Legacy League Challenges and Rewards

Gotta say, I really hate seeing the backslide to having to do everything listed in terms of finding/killing stuff.

I like getting mtxes, but right now I certainly don't feel motivated to give a shit about trying after reading that list.
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I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
Bad rewards ;s
well... this portal is the default blue portal of the game with some purple color inside.

I'm probably doing the challanges because I think that's a lot fun, but this is by far the worst MTXs I ever seen. And I'm here since perandus league.

Footprints ok, weapon ok, but this portal man.... wtf. Exactly the same layout of the default portal of the game, and even the borders still have the same blue color of the default portal. Really lazy job GGG. Did you created it in 10 seconds?

Open paint, lets get the default portal.. now select inside.. now add some purple.. yeah its done.

PS: I'm still waiting a shield mtx as 36th challange, or a new pet, or a full armour set as league rewards. Maybe on 3.0?

This portals rewards every league is being boring. Always portal. Just saying.
My end, it justifies my means,
All I ever do is delay,
My every attempt to evade,
The end of the road
And my end....
Last edited by imLuCaSsS#6273 on Feb 27, 2017, 10:44:36 PM
MusicalMind wrote:
I see only 39/40

GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Bad Seed
silvinapl wrote:
Nice, but where are the patch notes GGG?

Just look at the scedule they posted with yesterdays news...
Oh wait, no need to: tomorrow.
Namcap wrote:
Challenge list isn't so bad but way too much talisman league crap in there. Worst league mechanic ever. Collect 3 stash tabs worth of amulets and upgrade them for more amulets of more amulets of more amulets.

True, the talisman - mechanic been poorly made. And there's a lot of stuff from talisman. Well. Endgame grund will work without Rigwald and the lesser ones aren't that hard. I could be bothered collecting all those damn talismans 10 times, but surely not that often :)
Some of those are going to be a pita. Abaxoth I have spawned twice ever.
There are a couple of these that may prove to be hard to complete. I have only ever spawned Abbaxoth once. Overall should be a great league and tons of fun to play! :-D

I can't wait to get inside the Reliquary for the first time!
These Challenges looks like the worst cancer for me yet...

As a Portal enthusiast it kills me that the Portal MTX is at 36 all the time when my max challenges is always around the mid 20's. :-(

Ascension tied to Lab is the worst thing GGG has done...apart from GGG's philosophy on Trading. Oh and Gambling Loot boxes. And selling out to tencent.

I used to love GGG. I supported to ensure GGG remained independent, now I just wish I could get my money back. -_-

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