[2.5][HC/SC] Triple Blade Vortex Pathfinder - easy HC Shaper/Uber/T16

PhillipJokar2 wrote:
Sarasin wrote:
Can someone confirm for me that the double blade vortex still works, I've tried testing it out but I really can't tell for certain.

Still works.

Tested w/ both regular setup and swapped for a lowlvl BV to be sure.

Thanks I tried to test with it but couldn't figure it out.
MusicalMind wrote:
Why not Nature's Adrenaline over veteran bowyer. nice movement speed

Was wondering this too
This is being nerfed/fixed in 2.6: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/5psj3h/hctriple_bv_pathfinder_shaper_demo_guide_in/dcv4wia/
Where does our leech actually come from? We don't use Warlord's and we don't use a gem, and we don't take any leech on the tree
Olafthebread wrote:
Where does our leech actually come from? We don't use Warlord's and we don't use a gem, and we don't take any leech on the tree

Atziris Promise Flask, next time read the guide first dude.
How does this build generate power charges mate? Or leech for mana?
The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.
Daresso wrote:
How does this build generate power charges mate? Or leech for mana?

It's not a crit build so why does it need power charges? The mana regen per second should be enough using the low level bv to make your stacks and cast the high level bv's and totem. Also if you look he has life/mana leech on kill enchant on his boots.
First deathless shaper with this build. Absolutely destroyed. Thanks for posting ;).
As for the mana until you level up a bit and really get rolling its actually pretty damn tight in terms of reserved mana, to fix this what I did was just grab the last witch starting node for the +14 ES and 25% mana regen not the most efficient but good enough to sustain me.

As a general build review to anyone coming and wanting to try out this silliness before the nerfs this is pretty damn fun though its a bit clunky until you internalize the bladevortex timings and how often to renew your damage stacks and when to pump up your stack count without losing much clearspeed. Personally I found using the blade vortex mtx to vastly help learning these timings and though you might not need it after you have it all down apparently the OP died to just that thing in hardcore so probably for the best anyway. All it takes is one time and in some really chaotic fight its pretty easy to miss renewing the damage stacks for a few seconds.
So if i understand this correctly, we use the wand for mapping, and the claw for shaper runs?

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