How about people whose CPU bottlenecks with shadows off, due to lack of multithreading and then GPU bottlenecks with shadows on?
Yeaaah, thought so.
Game not turning into a slideshow on youtube videos> Game looking pretty on youtube videos.
Also: The game with shadows doesn't look much better... Tbh, I prefer the no-shadows version.
Avert thy gaze, child!
IGN: Shadowrope
Standard Warrior
Posted byRavenstrider#5435on Jan 10, 2017, 4:50:06 PM
Looking forward to it
Its been 2 patchs that ive been forced to play Predictive because Lockstep results in this
on predictive i have 30ms and 60fps, steady
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it Last edited by Sexcalibure#7575 on Jan 10, 2017, 4:58:53 PM
Posted bySexcalibure#7575on Jan 10, 2017, 4:58:37 PMOn Probation
I don't get it why is rendering on DirectX 9 with shadow "off" is comparable to DirectX 11 on "low"?
Souldn't they both be on low or off to be comparable?
Posted bykredel#2868on Jan 10, 2017, 5:00:04 PM
As soon as it's possible to completely disable shadows in DX11, I switch to it immediately.
Posted byHollow_Ichigo#2565on Jan 10, 2017, 5:02:45 PM
Well... Good, I guess?
Got some extra fps with that previous multi-threading patch, but also got some serious lag problems. Hope this one will be better and fix that...
There is a sure way to die.
Билды - это листья на дереве Path of Exile. C каждым патчем одни опадают, и каждую лигу вырастают другие.
Posted byDigitalCage#4281on Jan 10, 2017, 5:04:07 PM
GGG, can we get clarification that dual and tri-core CPU users can choose/force on this multithreading via an ingame option or command line switch? Previously you'd said you detect quad-core CPUs and didn't enable multithreading for less cores.
Especially in light of
These further performance gains are only relevant if you were previously CPU-bound
, users with weaker/older CPUs are likely to only have 2-3 cores, and need to be able to assess this multithreading themselves, rather be denied it for lack of 4 cores.
Last edited by ProudLikeAGod#2209 on Jan 10, 2017, 5:07:02 PM
Posted byProudLikeAGod#2209on Jan 10, 2017, 5:04:28 PM
does this mean i can have more than 7 fps in a breach ?
Posted byVaikisss#3500on Jan 10, 2017, 5:22:43 PM
Ravenstrider wrote:
Also: The game with shadows doesn't look much better... Tbh, I prefer the no-shadows version.
I agree for some environments. In dungeons and dark environments i like shadows off, but in Forest Encampment and Sarn and some sunny outdoor areas, Shadows bring it to life for me. It's always been an aesthetic dilemma for me, TBH. LOL
Posted byMackBesmirch#0771on Jan 10, 2017, 5:27:16 PM
my english sux.
Posted byC1111#0919on Jan 10, 2017, 5:29:08 PM