[2.5/2.6]Cheap Non-crit Overloaded Fireball . Burns everything on the path (T16/Shaper viable)

MisterCatnip wrote:
greendragon2194 wrote:
MisterCatnip wrote:
So, i didn't realize this was a standard build before i started doing it... lol. What can i do to make this more HC viable? Any points i should spec out of to get something else? Can you take a look at my charachter "TheCatnipNuke" and see if theres something i should get for more survivability

I had a look in your gear. More a more HC viability, just get higher ES on all of your gear. MAybe a good ES vaal regalia would be better. With my gear, I wore a 700ES chest and my total ES got up to near 11k. Just higher ES gear that's all. But i know this time in the league those items aren't cheap...

Ok sounds good. I have decided to go MoM and not get ghost reaver since i will more than likely not be able to get the scepter. Also i am going under the witch tree where that one point you point into es im going to go past it and also get that mana regen and increased mana since i am getting MoM. Then i believe this build can be HC viable. and be able to add a HC viable tree if what im doing works. When im 75 i should be good in the mana and es department.

currently outside of town i have 6k energy shield, 4k fb damage when elemental overload procs with my links being fb - controlled dest. - increased area - fire pen - GMP and when i switch GMP with slower my dps is 6-7k when ele overload procs. Clearing dried lake right now its pretty smooth so far. Will update when i hit 75

Name of charachter for anyone wanting todo this HC is TheCatnipNuke

EDIT: Currently level 75 now damage is great MoM helps so much i went and got zealots oath and got shaper keystone for life regen which in turn gives es regen passively. I have 6k energy shield now. I have a friend thats a aurawhore as well so that helps with running crazy map mods.

MoM does not work with CI, if you are still on this build, you should respec.
hey man, really nice guide. Really like it.

Quick quesiton. How did you get 164% chance to ignite?
gvidzix wrote:
KSking wrote:
Hi, I like your build so far and i have gotten all the way up to level 82. While the damage and AoE is superb, the defenses seem to fall off. I want to know, have you put any thought into what's best to do in that regard? What do you do to defend yourself against thorns and spikes and all that? I feel like any skill points earned beyond level 80 could be used to either fix the mana issues or defenses over some more damage.
Some of the choices i see are:
a) go low-life and cast defensive auras
b) discipline + arctic armor (my intended route)
c) build spellblock
d) replace lightning golem with stone golem(?) for the hp regeneration route.

What's your opinion on these choices? Or do you prefer the full yolo high ES route?

EDIT: Also, can this build do burn immune bosses at all such as Atziri and one of the four guardians?

a) you will have to get Shavs, and get rid of either CWDT setup, spell totem or cures on hit setup, might work, but you will have to test it out yourself then.
b) I think this could work out fine, but you will have less mana, which could make it annoying to get used to.
c) umm no, I don't think this will work.
d) you will have to get zealot's oath witch in this case best solution would be the unique sulphur flask with zealot's oath (forgot it's name) while active.

I personally think going the highest ES possible and maybe having arctic armor as well is the best choice, and having only one unique flask so you have all the utility on flasks.

About ignite immune bosses:

I've been running Atziris for the Achievement, not that great to tell you, but mainly because I've already got muscle memory to cast orb of storms, which then makes it so if I get hit by one Flameblast or few stormcalls means death of me.
I prefer to do Atziri with my ST poison/bleed build.
Can't say anything about phoenix, haven't tried him yet on this Fireball build.
But as for all end game encounters it's more your own knowledge and skill of the encounter.

I tried minotauren... but the fight takes ages and he basically one shots me with 9.2k ES... O_O...but than again I did a "yellow-val-orb"-Version...

Do the guardians count, if you only complete the map? or do the have to be rare? vaal orbed?
Hirogen wrote:
gvidzix wrote:
KSking wrote:
Hi, I like your build so far and i have gotten all the way up to level 82. While the damage and AoE is superb, the defenses seem to fall off. I want to know, have you put any thought into what's best to do in that regard? What do you do to defend yourself against thorns and spikes and all that? I feel like any skill points earned beyond level 80 could be used to either fix the mana issues or defenses over some more damage.
Some of the choices i see are:
a) go low-life and cast defensive auras
b) discipline + arctic armor (my intended route)
c) build spellblock
d) replace lightning golem with stone golem(?) for the hp regeneration route.

What's your opinion on these choices? Or do you prefer the full yolo high ES route?

EDIT: Also, can this build do burn immune bosses at all such as Atziri and one of the four guardians?

a) you will have to get Shavs, and get rid of either CWDT setup, spell totem or cures on hit setup, might work, but you will have to test it out yourself then.
b) I think this could work out fine, but you will have less mana, which could make it annoying to get used to.
c) umm no, I don't think this will work.
d) you will have to get zealot's oath witch in this case best solution would be the unique sulphur flask with zealot's oath (forgot it's name) while active.

I personally think going the highest ES possible and maybe having arctic armor as well is the best choice, and having only one unique flask so you have all the utility on flasks.

About ignite immune bosses:

I've been running Atziris for the Achievement, not that great to tell you, but mainly because I've already got muscle memory to cast orb of storms, which then makes it so if I get hit by one Flameblast or few stormcalls means death of me.
I prefer to do Atziri with my ST poison/bleed build.
Can't say anything about phoenix, haven't tried him yet on this Fireball build.
But as for all end game encounters it's more your own knowledge and skill of the encounter.

I tried minotauren... but the fight takes ages and he basically one shots me with 9.2k ES... O_O...but than again I did a "yellow-val-orb"-Version...

Do the guardians count, if you only complete the map? or do the have to be rare? vaal orbed?

