[2.6] LL Ele Wander Raider ~ Insane clear speed/Shaper/Guardians - 225k Barrage tooltip

KooperT wrote:
Nice, good to hear. I thought so too, if the stun recovery was %mult or something I Imagine it'd be near mirror worthy.

Despite having a pretty nice wand, my DPS still feels a bit low, but not really sure what else I can improve. I see people post barrage with lightning damage ranges up to 19k-20k top end, but mine is only 849 - 11887.

67k Barrage in hideout, 60k KB (With Thunderfists)

With 250ES gloves with acc/attack, I go from 7500 to 8200 ES, barrage goes from 67k to 65k, and KB goes from 60k down to 40k. Still plenty to clear maps, but it's really a trade of dps for ES, not really a straight boost for barrage.

With 6 frenzies and flasks up, I push it up to about 19,000 top end - are people just posting dps with full buffs, or are people actually 19-20k top end lightning damage in hideout?

I don't think I can really improve much more on my gear besides 21 added lightning and lvl 4 empowers. Rather not spend ex on either yet as I am saving for Skyforth - Looks like the Skyforth/Choir setup is the optimal "max glass cannon" DPS setup.

Getting a +1 prism and empower in it is an absolutely massive boost to DPS (23->28 wrath is an absolutely absurd amount of lightning damage).

Beyond that switching to choir is also a completely insane amount of DPS. Choir alone is responsible for like 1/3 of my tooltip and I don't know if tooltip even includes the 30% lightning damage (with flasks up it's worth about 50% critical strike chance).
KooperT wrote:
Nice, good to hear. I thought so too, if the stun recovery was %mult or something I Imagine it'd be near mirror worthy.

Despite having a pretty nice wand, my DPS still feels a bit low, but not really sure what else I can improve. I see people post barrage with lightning damage ranges up to 19k-20k top end, but mine is only 849 - 11887.

67k Barrage in hideout, 60k KB (With Thunderfists)

With 250ES gloves with acc/attack, I go from 7500 to 8200 ES, barrage goes from 67k to 65k, and KB goes from 60k down to 40k. Still plenty to clear maps, but it's really a trade of dps for ES, not really a straight boost for barrage.

With 6 frenzies and flasks up, I push it up to about 19,000 top end - are people just posting dps with full buffs, or are people actually 19-20k top end lightning damage in hideout?

I don't think I can really improve much more on my gear besides 21 added lightning and lvl 4 empowers. Rather not spend ex on either yet as I am saving for Skyforth - Looks like the Skyforth/Choir setup is the optimal "max glass cannon" DPS setup.

A large part of the dps comes from ridiculously high end quad dps divined jewels and of course shoving as much dps as you can into your ring/amulets.

I would not use the author(s) dps as the benchmark since the gear is several hundred exalts in cost.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Could anybody check my gear and passives? Wondering how I can get more dps. My barrage dps in hideout is 48k. Are the rings worthy of %ES crafting?

Char name: RightClickToWin
d3sden0va wrote:

Getting a +1 prism and empower in it is an absolutely massive boost to DPS (23->28 wrath is an absolutely absurd amount of lightning damage).

Beyond that switching to choir is also a completely insane amount of DPS. Choir alone is responsible for like 1/3 of my tooltip and I don't know if tooltip even includes the 30% lightning damage (with flasks up it's worth about 50% critical strike chance).

So true ppl overlook how strong lvl 28 wrath+ Choir is. Really when u use both of those its when the dmg start to feel good. The wand that ur using won't make has much difference has those 2 would do.
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
how much crit chance you have?in skill tree you only have like 5 crit nodes and you don't have crit chance on gear
have any other efficient way to get power charges without assassins mark?(not orb of storm+pcoc+inc crit)
i vaaled that gloves and canno't have +1 curse on any gear to get power charges
A day w/o dealing with stupid ppl is like....Never mind. Ill tell u if it ever happens
Getting a +1 prism and empower in it is an absolutely massive boost to DPS (23->28 wrath is an absolutely absurd amount of lightning damage).

Beyond that switching to choir is also a completely insane amount of DPS. Choir alone is responsible for like 1/3 of my tooltip and I don't know if tooltip even includes the 30% lightning damage (with flasks up it's worth about 50% critical strike chance).

Right -
Planning on doing this, but from what I understand, isn't this not possible without Skyforth?
I tried putting Empower 3 on my shield, but can't seem to fit in Haste even with Enlighten 3.
Same with Choir - I'd love to use one, but theoretically not possible without either a Skyforth or a shitty Valyrium or something.

