Dead Build
Do you think there are any good sion combos or are the pure versions better? Elementalist, Assassin, Raider and Deadeye all seem decent and the extra starting point could save some points.
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" Pure ascendancy is better , scion its like joke character wont viable anything except some rare builds.This is the most efficent way of all of them. Update about occulist > Levelling was hard , leech tree is far away from start point. But i think this is gonna be very strong , since ES become cheap and life suddenly skyrocket after 3.0 i think this one has a lot of potencial. Update for rest of them > I try to make this build budget as possible and i have new idea , i think removing choir of the storm is actualy possible but you need a lot of sources like many "Deafening Essence of Wrath" and you need craft with that if you find T1 Elemental Attack dmg , and T1 Flat lightning it becomes equal of Choir. Idea 1 >You can use T0 Essence of zeal on your gloves , more AS more damage. Idea 2 >Essence of Misery looks great for quiver , addional pierce can improve farming speed. Another idea And you can remove Shock immunity flask too IF you using essence of torment craft gear = With belt & body armour max roll you get %88 Shock immunity and %8 comes from skill tree. That makes Total %94 makes pretty much immunity Its possible to hit this %100 with "Elemental Focus" Skill point for that i probably remove "Cloth and chain".BUT this process needs a lot of resource and luck , you can try it if you are bored on middle of league. no longer playing Last edited by canjp#7846 on Aug 13, 2017, 12:37:02 AM
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I got an item with enemies can have 1 additional curse, since blink arrow doesnt need sup link i can put another curse instead. Which one would you recommend? i was thinking that assassins mark or elemental weakness would be the best of the bunch.
Last edited by Warturtle007#1672 on Aug 13, 2017, 4:36:55 AM
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" Projectile weakness is best option no longer playing
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Occulist update >
So far my experiance was bad until i pick leech skills , now i can sustain my ES. I think after i finish cruel lab gonna be far better.Suriving agaisnt projectiles is require dodge skills , you cant face tank as old CI+VP .My current items As you can see im wearing commonly Es gear not that anything special. Im gonna pick CI after lvl 70 for those Both cost me 12c. Pariah is perfect voideye alternative plus gives massive ES bonus with wrath. Incandescent heart is perfect CI gear atm , it reduces %25 elemental dmg taken and gives %20 Extra chaos dmg based on elemental.Honestly i was thinking lowlife but new shavronne has 350 ES its literaly garbage. Wearing this and CI gives chaos immunity and %25 Less elemental dmg taken. no longer playing Last edited by canjp#7846 on Aug 13, 2017, 8:32:19 PM
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After trying FB this league I decided to reroll to something else. This was the build that looked kinda interesting and new to me since the only time I've played a bow char was in perandus league. Sold my FB gear for around 10ex and invested that completely into this char. Around 1,5-2ex alone to chrome the 6l chest because it is literally a**... Mainly went for damage and to be honest I absolutely stomp up to T10 maps right now with only 2.9K life. The next 15 nodes or so are going to be life nodes. I also need to step up my flask game and really chrome all the gear to meet the proper gems (really horrible on eva gear).
Little tip personally, you should mark the quiver with the pierce as a red item because the split arrow really starts to shine after that upgrade when clearing groups. This is the gear that I've gathered so far: |
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Hi there. How this build works in terms of endgame? Is it capable of T16/Shaper? It looks very interesting, but I don't know if it would let me truly conquer endgame content ;]
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" I mark on build screen is best of best gear , i think no need to.I like your gear if you replace your ring and belt with better one i think you can kill atziri with not problem.I do not suggest uber tho you need at least 10 normal atziri run to get use to this gameplay.You spend more than i imagine , i hope you didnt buy voideye early those were scam prices , im glad i never add kaoms heart to this build its god damn +9 ex now. " I kill shaper , atziri and guardians deathless with older version of this build on essence , it was way weaker version (I also kill uber atziri but i was new about uber genre and phases , most of my deaths was dumb) Old version of build has like %-40 less damage and less survival rate. Yes you can , with hp buff minotaur can challange you a little , as you can see this isnt kinda facetank it all build like old CI+VP howa but if you are patient you can basicly kill everything timing is important you should know when you are going to use blink arrow.Except occulist edition this build series doesnt need dodge skills , you can get hit sometimes it is not glass cannon. Im gonna upload a gif when i kill shaper , i cant add video im using literaly toaster. no longer playing
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Thanks for answer. I would also ask for some Assassin/Deadeye comparison. What are their differences in damage and survivability? To be honest wanted to play your build as Deadeye, but running with 4,5k HP at level 90 isn't something I desire :D
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" Deadeye has more damage and clear speed , assasin is true balance character.My stats doesnt include jewels so you get more with jewels.And you can always wear uniques like belly of the beast if you can afford it. Honestly i play assasin like at least 10 times , right now occulist seems more enjoyable for me.You can also check jugg it has huge hp pool, very tanky and has point blank also doenst need choir of the storm since its Elemental overload based. ![]() no longer playing Last edited by canjp#7846 on Aug 14, 2017, 7:38:00 PM
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