**--__The Life of the Exile. Thanks GGG <3

I joined GGG's community sometime in March of 2012. I remember hearing about this game from a friend who knew I was a die-hard Diablo 1 and 2 fan. I remember at this time people were creating a handful of emails to hopefully be one of the first to get into the game. GGG At this time, would release beta-keys to random emails every 5 minutes, and you could sit there and watch all the lucky ones. I waited a while, not too long, I was getting antsy, so Apr 11, 2012 I bought a $15 Closed Beta Key.

Still, the only pet I'll ever use, Alfred is just the cutest little thing.


Courtesy of "Kickaha."

Even to date, I've not had the best RNG, so... ahaha, I guess I should have known my email was cursed from the very beginning. Conspiracy, I know, but I've always had a feeling that global RNG is centered around the account upon creation. I'm 99.99% this is not true, but that 0.01% still nags at me. ^.- (.)

Turning on the game for the first time, on my(At the time not gamer friendly laptop) sitting in my college apartment, being Georgia, this is about time we got our winter. It was still and quiet outside, dark. The perfect time to boot this game up for the first time. I think it was running at about 30fps, with all the graphics jacked down.


Being Chuck Norris Roundhouse kicked off the boat, the Exile swam for his life. Upon reaching the shore he grabbed a weapon from a nearby corpse that had been swept up onto land after drowning, and smashed in the skull of an awakening undead. He made his way to Lioneye's Watch. Fast forward 5 years into the future. He sits upon his throne of ash, looking back at his trials and tribulations.

He doesn't even remember why he was put here. Is he even the same person he was? He remembered being tired, ill-prepared, and starving for food when he wrestled for his life with Hillock. He remembers the despair of the people who did not stand, but trembled to the winds and creatures of the deep. There was so much sadness, pain, and hope was a dream of a dream. He remembers their hospitality though, he can never forget, sadly, he could never go back.

He fought his way into a prison, fought the warden, and succeeded. He wonders how many people have willingly put their self in prison... But it was funny, Wraeclast is a prison... He feared no Warden. There was a crying woman, lost in tears and regret, but too prideful in what she had left, to ever back down. Merveil was an obstacle he did not enjoy overcoming. As he trudged through the caverns below to meet Merveil in her lair, all he could see is tears. But he could never go back.

Breaking free of the clouded mud lands, he saw light for the first time upon entering the Forest Encampment. There the people were just as scared for their lives as in Lioneye's, but they were not downtrodden. Powerful warriors, amazons, and a wise man had helped guide his way through the jungle. Upon continuing his journey, he had noticed humans warring against humans.. it sickened him. With so many beasts, why would they fight each other? Upon dispatching of the bandits, he made his way to the Pyramid. The darkness he released upon the land was always there, but he had made it visible to all the inhabitants, and they hated him for it. He continued on to destroy the Vaal Oversoul, the wickedness which poisoned the soil and sprout evil. He would never go back.

Breaking through the Apex, he met the inhabitants of the Sarn Encampment. Here in the land of Sarn, he saw for the first time, true evil. A darkness that shadows pale in comparison to. Malevolent men making canon fodder of innocent lives for some insane ideals. Dominus, a man who's arrogance brought him to believe he could become God. The Exile paved an ocean of blood through the soldiers of darkness, to fell this "Righteous Man." The High Templar said that the Exile was of his creation, and he was sustenance for his grandeur. It ended up being the other way around. Freeing the people of Sarn from his iron-clad grip, he made his way to Highgate. He must continue forward.

Highgate was a city of constant war. There wasn't time for it's inhabitants to sleep, eat, or play. Only the strongest could survive here, battling against inhuman constructs of a most criminal man, Malachai. The Exile had to make his way through the ashes and dust of tar and blood. He doesn't remember much anymore about what happened in Highgate. The warped surreal reality that was the Bowels of Hell as he made his way to the Core of Evil. He's pushed many of those memories deep down inside, for he couldn't stomach the atrocities of this Nightmare. He knows he prevailed though, he's alive, he's breathes, he dreams... or are they nightmares? He shall never go back, moving forward, always forward.

Now what's left for this battle hardened, Diamond in the rough? He can't ever truly rest until he has brought to justice, those who have exiled him to this forsaken land. Wraeclast. He must journey to the Mainland and bring down these false prophets and foul men. He will make them pay.


I've had a tremendous amount of fun with this game. I've tried some alternatives, but none of them live up to the overall quality of Path of Exile. GGG has made some moves in the past, and present, and will probably do so in the future that has upset people into calling, "The End of the World" For PoE and it's community. I've seen it every year, for the past 5 years. And as I am writing this, each and ever passing update I am enjoying the game, the artistry, the beauty that GGG has created, sculpted, and refined more and more.

