HamsterStyle wrote:
I've been doing some experimenting with a similar build, but mine has been based more on the life regeneration aspect. I may switch to a Vaal Pact type setup but goddamn VP is a pain in the ass for running lab due to traps. Getting 5.6 - 7.5% life regen is actually amazing.
I am doing some testing for endgame viability, but I need a 6L and 20/20 gems to really see how it works. The main thing is to utilize the synergies with perma full frenzies. Right now I'm cruising with an effective 7L off of 5L qotf / reach with 5.6k hp - details to follow if I get it working, but you can speculate if you wish!
With 300%+ move speed, and blink arrow I never had trouble with traps. Glad someone else was experimenting around the Ranger side for this gear setup.
Posted byWomancraft#0898on Mar 8, 2017, 9:01:27 PM
HamsterStyle wrote:
Also, your screenshots are in fact broken. I'd be interested in seeing up to date ones.
I removed the brackets trying to link the screenshots, they are just links now so if you're still interested feel free to check them out.
But sorry, I quit this character nearing 3 months into Breach and went back to my Flameblast Ele. I won't be posting any updates, or doing anything in Standard for it.
Posted byWomancraft#0898on Mar 8, 2017, 9:03:44 PM
TheGrammaton wrote:
Have any plan for CI?
Legacy reach+skyforth
Nope, never had the idea of going CI.
Posted byWomancraft#0898on Mar 8, 2017, 9:04:08 PM
Songweaver wrote:
You said there, armour is reqired, how so?
If you could elaborate, what are the benefits of QotF versus something like this?
Just for the movement speed or am I missing something?
The reason being that when you can achieve 300%+ move speed, it is vastly superior to any rare armour you can grab. Nothing comes close to giving you that move speed as an evasion based character.
Posted byWomancraft#0898on Mar 8, 2017, 9:05:12 PM
livejamie wrote:
What are the Pros and Cons of Assassin versus Raider?
I see this build on ladder is about 50/50 between the two.
Pros to Assassin are the endgame viability (endgame bosses, T15/16, etc).
Pros to Ranger are frenzies/move speed/attack speed. Specifically for chain running something like Shaped Strands, nothing should be able to keep up. This build was entirely intended for leveling fast.
Posted byWomancraft#0898on Mar 8, 2017, 9:11:30 PM
Numbus00 wrote:
Hi! I know i will have much fun with this build, i started play yesterday. What do you prefer if i dont have so much gemslots, what should i use at start. And with the items, i see it will be a bit expensive? i already have only about 1/2 exiled
Basically 4 link Lightning Arrow, and use Death's Harp/Opus as substitutes.
Posted byWomancraft#0898on Mar 8, 2017, 9:12:29 PM
What should i change in tree or smthng for a bit better late game
Posted byNumbus00#0459on Mar 9, 2017, 12:31:12 PM
Numbus00 wrote:
What should i change in tree or smthng for a bit better late game
You would need to drop some dps nodes and grab HP nodes to the left of duelist under Marauder/by Scion.
Posted byWomancraft#0898on Mar 10, 2017, 1:48:06 PM