BadLlama7 wrote:
Thanks for the response!
This might be a question for the summoners in this thread in general rather than Wolf.
When running damage auras like Anger in a group of players, what's the best way to work with a player who is using Elemental Equilibrium? Anger causes all their attacks to apply Fire resistance, nerfing both their damage and my spectres.
i often play with a friend of me who plays a mix of spectres and flame golems, he also runs a generoistied anger aura and EE, the fix is easy and does not require any regret orbs:
one of the players takes out the anger aura and puts in vitality instead. vitality does not grant that much of a benefit, but it at least procs the commancer of darkness ascendany node (and it often keeps the zombies from dying even in t16 maps - spectres are invincible anyway), the same player also needs to take out his ball lightning (or whatever spell he uses to apply his curses) and instead self cast a curse to control the minions.
for the other player nothing changes, everything remains as if he was playing solo.
Last edited by xxWolf#7174 on Jan 12, 2017, 4:47:49 PM
Posted byxxWolf#7174on Jan 12, 2017, 4:46:56 PM
Necromancien wrote:
wrajjt wrote:
akavangop wrote:
First, great find with the spectre thing. Since it wasnt documented anywhever, I suppose it is a bug of some kind (hopefully not fixed).
I always tended to avoid spectre summoners, for the reason they couldnt survive some endgame bosses (had a few rips with tormented t13 shav and some other tormented). Also keeping minions alive is way harder than just keep yourself alive and cast srs from a safe spot.
I was thinking that golem builds would be a great mid layer, since you can cast the golems if they rip.
Did anyone compare the spectre vs golem summoners?
I have a golemancer aswell. They perform extremely well once you get your jewel sockets filled with the correct jewels. They dont have the utility of spectres (switching from GMP -> slower projectiles for singletarget damage in bossfights) but are obviously much tankier and easier to replace mid-fight, should they die. I think five fire golems perform better in clearing maps than any type of spectres, but for bosskills they are slower but safer.
Dude, I don't think any summoner (even srs) can be faster than revenants.
Rs - minion damage- echo - chain- light pen- controlled destru
with blasphemy -conductivity-enf/tempo chain
And a midnight bargain ofc
That is clearspeed.
you could be correct about the clearspeed, but revenants´ huge problem is their single target, at least that´s what i can tell from my testing. trying to kill bosses without swapping chain to slower proj makes you want to kill yourself and even with gem swap they needed more time than flame sents with multi target setup need. and i was running generositied wrath aura + EE + conductivity + ele weakness.
their clearspeed also gets hurt by indoor areas (lair map for ex), as they fire a lot of their projectiles to the left side, which then instantly hit a wall so they do not chain.
Last edited by xxWolf#7174 on Jan 12, 2017, 4:57:32 PM
Posted byxxWolf#7174on Jan 12, 2017, 4:55:01 PM
Necromancien wrote:
wrajjt wrote:
akavangop wrote:
First, great find with the spectre thing. Since it wasnt documented anywhever, I suppose it is a bug of some kind (hopefully not fixed).
I always tended to avoid spectre summoners, for the reason they couldnt survive some endgame bosses (had a few rips with tormented t13 shav and some other tormented). Also keeping minions alive is way harder than just keep yourself alive and cast srs from a safe spot.
I was thinking that golem builds would be a great mid layer, since you can cast the golems if they rip.
Did anyone compare the spectre vs golem summoners?
I have a golemancer aswell. They perform extremely well once you get your jewel sockets filled with the correct jewels. They dont have the utility of spectres (switching from GMP -> slower projectiles for singletarget damage in bossfights) but are obviously much tankier and easier to replace mid-fight, should they die. I think five fire golems perform better in clearing maps than any type of spectres, but for bosskills they are slower but safer.
Dude, I don't think any summoner (even srs) can be faster than revenants.
Rs - minion damage- echo - chain- light pen- controlled destru
with blasphemy -conductivity-enf/tempo chain
And a midnight bargain ofc
That is clearspeed.
Animate weapon is
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
Posted byleary93#3748on Jan 12, 2017, 5:07:00 PM
Excepted Ubers or guardians, they are good to kill bosses, not like fire eaters or slashed of course but good. I was using EE with avatar of fire though (just saw you were using it too).
Maybe I had a lot of minion damage lol
Last edited by Bible_Black#4888 on Jan 12, 2017, 5:33:45 PM
Posted byBible_Black#4888on Jan 12, 2017, 5:26:06 PM
Was the summoning spectres in maps fixed or something? It isn't working for me. I summoned a flame curtain from battlefront and then went into a map. It doesn't come up as a desecrated corpse.
