[2.6] "Mist Eater" MoM Flameblast In-Depth Guide
Hey man, seems like a great SSF/HC/league starter build!!! Will try it out right now.
I've made a few tinkerings in the end-game tree if you can tell me what you think: http://poeplanner.com/AAYAAPUlBwB4TwRDyFugp1V8Dmjy8B-iAASzwGY8Be98n9-aO4Kb7TzVpuQiGmydrqcI2CRWSDbpJKoWb-Nq6-6a4EWdU1KFbdWBJNgEB4PbVcY6WJeVUlM9X5f0bRkI9MBUakO86iL0bAuTJy-dFvMmPH_GEZYHHpUu8NVJUQ5IXfKexKa-VEeMNlVLYeImlRa_hTKXLUlPvKrviPk3189Jsew4OtgnL5BVGjgDdZ1jXwTa3XIPcYV65mP9RtfaubFCrJjxbDbYSRsqjexV-d0tix_HLJwreIV7ZlRMs3yDES0QWIdllG-u_ewuKyYDmmhaBFF1KnFiAAAAAAA= Basically I went under firewalker instead of above, cut some elemental damage nodes (from assassin), and got occultist's dominion +practical application cluster for +55% to avoid stuns while casting flameblast - and 20 strength 20 dex isnt worthless. (and seems like dominion is a must to me, spell dmg, cast speed, int, yummy). Also considered Snowforged? 4 points for: 10 int 43% fire damage, 30% crit chance. Could help a bit with ele overload? Last edited by Kirbynatorz#2948 on Mar 30, 2017, 6:27:48 PM
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" Hello there. I appreciate your try with this build! And yes, i've designed this build to be a very efficiente SSF/League-starter character. For HC I would opt out for some more life nodes and stuff, but this is up to the player's preferrences. Your tree seems very solid, indeed. I've done a lot of theorycrafting on what to pick up post lvl 68 to better suit damage nodes and all, and the main reason i've chosen to pick up Ele nodes from shadow area was because I wouldn't need any traveling to get more damage. When you want to reach Occultist's Dominion, Practical Application and etc, you have to spend few points into Int nodes to get there, and I think this is kinda unefficient in the late game where I don't need this many stats... But as I said, beyond lvl 68 (aka core of the build) your scaling can be adapted to your likings and needs. This build was made with the ideia to be flexible and suit many playstyles (you can even play with other spells, like Storm Call for example) and be enjoyable. And about Snowforged: I didn't take because the cold damge from it would be wasted and I didn't have any problems to keep EO up with the Orb of Storms setup that I recommended. But is a solid option if you feel more confortable with it. :) Anyway, good luck with the build! If you have any question, suggestions or achievements regarding this build, please, let me know. Cheers, Razielim. Crappy builds only.
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Why you don't use the special essences? they are not so expencive, and for this league they aren't expencive, for the elm you can get a 30 more damage for a good essence, in the gloves a crazy crit chance and you can achive a 6l helm in this way.
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It's been a few weeks now and I've made it to level 87. As far as end game content goes, I've completed tier 12 maps, normal Atziri, and Uber Lab with relative ease. I again wanted to think you for posting this guide. This character has been fun and because of it, this has been my most played league yet. Going to continue and complete more end game content. If you have any suggestions to improve my character, please let me know. Thank you!! |
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" Hi! Well, because the main idea of this build is to be cheap to no cost at all (aka SSF). While we can scale damage and survivability when some Unique gear are added, I never went too far with Essence crafting and I opt out to no include guidance about these for this reason. However, it can be very powerful when you really want to squeeze the very least capability of this build, which I haven't done myself yet. Crappy builds only.
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" Hello, there! Sorry for the late on replying. Good job, buddy! Your feedback really encouraged me to keep ideas coming and to write builds in the future. As for your character: I've checked and everything seems pretty good. I see that you choose Carcass Jack for your body armour and that is completely fine as long as you are confortable with your defensive counterpart. Nonetheless, just keep the good work and enjoy! If you have any accomplishments that you'd like for me to include in the "Achievements" section of this build, please, let me know and i'll be very glad to show to people your accomplishments with the build. Cheers, Razielim. Crappy builds only.
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Hello, thank you for this build. I am new to the game and will be using this as my guide.
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im still new, just lost my Elementalist flameblast lvl 53 :(. love this build figured id try templar version.
my question for the bandits is it help/help/kill all? Thank you in advance. |
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" Hi, sorry for the delay in replying. That's awesome. Although the league is ending very soon, I hope that you enjoy this build as much as you can while the 3.0 changes don't come in. Cheers, Razielim. Crappy builds only.
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" Hi, there. I'm glad that you're trying out this build and also sorry for your Elementalist. Yes, the bandits choices are presented right at the beginning of the "The Build" secion. For quick referrence it is the following: Help Oak in Normal --> Help Alira in Cruel --> Kill all I hope it helps. Cheers, Razielim. Crappy builds only.
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