[3.2]♦Pants On Fire! LLRF Scorching Ray Guardian ♦ FULL VIDEO GUIDE UP! ♦ NO CHANGES FOR 3.2

Emfx wrote:
Pax1990 wrote:
Merry Xmas guys.
Iam playing this build for the first time in abyss and iam loving it.
I dont know what to upgrade next tho.
Iam at 6.5k es but that seems too low.
I got 6ex atm. For what upgrades should i look next.

Appreciate it.

You're about 0.5 exalt off of being able to afford a Presence of Chayula which would be a major upgrade for you.

Poe.trade lists them at 7-8ex but i guess iam gonna save up for it
Ingame: Blitzfrau
Season's greetings, all - going through PoE withdrawals while holidaying in small-town NZ so thought I'd pick people's brains :)

I've been enjoying this build in ASC (Shinrha's LL RF leveling video kept things interesting pre-maps - swapped from SRS after normal lab - and I probably used my Solaris Lorica too long), though I'm much slower at generating currency than most (took me a week or so to save up for my Presence after the initial outlay into a 5L Shavs, Catalyst etc).

L91 gear:

I've been running Uber lab but haven't managed to get the right boot enchant in my first dozen or so uses of the enchantment font, and my poe.trade saved search hasn't seen any Vertexes pop up with reduced mana reservation enchants in the past two weeks ... going to be quite a grind but guess I'll finally try and get the "complete endgame grinds" league challenge done.

Anyone care to rank what they think my gearing priorities should be?

* 6L my Shavs (I have ~6ex in Ex/Chaos and 600ish fusings)
* Craft less half-arsed Essence of Delerium Sorc gloves
* Tidy up my jewels (I'm 4 Strength short of re-equipping my L20 Vitality, but I'm still waiting on the helm enchant + levelling up two Enlightens in my Haku offhand; I've ended up with an excess of Dexterity due to abruptly picking up a lot on my rings). Saved search for the Clarity mana/ES% Watcher's Eyes haven't had anything under 10ex :/
* Craft a +1 max res ES shield - the only iL85+ Shaped Titanium Spirit Shield up is the mirror-esque Hate Charm, rather than a base I can chaos spam, sadly: http://poe.trade/search/ukimobosikisai ... worth holding out for one to pop up, or would the ES loss in crafting a more available/affordable Harmonic/Vaal Spirit Shield base be an acceptable trade-off?
* Get more ES on my rings/belt.
* Vaal my gems once they reach 20/20 (currently most are halfway through 19/20; have three Scorching Rays in one of my offhands).
Haasts wrote:
Season's greetings, all - going through PoE withdrawals while holidaying in small-town NZ so thought I'd pick people's brains :)

I've been enjoying this build in ASC (Shinrha's LL RF leveling video kept things interesting pre-maps - swapped from SRS after normal lab - and I probably used my Solaris Lorica too long), though I'm much slower at generating currency than most (took me a week or so to save up for my Presence after the initial outlay into a 5L Shavs, Catalyst etc).

L91 gear:

I've been running Uber lab but haven't managed to get the right boot enchant in my first dozen or so uses of the enchantment font, and my poe.trade saved search hasn't seen any Vertexes pop up with reduced mana reservation enchants in the past two weeks ... going to be quite a grind but guess I'll finally try and get the "complete endgame grinds" league challenge done.

Anyone care to rank what they think my gearing priorities should be?

* 6L my Shavs (I have ~6ex in Ex/Chaos and 600ish fusings)
* Craft less half-arsed Essence of Delerium Sorc gloves
* Tidy up my jewels (I'm 4 Strength short of re-equipping my L20 Vitality, but I'm still waiting on the helm enchant + levelling up two Enlightens in my Haku offhand; I've ended up with an excess of Dexterity due to abruptly picking up a lot on my rings). Saved search for the Clarity mana/ES% Watcher's Eyes haven't had anything under 10ex :/
* Craft a +1 max res ES shield - the only iL85+ Shaped Titanium Spirit Shield up is the mirror-esque Hate Charm, rather than a base I can chaos spam, sadly: http://poe.trade/search/ukimobosikisai ... worth holding out for one to pop up, or would the ES loss in crafting a more available/affordable Harmonic/Vaal Spirit Shield base be an acceptable trade-off?
* Get more ES on my rings/belt.
* Vaal my gems once they reach 20/20 (currently most are halfway through 19/20; have three Scorching Rays in one of my offhands).

