How is ssf going for u guys/girls? ^^
" Nice. Time for a Chaos build. "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: |
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" I spent almost the whole of level 79 to 81 farming Aqueducts boss for Carcass Jack cards and only found one the whole time (in contrast, I also found an entire set of tabula rasa cards at the same time). Given up on it now :( Still having a great time though. Tri curse eq juggernaut ftw xD |
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" The wildness of rng will always be a frustrating/exciting part of PoE and is "working as expected" by GGG. We either embrace this (at least come to an understanding) and continue to play or have quit. At the start of this league I had no pre-determined build in mind (I never do) and always go with whatever skill gem drops first that sounds interesting (one I haven't used). So this league I got a Frost Blades early and an Ancestral Totem. I was very unsure of AT and endgame viability but now at 30% into level 89 I like it very much. At level 20 it can take out the whites and significantly reduce the blue creatures health. And as all totems do it aggros creatures and triggers mob packs to attack it when placed ahead and I can't quite see the next dangerous mob pack just off-screen. Edit: I was using a high dps sword until the Jack dropped and was using Whirling Blades for movement. Now with the axe I'm using Leap Slam and it blows away WB for fast movement. WB is bugged in that when the server simulation gets calculation overloaded if goes crazy and moves my exile in other directions than where I'm pointing to (usually goes back to the previous location I WBed from which is highly annoying and extremely dangerous when I want to WB out of harms way... the next WB puts me back in the pack... but I'm pointing the other way... damn bugged movement skill). Legacy League goes on my PoE scorecard as a great league. I hope GGG hears this and migrates LS over to standard without nerfing drop rates and killing the fun of leaguestones (why the hell don't they drop... you sob GGG nerfers and all that frustration for all good things). "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..." Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on May 14, 2017, 7:32:23 AM
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" Totally agreed, and I'm embracing it fully. All I really want is a Marohi for old time's sake tbh. I always thought they were the most beautiful item in the game and I'm finally doing a build where it's as close to being bis as it could be without being a mirror worthy rare. That said, tbh I'm just happy to be alive past 80. I've really struggled this league (I know it's easy for a lot of you but w/e, personal goals >.>). I finally got proper fiber optic and I'm running a juggernaut with 7 endurance charges, perma fortify, 2 seething flasks, enfeeble, temp chains, warlord's mark (all 3 curses on blasphemy), and I have Unyielding, Unflinching and Unrelenting. Bit low on life due to shitty gear, but never felt more solid.
Last edited by MonstaMunch#6519 on May 14, 2017, 8:01:06 AM
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" Channel map may have better odds. I (unintentionally, not a fan of Carcass Jack - especially post-nerf) got >1 set - mostly from farming ~3 Tabulas on Channel. Maybe I just got lucky though. -- " This "inspired" me to make a bug report: If you got some more info on this it may be helpful for GGG to fix it. No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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I created a bug report about a month ago stating that WB went haywire when the server simulation got computation overloaded and one of the GGG forum police insulted me by saying "we've moved your post over to Gameplay Help and Discussion which means "you don't know how to point and press the key WB it is bound to". This smacks of "we know our servers are overloaded but let's all pretend that they aren't". Let's sweep it all under the rug and pretend that server/client communication and performance is all good. I'm running with multi-threading turned on so it could be a timing bug between threads under heavy loads.
Edit: At least now I'm using Leap Slam to move fast and I can open a strongbox and leap out of the mob pack without concern that the next leap will be back to where I started at the strongbox even though I haven't changed the positition of my mouse pointer. I've had more than a few teeth gnashing frustrations with WB making my exile dance back and forth even though I'm pointing in only one direction. If I paused WB for a second and then pressed it again it was ok but if I hold down my WB key to move 2 or more times consecutively that's when sometimes my exile goes back or in a few instances when I did move my mouse to change direction while keeping the WB key held down my exile seemed to go off in a random direction. This only happens with mob packs or boss fights where there are minions (final Izaro battle in lab runs are infuriating at times with WB). All other times navigating quickly works ok so that hints of a server computation overload bug of some kind. "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..." Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: Last edited by Arrowneous#3097 on May 14, 2017, 3:22:31 PM
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" You used a keyboard key and not a mouse button? No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
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" Why not use Kaoms Roots? They are incredible for running maps, because they make temp chains/frozen ground/freeze on boxes completely inconsequential, especially when your main way to move is leap slam. |
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" PoE seems to fail to process middle button input from my high end Logitech gaming mouse at times. I put my fire golem on it as I don't need to spawn it very often. The right button is always my primary attack (FB for my current build) and the left button I have my single target attack (dual strike). So my movement skill has to be bound to a key. I have/had enough problems just getting WB to move my exile in the proper direction. I didn't need to confound the problem by having PoE ignore my middle button press and not WB at all. This and many other QoL deficiencies have always existed in PoE and probably always will (Sigh!). It would be nice if after the launch and debug of 3.0.0 that GGG do some major PoE house cleaning. Start with the replacement of trade chat with asynchronous trade, then move on to other QoL features such as tab sorting and item searching and moving across all tabs (take an empty tab and have PoE search other tabs and migrate/move a specific item from other tabs into it until full or no more items to move). From there GGG could fix leaguestones, the ability to right-click to use it is nice but why is the inventory closed when the leaguestone window opens. I have to then press I again to re-open my inventory so I can right-click on another leaguestone (very minor I know but still annoying). These and a ton of other simple QoL fixes need to be addressed by GGG. Not all employees need to be working on the next 3 month challenge league and the next mtx. "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: |
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"regards logitech mouse, id say its not poe problem, rather some logitech mouses seems to have trouble registering middle mouse button clicks in general. |
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