How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

Awakener 8 is a tough boy. Been farming A6. Some pretty cool items so far. Trying to craft an explodey chest with

Some other cool stuff

Woaw 2 Poet Pen oO (i never drops one in 7years haha), and so much 6L, you made all the linking ?
Running a cyclone Jugg this league. Got Shav's from Cadiro and couldn't afford it, felt bad... Finally chanced Belly of the Beast but having no luck linking it :( Also dropped Voidbringer and corrupted one Fevered Mind so far, so my Arc trickster may get use eventually. I'm really in dire need of upgrading my weapons, one of my swords is still a prismatic eclipse haha

I've also had a few tabs and some others goodies. I'm on 3 Kaom's rings but I'm still trying to farm the div cards to upgrade one... I'm not using the Kaom's Roots so I vaal'd it, the irony of my roll was beautiful...

Arrowneous wrote:
I figured it would only be a matter of time before GGG kept raising the difficulty bar to the point that as a filthy casual I would no longer have any interest in playing PoE. That day has come with Delirium league. I'm sad that after all this time I've been able to keep my Kiwi pet alive but now my very meager found gear can't even kill an Einhar beast of level 24 with my level 26 exile in the Sarn sewers. That's sad that I have to out level the zone even more to get through it. I tried a few low level mirror fog shit and the over-tuned creatures are a clusterfuck shit and a half so now I just ignore the mirrors. Even though I am a fuck shit player I was enjoying the previous leagues and could get a build to level 90. Right now I can't even get through act 3 without needing to find a shit ton of better gear which isn't fun at all since GGG just keeps lowering the gear drop quality every league. I don't want to have to have to min/max running the 10 acts, that's total crap. I also don't see any point in no-lifing PoE, this mess of a game is just getting worse over time as evidenced by the huge patch 3.10.1 to fix a boatload of problems. So much for Chris stating that they were ahead of schedule on this league. I think he lied to us all since they took a Christmas break which meant even less time to code and debug.

I also don't care to hear a shit ton of players LOL at me or tell me to "git gud or git out". Keep any and all such comments to your f'n selves please. This league is over for me and if every league going forward is just more gear checks then PoE is over for me. So sad.  :(

I am a bit confused. You have a bunch of higher level charakters on your account, yet you still do not understand the very basics of the game?
I understand a little frustration but if I suck at a game and can't progress, I usually question myself first and think I am doing something wrong and look at guides or see how other people are being more successful than me and not blame the game and the developers for my own ineptitude.
You might not wanna hear it but this is the excact problem here.

There is literally everything wrong with your Delirium char.

First of all, what are you even trying to play? Split Arrow, Rain of Arrows and Puncture? A bit of everything? You chose one of the worst builds for a starter SSF charakter as it is pretty weak in the beginning and highly gear dependent. Than your gear is god awful, even for a level 26.
You need gear that increased your physical damage or at the very least some elemental damage to your attacks and the only item you have that provides you that are your gloves. You can literally slap an alchemy orb on a bow and get a better result than what you have or even pick up rare items and find better stuff than what you use. You don't even have movement speed on your boots at level 26...
Next thing is you playing on two links. Your main skill/s with one sad little support gem. You could easily find or craft (with 1 or 2 jewellers/fusing) a three link at this point. Also you passive skill tree is crap. You chose the typical beginners trap route which leads me to the conclusion that you are not following a guide which you should as a beginner.
You put a lot of points into % increased maximum life and evasion which gives you almost nothing in the beginning when you don't even have life rolls on your items. It literally says it in the name (% increased maximum life). You spend like 10 points that you could have put into increasing your dps into getting like 50% increased maximum life but with a maximum life pool of like lets say 100 it would give a whopping grand total of 50 extra life same for evasion. (just a basic calculation).

Thats all like basic stuff that is not hard to understand or complicated and yet you decided to insult the game, the developers and being delusional as you don't wanna hear the truth from other people on an internet platform that maybe have some valuable informations for you. And not only that you decided to quit the game without even contamplating that you need to learn the basics of this game first. I am sorry to break it to you.

If you still care, go and read up on some beginners and leveling guides and try again with an easy build like Arc-Witch where leveling is easy mode and leveling your gem level is all you need through the acts.
Last edited by PilotLanguste#5643 on Mar 27, 2020, 8:31:32 AM

starving for cold res
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Scherzer wrote:

You're on a 2L blue bow for starters.

And selecting Shield nodes while using said bow.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Dancing with Alva, T3 Corruption Chamber
~ There are spectacular moments.
Bakudan wrote:
Woaw 2 Poet Pen oO (i never drops one in 7years haha), and so much 6L, you made all the linking ?

not all. I've linked 2 things this league so far. Dropped a few white six links. One from bestiary. One from div cards.

A bunch of places.

Trying to link my Cloak of Defiance now. :)
Hmm, haven't rolled a Necro yet but:

"Every second, Consume a nearby corpse to Recover 5% of Life and Mana"
"10% more damage taken if you haven't consumed a corpse recently"
~ There are spectacular moments.
Last edited by DoubleU#7266 on Mar 27, 2020, 1:44:10 PM
Arrowneous wrote:
I also don't care to hear a shit ton of players LOL at me or tell me to "git gud or git out". Keep any and all such comments to your f'n selves please. This league is over for me and if every league going forward is just more gear checks then PoE is over for me. So sad.  :(

Sorry you're having difficulties this league. Skipping the Delirium encounters isn't an uncommon thing, I've heard. I heard something on the Baeclast podcast about the top SSF Hardcore player this League skipping all Delirium encounters.

Maybe I could help you pick a character that's more powerful while you level? Necromancers are a good pick.... Also, if you have Vaal Double Strike, leveling an Impale Double Striker is a cinch (prob pretty easy without it, too).

Keep your head up! Don't get frustrated. Stick at it!
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