What do you find lacking? Clear speed? Single target? Survivability? 6L shavs was my last upgrade. I focused on scaling my ES first since I rarely use SR. RF melts regular packs and RF+Conc Effect melts bosses up to t15.

You can run 6th aura with blood magic 21 and enlighten 3 (bm 20 and enl 2 with your current helm). Any particular reason you want to get reduced reservation helm enchant? You plan to use empower to get triple lvl 23 purities?

Anyone done the math on +1 max res shield and 5% RDoT (Leo mod got nerfed to 5% in temp leagues) vs 5% max fire res on RoTF? Once you are fully geared, you'll have ~12k ES, so I think 5% max fire from RoTF might be better to keep regen rate high enough that you can face tank everything.
Hi again!

I bring questions once again regarding how to add my passive points to suit yet a diff spec I'm currently trying out:

UnluckyChild's max block high es regen pure SR guardian with no RF.

Here's his tree at level 94 (note he used CI pre-3.0 so I made adjustments to suit LL - pain attunement, took off ci,etc):


Here's my current tree at lvl 83:


Main differences between our trees are that: I omitted Holy fire and Whispers of Doom, CI, and included MoM and inspiration.

My dilemma is this:
With the introduction of Watcher's eye jewel, we now need an additional jewel slot. As Unluckychild's build already utilizes 5 x reckless defences, 1x red nightmare, and 1x legacy energy from within, I find myself only able to omit the non legacy energy from within to accomodate watcher's eye's addition in abyss league so as to not lower my block from keeping all the reckless defences.

But at a later stage during lvling, I intend to grab another jewel slot to put that energy from within back.

My question is:

Which jewel slot do I go for and how do I go about getting there?

Which slot:
Here are the options:
Jewel slot below faith and steel in templar area;
Jewel slot with 2 armor travel nodes in marauder area;
Jewel slot with 2 spell dmg nodes left of Harrier in scion area;
Each of the above 3 jewel slots all take 4 skill points to get to.
But both my gut feeling + unluckychild himself advised me to take this alternative route:
Save up 5 skill points and get to the witch jewel slot on the right hand side of Mind Barrier and Instability. This way I can grab the "energy shield on shield" node as well after.

How to go about getting the witch jewel slot:
With my current tree in mind, my current plan is to first grab holy fire in the next 3 levels, then upon reaching the next 5th level at 88, spec out of holy fire, and go through the "increased aoe" nodes on the top left of the witch es nodes (Deep wisdom), through them get to the jewel slot. Then 2 more levels later, grab the "energy shield on shield" node to supplement my es. This plan requires that I forego whispers of doom, as well as a faster 4 node journey to unnatural calm from whispers of doom instead of EO. I don't know if that's worth it for the jewel + "energy shield on shield" though?

At this point I'll be lvl 90.

Next, at level 91, refund 2 random skill points, add those 3 points to connect via EO to "energy shield on shield" and the jewel slot, thus completing the plan, and refund the two increased AOE nodes, and then re-take the randomly refunded skill points again.

And at 91-94, take up holy fire again, then at 94-98, could consider whispers of doom or more es/unnatural calm.

