How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^

golan4840 wrote:
Well, finally did it. 36 challenges completed with pure SSF characters, on the day the league was suppose to end^^
1000 maps was a chore, The only challenges I didnt manage to get are Perandus (never found that perandus locker), uber atziri (never found mortal hope), shaper and the 4 grinds.

Also hit level 8 with Zana yesterday.

In order to celebrate I will turn in all the divination cards I was too lazy to turn in until now

will post results soon

ALright, currency cards gave 5 alc and 5 chaos, rest nothing of value.
The gambler cards gave nothing of value except 1 card that is 1/1 set for 10 chisels.
Atziri cards only 1 midnight.

Encroaching drkness (22 sets):

oh well
Unquietheart wrote:
seanxjohnson wrote:
Unquietheart wrote:
Found these today in a Unique Cartographer's strongbox:

Nice! Oba's curse is one of the best maps in ssf, mostly because you get craft bases (i84) in the last room and a chance at decent loot in the treasure room. I ran 3 in ssf and all 3 gave me loot that helped my build(s) in some way.

Hm... sounds promising, but I haven't worked up the nerve to try it yet. That one is a race, right? Nine minutes?

Yeah, you have to clear each room too, you'll get a text and noise notification saying something like, "Time to proceed and claim your prize". Assuming you can clear a T10-T12 in reasonable time it shouldn't be too tough. The monsters scale with each room, so just be mindful. Also cast on death + portal goes a long way if you have it, just in case you run into a gnarly pack and don't want to waste time re-running through prior rooms.
Shagsbeard wrote:
I think this is probably the most positive collective experience we have had in PoE's history. Very little bitching about drop rates or lack of interaction. People telling stories. People sharing successes and failures. People sharing ideas.

Would be nice if we could get a ssf forum so we could get rid of a lot of the bile.

When GGG decides to set the drop rates a wee bit higher, then we get some endgame viable gear to build around, get enough league stones and maps to sustain our SSF playing, and thus we are not starved out and there is a lot less to vent/complain about in the forums.

Even after I got my SSF Legacy build to 90 and respec'd an an old non-viable witch in softcore with a Whispering Ice Vile Staff and Cast While Channeling to trigger the IceStorm, the drop rates on maps and currency orbs is as close to "just right" as I've ever experienced playing PoE (I'll never be an uber Atziri, uber Izaro, or Shaper farmer). Even in Softcore league I'm getting some decent drops (getting a carrot often enough for time played) to make me happy. I hope GGG devs are getting our mostly positive feedback on Legacy league and keeps these drop rates going forward and doesn't nerf them in 3.0.

From Thursday to Sunday I've taken my WI Scortching Ray Witch from level 71 to 82 and am enjoying the grind to 90 for a change. Even my Legacy Frost Blades build was fun to be able to tank a lot of the bosses that I previously couldn't. My build and playing skills have dramatically improved and the result is that this league goes down on my scorecard as a win. Damn, I'm in such a good mood that I'll even override my mtx boycott until we get asynchronous trade and buy a supporter pack next week.  :)

Some screen shots of fun:

Frost Blades with Jack of Axe and it's verbal comments are very fun to grind with.

A double Exalt + Blessed drop in Merc Lab run. This really made my PoE playing day.

A Tabula Rasa drops in Dried Lake. Another great PoE day.

Scorching Ray with Whispering Ice Staff (IceStorm) lays waste to everything.  :)

Tough essence boss drops 4 essences + a:

"You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration.

The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat:
I finally got to at least one T15 map (Abyss). I thought, since I have zero problem with The Infernal King, why not try Xoph? And so I did...and failed miserably running out of portals dying from lag with a mix of multiple fire pillars and minions.

So I licked my wounds by crafting a L84 white Vaal Regalia I got from Abyss from the ground up, ready to abuse my currency out of disgust. After having a decent one, I six-socketed it after only 4 jeweller orbs. I then, without care of failing again, slammed my measly 311 fuses
Not satisfied and 2 exalts later
yup I had a grin on my face having tried for years

...And then I remember something about ES come 3.0.
Wanted to get people's opinions on a slam. I don't currently have an EX, but my next one I have two decent targets, which would you choose first?


I'd remove both crafts for blocks before slamming.

You are very unlikely to find better in the time remaining this league... go for it.
seanxjohnson wrote:

The chest wants to be divined
The easier target is the chest, there is no risk of bad things happening. Imagine getting life or something on the helmet. You will be sad.
DasName wrote:
seanxjohnson wrote:

The chest wants to be divined
The easier target is the chest, there is no risk of bad things happening. Imagine getting life or something on the helmet. You will be sad.

Yeah I'll definitely be divining the chest. I think the 101% is the lowest roll.
Last edited by seanxjohnson#0488 on May 28, 2017, 8:48:04 PM
I just became a man! Made it through my first merciless labyrinth without a hitch.
Strictly SSF HC legit dual-wield Duelist.
Women swoon at the sight of him
Men tremble at the thought of him
And few that face him in battle live to tell the tale.
This was very expensive from Cadiro but I just wasn't getting anything useful off him so just blew 8 k perandus on it since I have never had this ring and the leech has got to be pretty useful.

Also manage to get a Locker finally to complete the challenge but then it was a Cadiro in every map stone.
Last edited by Kavlor#3571 on May 29, 2017, 3:05:34 AM

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