Only have about 25 ex now, so I can probably farm up a Skyforth soon... Which I assume would be the biggest upgrade

I tried fiddling with the aura calculator and with Empower in my shield, I simply can't seem to fit in all 6 auras - Seems like I'm a few % short without Skyforth. Calculator says Enlighten 4 wouldn't be enough, either. If someone has a working non-skyforth, empower setup with 6 auras please post :)

Also, a +1 corruption shield would uncap my Cold resist by about 21%... and Lightning by 4%... so would need to juggle gear around quite a bit.
Cospri CoC Cold->Fire Trickster:
Divine Ire Trickster:
Last edited by KooperT on Apr 8, 2017, 8:07:51 PM
ok I bought expensive Shavs and tried going LL..

amazing clearing speed, and fun while it lasts. which is not long.

it's incredibly thin. I have less than 5k ES. no leech can save my ass. leech is unreliable anyway, often not enough. with leech you have to facetank, but you can't facetank at 5k ES, with little-to-no damage mitigation. a couple of porcupines can murder you. any boss can one shot you. and I didn't even get to red maps.

yea my gear is mediocre. my point is that this build is unplayable with normal gear. it needs exceptional gear to be barely playable. my best boots have around 150-170 ES, not more. if I'd be playing self found I'd probably have a lot less. I would continue playing if I would be able to grow the build from something playable but mediocre to something really good.

and.. my damage is still nowhere near the numbers I see here. sure, my gems need a bit more lvling, and my wand is a Vigil. but.. from around 20-30k fully buffed to.. 10 times that? I can't imagine it happening.

also you don't use any movement skill. the thing that usually keeps me alive in my builds is whirling blades. you don't even have room for a lightning warp, to help jumping over obstacles. without a good mvmnt skill I feel disabled. and I die. a lot.

and there's no room for added rarity on rings, cuz we struggle with resists and strength and shield.. yet without some rarity there's no point in mapping.

last thing, on LL I needed to grab Arcane Vision, dunno if you mention this anywhere, but without it, indoors, I was running in the dark. literally. I was trying to use the map to guide my blind character..
I'm looking to sell my char in full for exalts only. PM me on forum if you're interested.

Barrage DPS is 250k+ with Frenzy/Power/Pots/Auras/Ice Golem
Hideout stats with 7x Auras, Ice Golem, and no pots
83k Barrage
60k KB
5768 ES
139% FR
162% CR
221% LR
89% Hit Chance

ok I bought expensive Shavs and tried going LL..

amazing clearing speed, and fun while it lasts. which is not long.

it's incredibly thin. I have less than 5k ES. no leech can save my ass. leech is unreliable anyway, often not enough. with leech you have to facetank, but you can't facetank at 5k ES, with little-to-no damage mitigation. a couple of porcupines can murder you. any boss can one shot you. and I didn't even get to red maps.

yea my gear is mediocre. my point is that this build is unplayable with normal gear. it needs exceptional gear to be barely playable. my best boots have around 150-170 ES, not more. if I'd be playing self found I'd probably have a lot less. I would continue playing if I would be able to grow the build from something playable but mediocre to something really good.

and.. my damage is still nowhere near the numbers I see here. sure, my gems need a bit more lvling, and my wand is a Vigil. but.. from around 20-30k fully buffed to.. 10 times that? I can't imagine it happening.

also you don't use any movement skill. the thing that usually keeps me alive in my builds is whirling blades. you don't even have room for a lightning warp, to help jumping over obstacles. without a good mvmnt skill I feel disabled. and I die. a lot.

and there's no room for added rarity on rings, cuz we struggle with resists and strength and shield.. yet without some rarity there's no point in mapping.

last thing, on LL I needed to grab Arcane Vision, dunno if you mention this anywhere, but without it, indoors, I was running in the dark. literally. I was trying to use the map to guide my blind character..

I can't look at the character to discuss your gear but it looks like your raider is still quite low level. Without very good gear it's hard to try to play this character from a low level up, because the transition period is very rocky.
Herald of Ice should deal with porcupines if you have enough crit. Also a Basalt flask goes a long way since it seems unlikely you've got 5 optimized flasks already.
Your damage comes completely from your auras so of course you don't do much damage with auras that are probably level 17 at this point? maybe 18?
Yes wands don't have a movement skill. We don't have the gem sockets or the cast speed to make Lightning Warp realistic. I use 1 socket for flame dash to go over gaps while running lab but otherwise a quicksilver is enough to get around.
I have no idea what you're talking about with rarity and mapping, rarity is a garbage stat. Also some of your es problems probably come from using rings that don't have %es crafted on them. I'm at 6.5k and rarely die all the way through t15 maps and the easier guardians (Minotaur, Phoenix).
Yes arcane vision is required for LL builds. I believe it's on every tree posted in here.

If you want to make this build work properly you need good gear and a good character. Level to 90, put money into your belt/rings because those will fix your ES a lot. Get your gems leveled. It will come together. If you don't want to make that investment, we can't help you.

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