The achievement ''End game grind'' or how it's called, gets +1 after guardian, atziri, end izaro etc kill. So no you have to kill them. To get the Atlas completion, I would recommend it when you have few maps for guardians, as it is possible to get okay modded rare corrupted map, or brick them completely, then just put them for sale.
Yesterday did solo Minotaur deathless, and Chimera with 2x ppl health with friend as well, but lost xp progress :( because of too much yoloing crazy map mods.
jackg2113 wrote:
hey man, really nice guide. Really like it.

Quick quesiton. How did you get 164% chance to ignite?

Elementalist ascendancy - Shaper of Desolation:
Every 14 seconds:
Gain Chilling Conflux for 4 seconds
Gain Shocking Conflux for 4 seconds
Gain Igniting Conflux for 4 seconds
Gain Chilling, Shocking, and Igniting Conflux for 2 seconds

Where conflux means 100% chill, shock, ignite or all together.
Last edited by gvidzix#5534 on Apr 21, 2017, 3:37:43 AM
gvidzix wrote:

The achievement ''End game grind'' or how it's called, gets +1 after guardian, atziri, end izaro etc kill. So no you have to kill them. To get the Atlas completion, I would recommend it when you have few maps for guardians, as it is possible to get okay modded rare corrupted map, or brick them completely, then just put them for sale.
Yesterday did solo Minotaur deathless, and Chimera with 2x ppl health with friend as well, but lost xp progress :( because of too much yoloing crazy map mods.

But for the Atlas-Prorgession, is it like the other unique maps, were you just complete the map "as is" (white, non rare, non vaaled) or is it like the other tier 11-15 maps, where you have to rare and then vaal them?
Hirogen wrote:
gvidzix wrote:

The achievement ''End game grind'' or how it's called, gets +1 after guardian, atziri, end izaro etc kill. So no you have to kill them. To get the Atlas completion, I would recommend it when you have few maps for guardians, as it is possible to get okay modded rare corrupted map, or brick them completely, then just put them for sale.
Yesterday did solo Minotaur deathless, and Chimera with 2x ppl health with friend as well, but lost xp progress :( because of too much yoloing crazy map mods.

But for the Atlas-Prorgession, is it like the other unique maps, were you just complete the map "as is" (white, non rare, non vaaled) or is it like the other tier 11-15 maps, where you have to rare and then vaal them?

Guardian maps are not unique, so there you have it, all T11+ for atlas completion have to be rare and vaaled, fer exclusion unique maps and Shaper realm because gated behind fragments.

edit: except Phoenix and Uber Atziri for obvious reasons (ignite immunity) all content cleared on this build. I will try Phoenix, but that fight will most likely take very long, thus creating more room for mistakes, as loosing on ignite this build loses like 70%-90% of damage, though haven't died on normal Atziri for like last 10 runs.
Last edited by gvidzix#5534 on Apr 25, 2017, 10:44:13 AM
Thanks for the guide. I wanted to squeeze in 1 more build since the league was extended but I didn't want to do another expensive build. I ended up spending a bit on some items once I realized how strong it was going to actually be and it's been a lot of fun. I ended up dropping Energy From Within for a 4 damage jewel with 3 double dip options and I only lost about 400 ES and I'm still at 11.3k with Skin of the Loyal.

Got super lucky with chaos spam on the fireball damage helm and some nice rolls on the fire damage Opal Rings. The mana leech on the boots is a huge help. I don't really love having to hit mana flasks all the time. It's just too bad it's not from uber.

I played HoWA and then a TS build but neither of those offscreen like this does. It's crazy how far stuff drops with these fireballs. Many thanks,

Current Gear at 84:
Last edited by Nadool#7068 on May 22, 2017, 1:08:59 AM
So this is a guide for people who want to learn a new build and new mechanics. Using "duh" to explain why a weapon is strong or powerful seems counterproductive.

So my question is, what makes the Catalyst best in slot? Are you somehow utilizing the proliferation? Is it because of the life leech? Is it simply because of the increased elemental damage, and if so, is there really nothing else that matches this increase?

Also, how do you have two golems.
Gloominati wrote:
So this is a guide for people who want to learn a new build and new mechanics. Using "duh" to explain why a weapon is strong or powerful seems counterproductive.

So my question is, what makes the Catalyst best in slot? Are you somehow utilizing the proliferation? Is it because of the life leech? Is it simply because of the increased elemental damage, and if so, is there really nothing else that matches this increase?

Also, how do you have two golems.

Never have I said this is a build for newbie. In fact it was clearly stated that not beginner-friendly.

Since I was busy with my job and this build will get washed by the 3.0 patch I neglected this thread. But I can explain the double dipping and why catalyst is BIS for this build

This build utilised a mechanic called "double-dipping". This mechanic applies for poison and burning damage which result in hundred of thousands or even millions damage per second and it is OP. The mechanic is simple:

Fire damage has initial damage and chance to burn which deals damage BASED ON 20% the initial damage. However, factors increase the initial fire damage ALSO increase the burning damage. For example

Initial fireball damage 100
Burning damage 20

10% fire damage increase
Initial fireball damage 110
Burning damage 20% x 110 + 20*10% = 24

So a 10% increase in fire damage result in 10% increase in initial damage and 20% increase in burning damage. Accumulating increases and you get and exponential increase in burning damage.

For fire damage, you look for Fire damage and elemental damage since these will scale the double dipping. Catalyst is the HIGHEST current (2.6 to before) possible way to achieve that (max 100% elemental increase). Spell damage does not scale double dipping so rare items with 100% 110% spell damage are significantly less powerful than a Catalyst. Leeching is neglectable for catalyst

For 2 golems -> Ascendancy: Being an Elemtalist allows us to do that :)

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