[2.6 Up] Disfvaour 3xCurse 60% quality each,BleedinquakePoisonSlayer-video UberAtz/shaper/guardians
" for budget version ok, but is completly different, the curse with 60% quality and 30% effect give u a big survaivability and a boost damage (from vulnerability) All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
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must admit i had luck on this one , cost me only 1k chroms |
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Enfeeble doesn't get much benefit from quality and there is no not really need for Enfeeble while playing Slayer honestly. Slayers survive thanks to their crazy Leech, Fortify and damage. This will also save you from a problem where you have to use Doedre's Damning or Corrupted Amu with +1 curse. You can use CWDT Enfeeble if you want to keep it though.
And you can drop Blood Magic gem from your EQ setup and use Added Fire for even more damage or for Fortify for more safety. |
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" yeeeaaa GG man.. :D now u really need enhance lvl 4 :) " not agree, ok the benefit from quality on enfeeble is not good like benefit from quality on temporal chain (enfeeble quality give less accuracy and crit chance) but it's always a big defensive layer.. you understimate it.. as 6l fortify is not mandatory since i take it with leap slam and added fire give more damage but don't give more bleeding or poison.. thanks for ur opinion but i'm not agree.. hf All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178
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I think earthquake for this build is a mistake.
You have something like 75% less skill effect duration for earthquake. The problem is this also applies to the poison and bleed, effectively making the dots do 75% less damage. Its probably still strong (double dipping op), but could be a lot stronger by using another skill (like cyclone). |
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" Earthquake is a great choice because of his gear choice: and gem choice in his 6L chest setup: Adding in will further push this build over the top. Last edited by kira1414#3753 on Feb 14, 2017, 11:49:33 AM
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" That's exactly what I was thinking while checking gear and video. Less Duration 20/20 = 49% LESS skill effect duration and 10% reduced skill effect duration Rapid Decay = 15% reduced skill effect duration His amulet = 10% reduced skill effect duration ***(Does EQ reduced duration enchant affects poison duration??? If yes, then we have to add it to the calculation bellow, which will further decrease poison damage) Base poison duration = 2 seconds Final poison duration = 2*(1-0,49)*(1-0,10-0,15-0,10) = 2*0,51*0,65 = 0,663 seconds 0,663/2 = 33,15%. So, this means each poison applied lasts 1/3 of the base duration, which is a HUGE damage loss for poison. For bleeding it doesn't matter too much, because it will last 33,15% of 5secs, which is enough to keep it up, since bleeding does not stack. With Cyclone, for example, he would hit not that hard (bad for bleeding), but much more fequently, which would apply more poison stacks at its full duration. AW totems would be extremely OP on this setup, i assume: hard hitting (good for bleeding) and fast attacking (good for poison). But then, Beserker would fit better for a totem build, because of OP War cry recovery and, of course, 40% MORE double-dipping buff. Last edited by KaioNS#1125 on Feb 14, 2017, 2:24:08 PM
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Will this build is one of the target for the upcoming nerf hammer? Really want to try this out.
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@KaioNS guys wtf are u saying???????? less duration support, rapid decay and EQ enchant ONLY REDUCE DURATION FOR EQ AFTERSHOCK; only the reduce duration from amulet reduce bleeding and poisn because is a general voice... PLS don't miss understand the mechanical of game..!!! @kira1414 voidherat is completly usless!!!!!!! disfavour apply bleading and chest apply poison... All my builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1830178 Last edited by Hitma47#7532 on Feb 15, 2017, 6:25:00 AM
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" From Patch 2.5 notes " Poison duration from the wiki (http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Poison#Duration " I decided to do some testing since I have all the gear in Standard (you may check gear used for testing in my profile if you want. Char name is _Kaio_NS_) Base poison duration: 2 secs Expected duration with "Less Duration 20/20": 20,510,9= 0,918 sec However, by doing a quick test at Dried Lake with Earthquake + Less Duration gem 20/20 + Poison gem (no quality) or Cospri's Will, I've noticed that Poison duration was way longer than 0,918 second (No other sources of increased/reduced skill effect duration nodes were used) On the other hand, linking "Increased Duration" gem to Poison + EQ increased significantly increased the poison duration, just as stated on 2.5 Patch notes. After that I did more testing, now using EQ + "30% reduced EQ duration" enchant + Rapid Dacay (15% reduced skill effect duration), and both of them reduced poison duration applied by EQ. (I actually was surprised by EQ enchant reducing poison duration... Didn't think it would) So, basically, it seems that increased/reduced skill effect duration are working as stated in the 2.5 Patch Notes. However, less skill effect duration from Less Duration gem seems to have no effect at all over poison's duration, which is totally against to the patch note's statement. In other words, your poison stacks are lasting: 2*(1-0,15-0,3-0,1-0,1)=2*0,35 = 0,7 sec. Since you have Temp Chains with 30% curse effect on the top of that, the final duration of your poison is: 0,7*1,4*1,3 = 1,274 sec. I have no idea if Less Duration gem is also bugged for Bleeding, but according to my testings (which can be easily reproduced), it is definitely bugged for poison. Last edited by KaioNS#1125 on Feb 15, 2017, 5:07:48 PM
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