Path of Exile is Coming to Xbox One!

There seems to be a lot of negativity towards this announcement! I will admit that I mostly game on my Xbox One and I recently saw this announcement on my facebook. I had never heard of Path of Exile so I decided to try it out on my PC and I love this game and I have high hopes for the console adaption! After playing this game for a couple days, I am curious to see how well it will transfer over to Console. I am sure that it wont be exactly the same but I am hopeful that it will be good!

I can understand some frustration from the PC supporters who are questioning where the money they contribute to this game is going. I am one of those people that will benefit from those contributions and now I enjoy the game and I will on my Xbox. I believe GGG is smart and they understand the risks and they have studied what has happened to other AARPGs who adapted to consoles. I am confident they will do it well and be successful.

Right now they are limited to a pool of only PC supporters which generates enough money to make this game as great as it is. With the additional pool of the soon to be xbox supporters, that only grows their audience and their pool of supporters. I can only imagine that this game will not only grow but flourish for the years to come with way more expansions. I am excited and I hope that everyone else can get on board and continue to support GGG to do so :)
Super disappointed in this announcement. This may actually be the last nail in the coffin for me. If you guys don't serious address trading/power creep/etc that those of us with thousands of hours (and many dollars) want fixed in 3.0, I'll probably be done.
I understand what GGG is trying to do but I think it's just to early. Just to early...
I understand what GGG is trying to do but I think it's just to early. Just to early...

How in the -Blank- is 5 years too early?

Also to the people that are salty and feel the money they "DONATED" was wasted I have a question.. Why do you people feel so entitled to be the only ones to play POE.. Why do you think you are the only ones who can correctly decide where that money gets spent? It is not like you were charged anything.. No you DONATED your money to a company. That company sees a chance to actually GROW and you guys get salty about it? .... lol..

The fact is next year with the xbox Scorpio coming out console will be better than a lot of peoples PCs. Unless you are like myself that have the money for a gaming rig. Having said that I would still like to see more MMO's and ARPGs on console.. I am an older gamer and I happen to enjoy playing on console.

This entitled attitude people have towards GGG is selfish and sad. These people need to take a deep breath and actually think about it for a second.. The more players playing POE= more money for GGG= bigger/better POE. More expansions, trade system might actually get fixed.

Just because D3 went to hell doesn't mean it was the console port that caused it.. We all know D3 was total crap when it was released on PC so just because a game is playable on console does not mean it is watered down or is less than anything it could be on PC!!

Look I get it.. I "was" a past PC elitist. I was here playing Diablo back before a lot of you readers were even born lol. I was here beta testing games like original EQ and Asherons Call. Times have changed.. Consoles have changed.

Now stop clutching to your PCs like a bunch of crotchety old farts and actually get behind GGG because all of your salty tears are just going to make your eyes red and our ears hurt. You will not change anything.. I mean yeah you might not play it on Console, but there will be more people that pick this game up and start on console. POE is miles better than D3 ever was/will be and we all know how well D3 sold on console so I dare say POE will do VERY well.
Last edited by Funkopotamus#2516 on Jan 29, 2017, 1:35:29 PM
I feel like I'm in the minority here but I can't wait to be able to sit back and play this on my bed with a controller.

Also, is this controller stuff also coming to PC? I mean, I want to be able to plug in my controller to my PC and turn on the new settings for the controller/UI/etc.
To people who think that the unhappy PC gamers are "PC elitists" or "whiny crybabies", you don't understand the situation. The game needs performance enhancements. The players kept asking for those, but GGG kept giving excuses why they weren't happening. It turns out that they were secretly porting the game to Xbox One instead.

Once consoles showed up in gaming, the PC version of games started to get the short end of the stick. Not every company did this at first, but it happened more and more. For awhile now, it is common for PC to get treated as second-class gamers. That version isn't as good: less optimized, more bugs, etc.

The following is my opinion.
The game needed enhancements, but instead of hiring PC programers to make the enhancements, GGG decided to treat the PC gamers as second-class. They decided to hire programmers to port the game to Xbox One. That made their excuses to PC gamers nothing but lies. The Xbox One team is now making enhancements, but the enhancements should have come from PC programmers they should of hired a few years ago.

The PC gamers are worried that GGG will treat the PC as second-class, now that there is a console version. After all, history has shown that it is very likely that it will happen. Maybe, just maybe GGG won't do it, but to me they already have the moment they hired people to port the game to console instead of giving enhancements to the PC version. GGG claims the console version won't affect the PC development. Wrong. (Or as some said: lair.) Having a console version always affects the PC version. It might be in small ways. It might be in big ways. The PC gamers have a reason to worry. To me, there is nothing that can be said by GGG games, (sarcasm on) or even by the Almighty Chris (sarcasm off), that will mean anything. The moment they chose to ignore the PC version problems to port the game to console, GGG showed what they thought of the PC version. It is very much second-class. I'm done with this company, and I'll miss the game, but I will no longer play a game made by a company who doesn't treat all platforms with equal respect. A company should treat the customers of EVERY platform as if they the best thing since the invention of the wheel. GGG isn't.

That is what is bothering PC players. Are they second-class?
This make me so happy! Xbox is my primary game system (Cue the hate). I've played Diablo for so long and have loved it, but I know PoE has so much more to offer. This is great!!! I can't wait to hear when it's going to release!
philosoaper wrote:
will there be a controller update for PC then?¨

how are those poor bastards gonna trade?



how do YOU non-ssf poor bastards trade?
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
Kemblain wrote:
All content needs to be designed to be completable with the imprecision of a controller.
I'm hesitant to say that this is anything but a poor decision.

you touched a very good point there
since I have no hope for significant game design improvements in this game I am officially done with Path of Exile. done for good
whiteclaw7 wrote:
GGG showed what they thought of the PC version. It is very much second-class. I'm done with this company, and I'll miss the game, but I will no longer play a game made by a company who doesn't treat all platforms with equal respect. A company should treat the customers of EVERY platform as if they the best thing since the invention of the wheel. GGG isn't.

That is what is bothering PC players. Are they second-class?

So in your eyes console players are supposed to be the "Second Class" and PC is the master race?

Okay I see why you are so salty..

TBH you guys are jumping off the deep end here. There are only OPINIONS and conspiracy theories about how console is going to make POE worse.. No facts at all.. It is all just made up "The sky is falling" lies right now..

Give GGG a damn chance here fellas. Geezzz.

You guys ever stop to think that GGG is porting the game to console might actually let GGG come up with the money to fix some of the issues the game is having? Maybe the extra player base will allow GGG to actually get the funding they need to grow POE.

Stop being so damn selfish and actually think about the future of the game! It is not all about you the all mighty PC gamer! Coming to console will allow GGG another way of funding POE for years to come.

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