Please, if you know anything better I could do than the above plans, do tell :)

P.S. despite the build is PURE SR, with no RF, I still plan to map with RF. It's when doing tough bosses like elder and guardians/shaper do I plan on swapping out the delirium glove/ROTP for a more es+block oriented pure SR build. That way, the "increased aoe nodes" still helps quality of life a bit for RF I guess...
Last edited by UchihaVegeta#2793 on Dec 26, 2017, 12:23:55 AM
promind wrote:

Anyone done the math on +1 max res shield and 5% RDoT (Leo mod got nerfed to 5% in temp leagues) vs 5% max fire res on RoTF? Once you are fully geared, you'll have ~12k ES, so I think 5% max fire from RoTF might be better to keep regen rate high enough that you can face tank everything.

The 5% RotP has better dmg mitigation. But then again, you lose a fair chunk of ES from the rare shield. Just go with whatever you can sustain at your current gear lvl. Imo the ultimate goal will always be a rare shield.
What level do you switch into LL and start using RF?
IGN: hyrenfreak
hyrenfreak wrote:
What level do you switch into LL and start using RF?

I switched at 88 i think this league, hardcore players seem to prefer switching at 92-95. Some people, later in the league perhaps, level as LL RF from ~32 (I did this last league about 2 weeks in) but it requires a pretty specific gear set-up (2*kikazaru, Spring-Leaf, Solaris Lorica) and can run into some difficulties at higher level if you don't already have end-game gear to switch into (I wouldn't do it this way as a first character, even if you get it to work you won't be pushing high maps quickly).

tl/dr: for Hardcore: 92+, for softcore: whenever you have the core gear ready (Shavs+ES gear, presence can wait)
Someone would mind taking a look at my char and see what i'm missing?
I can't sustain RF really well with my equipments. I was doing almost fine with the setup on the leveling video (2x kikazaru, springleaf, solaris...) but now that i can equip my 5L shavs, RoTP and better ES gear, i can't sustain it well, even with the rubu flasks. The shield regen with ruby, but not that good or fast. I was thinking to start saving for Presence of Chayula but now idk what to do with my char.
EsperP wrote:
hyrenfreak wrote:
What level do you switch into LL and start using RF?

I switched at 88 i think this league, hardcore players seem to prefer switching at 92-95. Some people, later in the league perhaps, level as LL RF from ~32 (I did this last league about 2 weeks in) but it requires a pretty specific gear set-up (2*kikazaru, Spring-Leaf, Solaris Lorica) and can run into some difficulties at higher level if you don't already have end-game gear to switch into (I wouldn't do it this way as a first character, even if you get it to work you won't be pushing high maps quickly).

tl/dr: for Hardcore: 92+, for softcore: whenever you have the core gear ready (Shavs+ES gear, presence can wait)

did u use his leveling tree for up to 35 or the oens from the leveling video?
IGN: hyrenfreak
hyrenfreak wrote:
EsperP wrote:
hyrenfreak wrote:
What level do you switch into LL and start using RF?

I switched at 88 i think this league, hardcore players seem to prefer switching at 92-95. Some people, later in the league perhaps, level as LL RF from ~32 (I did this last league about 2 weeks in) but it requires a pretty specific gear set-up (2*kikazaru, Spring-Leaf, Solaris Lorica) and can run into some difficulties at higher level if you don't already have end-game gear to switch into (I wouldn't do it this way as a first character, even if you get it to work you won't be pushing high maps quickly).

tl/dr: for Hardcore: 92+, for softcore: whenever you have the core gear ready (Shavs+ES gear, presence can wait)

did u use his leveling tree for up to 35 or the oens from the leveling video?

I levelled as Scorching Ray inquisitor, using a tree i copied from Uberdan from the last league (he used it to get the 1st hc shaper kill then switched to LL). The PoB code is: https://pastebin.com/HRmguy2y

Does cost a fair amount to respec tree+ascendencies, if you don't need to be pushing maps/unlocks with this char then you might want to do it differently.

edit - I did spec a bit different to the PoB link- taking all of the life wheel nodes and skipping flask nodes and the nodes next to then, mainly since I wanted more life.
Last edited by EsperP#0135 on Dec 26, 2017, 9:22:13 AM

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