[2.5/2.6]Cheap Non-crit Overloaded Fireball . Burns everything on the path (T16/Shaper viable)
![]() Hi! This is my build of playing fireball. This build is super strong and can be extremely cheap considering how much content it can clear. You can get the chest piece 6l for 1-3ex depends the time of league you are in. You can use this as a league starter and then invest in it for Shaper level. *UPDATED SHAPER RUN* *UPDATED FOR 3.0*
Mapping will be ok but our single target will be significantly less :( *UPDATE FOR 2.6 (IN PROGRESS)
I do not see any nerf for this build except the AoE (which is global for all AoE builds). Changes to uniques might give this build other viable variations. But my fireball version WILL remain VIABLE for 2.6 LEGACY LEAGUE
The AoE of Orb of Storm is not very noticeable. However, The AoE explosion of the fireball is fairly noticeable as we scaled a lot from 2.5 tree plus a rolling flame jewel. I have checked the clear speed and it does not have much impact. Still one-shotting packs miles away :D I have made the new level 90 skill tree and the levelling tree. All nodes we are taking remain same. No new node need to be taken. The new The Wise Oak Flask seems very good for this build. As long as your gears allow :P I killed Shaper before the flask exists (AND WITHOUT DYING SUN :P ) ***Apologise for not having replying a lot lately Just got a new Intern job so I'm kinda really busy. It is unlikely that I will play the Legacy League seriously :( However, I will try to answer all question as much as possible*** Sorry for not uploading a video. My laptop simply can't take both PoE and recording. I will try to get someone else PC and do the recording in the near future :D The only thing I can show for build's proof is my Shaper's killing screenshot Gameplay videos (Will try to update gradually)
2.5 Vids Shaper run (I'm now back to SEA server as I have finished my studies in the UK, the internet and ping kinda suck plus occasional lag spikes so it was kinda hard to dodge stuff. The damage is still enough to kill him though :D) Chayula Breach Run Colosseum - Temp Chain and Vulnerbility with 40% monster life - Deathless Abyss - min max and added lightning damage - 1 death due to lag spike Pros
- Fast clear speed. Even at tier 16
- Very fun to play. One-shotting mobs miles away. - A much more enjoyable playing experience than Flameblast. Even better with the MTX - Can achieve extremely high damage with the ignite under the 2s conflux of shock+chill+ignites - Very cheap to start and a couple more of exalts to make it fully Shaper viable - Can be a league starter - High ES pool and high ES recharge - The 6l chest can be obtained for 1-2ex only. - Even the MTX is cheap and one of the best skill MTX Cons
- Not beginner friendly. Requires decent game knowledge and dodging skills
- No instant leech -> Cannot face-tank as CI (Again need dodging and good timing on vaal discipline) - Depends on mana flask on fighting bosses. Need good flask management (But I never run out of mana flask charges apart from a couple of times at Shaper) - Highly depends on gem level. Do not attempt end-game bosses if gems' level less than 18 - Cannot do ignite-immune bosses (or at least reliably). - Slight difficult on facing Chimera during the mobs phase. Dodging and summoning golems to divert their attacks are crucial Concept
This build utilises the double dipping mechanic. Fireball itself has very good base fire damage. All we need to do is landing ignites and we shall win the game. Orb of storm with dual curse set up gives us -88 fire resistances on normal mobs and ~35 on unique monsters on top of Elemental Equilibrium. With careful planning, placing a scorching ray totem can decrease mobs resist further even another 24%. With perfect set up, any mobs can get negative fire resist (Or near 0). This makes both the initial damage of fireball and the ignite damage devastating to mobs. Elemental Overload just make things harder for mobs
How to play this build:
- Cast orb of storm to curse and procs EE (even better when Overload procs)
- For bosses, cast scorching ray totem and try to keep it up as long as possible - Shoot the fireball, BURN EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Let the ignite does the job - Repeat -> Profit Sometimes, even the scorching ray totem can kill mobs or even some of the bosses without casting fireball as we invest a lot in -fire resist and fire penetration. Stats:
With GMP and inc AoE ![]() With Slower Proj and Conc effect ![]() Defense: ![]() Why Elementalist?
