and it should do, why after all this time can't you move MTX items around in their stash.
Also something else I just noticed, why is there no "Reply" button at the top of this page as well as the bottom like pretty much everywhere else on the internet? |
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Hi guys ! Thanks for this Q&A !
So here's my questions : -What about the lore ? I like the lore in games. What's your plans ? New act incomming maybe ? -Still not considering a WASD way of controlling the character ? Would be cool, especially to play it with a keyboard with a joystick. I think it would be funnier and maybe easier to play melee then. Range is okay, the placement is less technical/precise. The problem with the mouse is that the screen mouse with the character so you have to move your mouse in the exact oposite way and speed as you character to stay precise on a location. (The location moves, that way you don't click once but spam click or even hold it) -Legacy league. The league to test the league systeme outcome. Nice. So how's the testing ? I think it's cool, what you think ? I know league has features that may or may not be included into the game, but with league you may include some exclusively on the legacy systeme, wich could give a less radical way of handling new league mechanics ! Was it what you had in mind ? Because I think ghosts and stronglocks, even rogue exiles and such shouldn't be in legacy if it ever passes. Legacy should be reserved to more special event that didn't pass for a reason so it feels more of a exotic challenge than a optimazing tool into ghost lock rampage or else See ya ! |
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Is Piety a descendant of an important historical figure, or just a person gifted with thaumaturgy?
Does GGG like to see conspiracy theories related to the lore? I'm sure there are still secrets to be revealed... |
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Also, out of curiosity, does anyone at GGG play D&D or other related tabletop games?
I saw a video of a streamer who made their own PoE Tabletop game, which seems kind of interesting. Any plans to collaborate on that? Last edited by FR0ZENBERG#0243 on Mar 15, 2017, 2:41:19 PM
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Hi there!
first: thanks for the game, it is awesome, the only one I'm playing at the moment. A couple of questions as a linux-only user: 1) will ever be a port to native linux? I know this seems unlikely because of DirectX, but one can only dream :-) 2) do you test it with wine/playonlinux when you make releases? I'm always afraid it will stop working with each update, its a mix between hype and fear. 3) have you put any effort on testing the performance with wine in case there is something obvious or simple to improve it? I just bought a gaming laptop (testing it right now...) but with my old XSP 15 + nvidia 550M never could play properly (with most things removed). Best Regards!! |
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What will be happening in standard when Fall of Oriath opens?
How much of the FoO content and structure will be included in Standard? Will there be a "new start" FoO league where everyone starts fresh and along side that a Standard version of FoO where we can use our characters and equipment from standard with the new content? "Gratitude is wine for the soul. Go on. Get drunk." Rumi
US Mountain Time Zone |
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At this monent ES-builds has great advantage vs Life-based in Uber-Lab, cos its pretty easy to get 8000+ of ES and amazing regen, with 6000k max as Life-based, with crapy regen.
Have u have do smth with this? |
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Are you guys planning on hosting some servers in Africa, specifically South Africa, sometime in the future? Because as it is it's pretty playable but those small latency delays take from the experience, especially in boss fights.
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Will you make something to prevent private indexers users to have a massive economic advantage over regular users?
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When can we have a empty/delete all tab click option added please, the end of legacies is horrible for time wasted on this.
Also will there be a new league at the start of 30 |
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