How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

Pretty decent haul in the last hour. Second heartbound loop for a weapon swap build and a helm I've always wanted to try!

Originally, I intended to go from SR CwC Firestorm to Wither CwC Chaos storm Berserker, but I couldn't get a second Consuming Dark nor 6L my mantle for the 15% conversion. So instead I decided to double down on Scorching Ray's better clear speed and went with a hybrid setup using one consuming dark to replace fire pen for firestorm with empower that works for both, an insanity chest for onslaught that ups SR clear speed, and a hysteria fire burst off-hand. Vaal'ed the chest recently for +1 socketed gems. Effectively stun immune and freeze immune.

It has been a surprisingly tanky all-rounder and probably as fast a clear speed you would want for a SSF character that needs to actually pick up loot and not just meta-farm wealth.

Last edited by Hackusations#2294 on Jun 6, 2017, 4:45:02 AM
^What does fireburst do?

Never used it but it looks interesting. I wonder what the baseline dps is.



edit : looked it up, it's interesting like i thought ;)
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem#2861 on Jun 6, 2017, 6:50:52 AM
Unfortunately getting too many random disconnects now. Also unfortunately PoE still does not deal well with this problem (after many years) yet. Made thread for improving this:


Will probably not continue CA Deadeye at 97.



Maybe I will try some races but not really interested and not particularly skilled at it and have high area transition times so not a good fit.
Or maybe try SSF "scrub" league. Or maybe quit PoE. Will see...
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Zrevnur wrote:
Unfortunately getting too many random disconnects now.

It's been like this a week for me I cant play the game, getting disconnected every few minutes.
@Zrevnur pretty good bow !

got pretty lucky yesterday, dropped those two in 2 hours.

i'm still struggling a lot to get one of the 3 uniques bows i need for my build, got some cool drop but nothing that's actually usefull. i runned a radiating tempest on full sextanted maps with good map roll and beyond, uniques rainned like crazy.


got that belt too
, one of the best i've ever had ! i need to divine it becase tiers are good but rolls are low, and 'ill need another divine to craft move speed on it.
Last edited by Zboublemeteor#3011 on Jun 8, 2017, 11:59:33 AM
When you think you brick something but then realize it went from 6S to a somewhat useable 6L.

Last edited by seanxjohnson#0488 on Jun 9, 2017, 3:13:32 AM

what is a good build to build around this item?
Just died at 85 with my cospris. Got overwhelmed in a breach. Not sure what to roll next but I enjoyed this cycloner a lot so maybe something similar.
Last edited by MonstaMunch#6519 on Jun 11, 2017, 4:49:37 AM
golan4840 wrote:

what is a good build to build around this item?

EK nova and frostbolt ignite are two builds i played this league with this amulet. Huuuge QoL.

If you want a map farmer, Frostbolt ignite with EE is the best. You can pretty much obliterate anything minus guardians/shaper. And the skill feels incredibly smooth.

EK nova is a mean bosskiller with decentish clearspeed, i played it with

And died a quadrillion times though

Best have a chayula switch for long bossfights though, as it will do diddly squat on a boss without minions.

(and you need either a EK nova or two frostbolt jewels and a three dragon/hrimburn for either of those)

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