I would like to thank GGG for all of their hard work, for their determination and consistency. Thank you for the most amazing Dungeon Crawler I've ever seen, played, and had the pleasure of enjoying. People used to say this was a Homage to the original Diablos created by the original Blizzard of the North team, but it's became so much more. This game is no longer a tribute to such an amazing game. This game is in every way and form, the epitome of Top-Down Role-Playing Action Adventure. A truly exemplary work of art that I wish more people could enjoy.

It's community is large, but it could be larger. And it is getting larger. And to know that others will be able to enjoy this masterpiece, as I have, is just an incredible feeling.

Thank you Grinding Gear Games, for five years of extraordinary gaming and fun.



Works of Literary Art:

Cimmerian32(Page 9):

This humble Exiles story began some 21 years ago, in the humble village of Tristram. Tales of dark Magic, haunted cathedrals, ghoulish dungeons, and the Catacombs... oh, the demon haunted depths of that dark pit...

Having survived, but running in dread with the worst of all pains in my head, my travels continued on, to far Kurast, even into Hell itself and back, back to the Barbarian highlands, where a great and terrible blow was struck, the Lord Baal met death MANY times... many, many, many times...

Then, some time later, there came a streak across the sky, a thunderous crash, another haunted cathedral, evil rising from the depths of the earth, the dead... undead...

I fought this new evil unto the heights of heaven, finding darkness even within the ranks of the Angels of heaven itself... I slew, and I slew, and I slew... Into darker dimensions came I, great and fearsome Guardians did I challenge and slay, unto the very Walls of Ennui...

Then, as I lay me down to die, a man came, a Necromancer... not the Necromancer of olde, but a new one, a broken one, an unfun one...

I sought Sanctuary in Oriath, but, alas, I am not a religious man, nor do I suffer fools lightly, so an outcast, an Exile, if you will, I became...

The rest of my story has been told, and is being told even now, and mayhap shall continue to grow in the telling for years to come... but however it goes on, the Blizzard has past, and the rumours come to me of the return of the old G-G-G-gods... the birth of new G-G-G-gods... gods are gods, and not to be trusted.

Methinks I must slay again.
"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
Last edited by Totes_Adorbs#1072 on Jul 27, 2017, 4:02:17 AM
Last bumped on Jan 29, 2018, 5:11:32 AM
"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
You make you own RNG and time means nothing. monster kill/hr x hrs is everything.

I am a slowish player like I run all maps not caring about "effceintcy" or mods - maybe i'll spend 10 min in map then feed my son. Then take out the trash or chat w/ friends something. Thats 30 min to 1 hr for 1 map sometimes. OTOH I have freinds who run shaped shore once every 45 seconds. Who's gonna have better RNG even though we both spent 1 hr in game?

Anyway as long as you can trade RNG doesnt matter. I've never want for anything because take full advantage of that fact.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jan 22, 2017, 8:29:56 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:
You make you own RNG and time means nothing. monster kill/hr x hrs is everything.

I am a slowish player like I run all maps not caring about "effceintcy" or mods - maybe i'll spend 10 min in map then feed my son. Then take out the trash or chat w/ friends something. Thats 30 min to 1 hr for 1 map sometimes. OTOH I have freinds who run shaped shore once every 45 seconds. Who's gonna have better RNG even though we both spent 1 hr in game?

Anyway as long as you can trade RNG doesnt matter. I've never want for anything because take full advantage of that fact.

Bad rng is only like 5% of the post -.- I know it was too long, but there's a message behind it.
"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
Nice work Xion,

Still my only pet that I take along.
~ There are spectacular moments.
DoubleU wrote:
Nice work Xion,

Still my only pet that I take along.

ZhoMAIGAWD SO KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And thanks.
"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
I very much regret not getting closed/open beta supporter packs :(
ClickHitBoom wrote:
I very much regret not getting closed/open beta supporter packs :(

I very much regret.... nothing. XD, With Kiwi by my side, I know that everything is going to be alright. Anyone can buy legacy gear via poe.trade, you can't by Legacy Kiwi. Priceless. <3
"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
鬼殺し wrote:
I was going to show my approval with Dear, the first diamond kiwi, but she's out on active duty it seems...and linking mtxes is buggy as fuck on tablet...so...uhm...


OMG I has to see her, let her know I wanna see her when she comes back home from War. Diamond Kiwi so Adorable.
"You're my Sword's canvas."
~Totes Adorbs.
To Do List:
-Add Better Minion Supports
-Add More Permanent Minions
GoreFleshSummoner | Low Life Zombie n' Specter Summoner
Summoner Gear: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1633760

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