Legacy League Relics
Im going to play a lot on this league but will div cards that give items uniques have a chance to give you a legacy one or will they just give you the current ones and will there only be legacy uniques and no rares legacy rares like brood twine or loath bane
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Stop worrying about legacy Kaom's. Yes, it is insanely powerful but there will not be as many available to break the game.
Especially now that we have multiple lategame viable chests with fat defenses - gone are the days of Kaom's or Lightning Coil. Kintsugi, Perfect Form, Cospri's, for some builds, Cherrubim's... unique chest armor has options. |
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loving the standard tears. might make it my goal this league to get my hands on a primal kaoms heart.
oh yeah, primal.
Second-class poe gamer
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This is going to be the best league yet! I would have to imagine that we will see the largest number of people to ever play a league, in this league! :D LOUIE!!!
The LORD will march forth like a mighty Warrior, He will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his battle cry and crush all his enemies.
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Legacy is going to be better than 3.0. Just watch.
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" man.. please, do not compare Cherrubims to 1k HP Kaoms mmkay? the only thing that is (barely and very situationaly) able to be comparable is legacy coil. all other items are just few tiers worse if people prefer to play CI over any life build, do you think they do not know what they are doing? or maybe these life chests are simply meh compared to 700ES regalia? they are cool. but just cool. ES is plain better. it is as simple as: 1) they fix life % on the tree and maybe add some +life per level (again) -> then 1k kaoms is like BiS'est item in the game AGAIN 2) they do not change anything, then the 1k kaoms is the only way to play life builds because ES is just better both scenarios are crap 1k kaoms has been removed from the game for entire leage for a f.. reason. because it broke the game. it held entire game hostage and made ggg do stupid things to not annoy owners of these items (these were the times when ggg cared about long time supporters a lot more than today). and they want to repeat this crap? amazing. |
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Taryn's Shiver was nerfed to +1 cold gem including the existing ones
like Voltaxic Rift, it doesn't exist... Last edited by Dudebag#0222 on Feb 22, 2017, 4:27:09 PM
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" chances are you will have to grind the shit out of the game and still be very low chance. some of the legacy ones were hard to get so yeah... if you are a casual player, then you're looking for a lottery win. but at least we all have chances at it. Last edited by Dudebag#0222 on Feb 22, 2017, 4:35:00 PM
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When are they releasing the new tree... they said it was today
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Legacy Kaoms, Shavs and ST will probably be the most pricy ones in this league. RNGesus be with me this time.
Edit: My wife will leave me. Again. Last edited by d3s0#1590 on Feb 22, 2017, 5:39:16 PM