Posted bygeneralchaos#0609on Jan 12, 2017, 10:19:26 PM
^^ hmm i found similar thing today, tried flame sentinels from eternal lav and couldnt get them after 10-15 tries in a tier 9 map, i think the cannibal fire eaters show up in quite a few maps as i could summon those when i tried.
Btw does anyone have a hint on how to summon a spectre, i often seem to summon the one right beside the one i want. Is there a best part of the body to aim for or something or is it another of ggg's imperfect systems.
Last edited by Fhark#5469 on Jan 12, 2017, 10:55:10 PM
Posted byFhark#5469on Jan 12, 2017, 10:52:08 PM
Fhark wrote:
^^ hmm i found similar thing today, tried flame sentinels from eternal lav and couldnt get them after 10-15 tries in a tier 9 map, i think the cannibal fire eaters show up in quite a few maps as i could summon those when i tried.
Btw does anyone have a hint on how to summon a spectre, i often seem to summon the one right beside the one i want. Is there a best part of the body to aim for or something or is it another of ggg's imperfect systems.
You can hold the "a" key to target corpses.
Also has anyone done Chayula with this build? I just failed a 2man Uul-Netol with flame sentinels but I think it might have had more to do with me not managing my offering than the limits of the build.
Posted bybobrosney#3571on Jan 12, 2017, 11:43:56 PM
bobrosney wrote:
Fhark wrote:
^^ hmm i found similar thing today, tried flame sentinels from eternal lav and couldnt get them after 10-15 tries in a tier 9 map, i think the cannibal fire eaters show up in quite a few maps as i could summon those when i tried.
Btw does anyone have a hint on how to summon a spectre, i often seem to summon the one right beside the one i want. Is there a best part of the body to aim for or something or is it another of ggg's imperfect systems.
You can hold the "a" key to target corpses.
Also has anyone done Chayula with this build? I just failed a 2man Uul-Netol with flame sentinels but I think it might have had more to do with me not managing my offering than the limits of the build.
Uul-netol is a summoners bain, not because u dont have the clearspeed, but because of the extremely horrible layout combined with the bone nova's. You'd better use something that can ignore terrain, like SRS or animate weapon for this specific breach. Chayula is possible tho.
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
Posted byleary93#3748on Jan 13, 2017, 5:59:14 AM
leary93 wrote:
bobrosney wrote:
Fhark wrote:
^^ hmm i found similar thing today, tried flame sentinels from eternal lav and couldnt get them after 10-15 tries in a tier 9 map, i think the cannibal fire eaters show up in quite a few maps as i could summon those when i tried.
Btw does anyone have a hint on how to summon a spectre, i often seem to summon the one right beside the one i want. Is there a best part of the body to aim for or something or is it another of ggg's imperfect systems.
You can hold the "a" key to target corpses.
Also has anyone done Chayula with this build? I just failed a 2man Uul-Netol with flame sentinels but I think it might have had more to do with me not managing my offering than the limits of the build.
Uul-netol is a summoners bain, not because u dont have the clearspeed, but because of the extremely horrible layout combined with the bone nova's. You'd better use something that can ignore terrain, like SRS or animate weapon for this specific breach. Chayula is possible tho.
Im following this thread, new to the game and summoners. I tried to get the map tier spectres too (flame sentinels), but they won't spawn with desecrate. My gem is lvl 19, so it should work?
Posted byHSTLnormann#6694on Jan 13, 2017, 6:08:29 AM
HSTLnormann wrote:
Im following this thread, new to the game and summoners. I tried to get the map tier spectres too (flame sentinels), but they won't spawn with desecrate. My gem is lvl 19, so it should work?
So here's how that works.
1. You need to make sure that you have flame sentinels active from eternal lab (or another zone)
2. Enter a map, not every map works, but most will. Each map has a specific table of mobs which it can contain, if flame sentinels are on that table, it will work. Maps work are for example promenade and overgrown shrine.
3. Now you need to spawn desecrate. Be patient with this, because there is a lot of rng involved, and it sometimes takes me up to 10-20 desecrates to spawn the corpse im looking for. (generally a map contains ~10-20ish different mob types. Even if its best case scenario (10 different types), spawning 7 desecrates still has a 10% chance of not giving the mob you're looking for ignoring weighting.
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
Posted byleary93#3748on Jan 13, 2017, 6:32:13 AM