- Less reflect damage
- Ignite Prolif for free is very powerful for our build. You one shotting packs and leave the rest to burn in hell - More chance to procs ignite due to the new conflux Ascendancy point progression
1. Shaper of Desolation
2. Beacon of Ruin 3. Ledge of the Primordial 4. Paragon of Calamity Unfriendly map mods
Elemental reflect - You can't. JUST CANNOT. DON'T BE LIKE ZIZARAN
*Update: * Apparently someone tried and confirmed we can. But you need to wear the Sibyl's Lament and take the 10% reduce elemental reflect damage on the tree near the witch area. Less life, energy shield recharge - A pain in the ass mod. Not a wise thing to do for t16 maps. It doesn't make maps undoable, just make it considerably harder (takes more skills) and very unlikely to do the t16 map deathless Monsters have x% chance to Avoid Elemental Status Ailments - Annoying but still doable. I would not recommend this mod for killing t15 or above bosses (mobs are ok) Monsters' attack always ignites - It's bad for our ES regen. Roll a ignite immune flask and you are good Curse immunity - It's not too bad, you just lose out a bunch of dps but should not be too much of a problem. Desirable gear (As an end-game build)
Duh... You are building an ignite character right? Duh... For league starting, a sceptre with good spell + fire damage (70+) with add fire damage to spell is good enough, cast speed is extra. Best chest piece for dps and they are super cheap mid league. Got mine for 1ex. A high ES Vaal regalia is fine but you would have around 2-3k dps less (but you can get 1k+ ES more). Tip: Get yourself a white socket for the blue. I know 3B usually cost a lot, especially 2-3 weeks into the league. These Opal rings provide HUGE DAMAGE BOOST. With proper crafting from essence of Anger, one ring equates to a WHOLE damage wheel in our skill tree (about 4-5 skill points). These are must have if you want properly do t16 and Shaper. The base ring costs 8-10c. The essence often cost about 1-2c each (tier 5+). I got both of mine after 10 tries. These rings are not that expensive to craft. They just take up time to make. If you manage to roll more strength and dex on these ring, you can opt out the 30 dex nodes or the cast and attack speed in the templar area and opt in the Elemental nodes in the shadow area or more ES. Expect to be stun lock without this amulet as CI :) Fireball enchants are cheap, I got mine for a mere 15c. Fireball damage is the best enchant. Took me 120 chao orbs to roll such mods though My gear
For 4L just go for Fireball - Controlled Des - Slower Proj/GMP - Fire pen For a 5L Fireball - Controlled Des - Slower Proj/GMP - Fire pen - Inc Aoe/Conc effect Jewel
- Fire damage (Best as it scales the initial hits and the ignite, has higher roll than other general mod) - Area damage (also double dip) - Projectile damage (also double dip) - Spell damage (doesn't double dip) - Cast speed (easier play-style if you want) - Stats (if needed) - 1 Rolling flame (Cheap af, only needed for clear speed) - 1 Energy from Within Bandits
Since we are a wicked witch, so:
Kill all - Kill all - Kill all Skill tree 2.6 tree
2.5 tree
Feel free to ask me any question. Thanks :D Last edited by greendragon2194#4225 on Jul 22, 2017, 1:57:14 AM Last bumped on May 30, 2018, 7:27:43 PM
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finally a shaper viable build thats uncommon.
found my league ender build. |
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" It's not that "uncommon" considering the "burn and poison" meta atm. But certainly apart from Mathil (who played crit version) I have not seen anyone play fireball to Shaper level before |
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Would like to try this, but could you add skill tree progress for lower levels so I can see what should be prioritised?
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Hey, first of all thanks for this build i'm making my own witch right now and it works fine !
I was wondering why you use flame dash AND shiled charge, also i wanted to know is the immortal call really worth it since we dont have any charges to consume. Thanks for your time and this guide again |
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" The skill tree is kinda easy to be honest. Take some life-node at first then take all the nodesin the witches and templar area. Once you reach around 68-70, respect into CI and go into the shadow area later. Some of the most important nodes to take, in order of priority 1. elemental Overload 2. All the Fire damage/Area nodes 3. Whisper of Doom (+1 curse - amazing damage booost) 4. Elemental Equilibrium (Usually after getting conflux from Ascendancy) The rest is kinda intuitive. This is also why this build is not really for beginners but for those who are a bit more experienced. However, even if you are new, just try. A couple of mistake here and there won't ruin the build. Just do not build CI when you are lower than 70. TD;DR I decided that I will add later :D " Flame dash is an amazing movement skill as it lets you move through terrain. However, it has only 3 charges and the range is somewhat limited. Shield charge is a fantastic movement skill for mapping as it scales through both attack speed AND movement speed. For caster build which do not focus on attack speed, shield charge is much better (try to shield charge when quicksilver flask is on :P ). Overall, flame dash is only for moving through tricky terrain whereas shield charge is used to move around the map Immortal call is a very useful set up for most builds. It helps with a continuous stream of burst damage (Like the bitches that throw darts in Piety act 3 maps and mobs that release porcupine upon death). Worth it I say. Last edited by greendragon2194#4225 on Feb 21, 2017, 1:18:34 AM
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Any tips for leveling? I've been practicing Self-found at the end of the league and have decided on this build for a starter. Would you recommend cwc-scorching ray-fireball-(support) or did you level just pure firestorm / fireball?
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Is this build viable as necromancer ascendancy?
I'm making a non-summoner necro aoe spellcaster next league and I like your concept. Thanks. |
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" I doubt it to be honest (but I can be wrong) The core concept og this build is the ignite. Chance to ignite from fireball gem at 20% quality alone without the Conflux from Ascendancy would be a bit unreliable. This would be problematic for strong bosses. You might wanna have to go crit for necromancer for reliable ignite procs as crits always cause status ailment. I have not tried the necro class yet so my opinion may be very wrong. :( |
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