BEASTfilter for 3.21 Crucible - comprehensive loot filter, 4 presets, PC/Console

BEASTfilter v4.0.4 update for BLIGHT League!

* Added highlight for Blight league's Oils and Maps
* Added new Wand and Rings base types with top-base highlight
* Updated some Class rules due new Rune Dagger and Warstaff classes
* Tiered new divination cards
* Maps and divination cards now always have minimap icon, since they're take only 1x1 slot in inventory and easy to store in special stashtabs

Don't forget to check for the filter's update with new economy tierings within a week after the league's launch!
Have a good start and nice rng, Exile!

Infinal wrote:
Is it possible to give all maps and cards, no matter how trashy and common, an icon on the mini-map? Could be tinier than even the smallest existing ones, but since I have the special stash tabs for these two categories, there’s truly no downside to amassing even low-tier drops.

Done :)
Life is short - deal with it
BEASTfilter v4.0.5 update

* Categorized Blight Oils into 3 tiers with different sounds and minimap icons
* Updated tiers of Divination cards and Incubators
* Updated tiers (mostly Delve) and improved appearance of some Currency
* Simplified options and removed uneffective "all rares" and "crafting bases" (this only shown extra items with almost no value, you still will see valuable ones without those options)
Life is short - deal with it
Please tell me you’ll update this lovely filter for Metamorphosis! I’ve been using it since Legion and don’t think I can run the next league until it’s updated. D:

I have just a few suggestions after spending two leagues with your hard work, however:
Orbs of Horizons, while of course not as common as them, are about as useful and therefore valuable as everyone's favorite Smurf tofu, Orbs of Alteration: You get five of them boys for a single Chaos Orb. Your filter places them in league with I believe Chaos Orbs, so I think if they indeed were in league with Alterations, tier-wise, it’d more accurately represent their value.
Jewels. I think both Eye (Abyssal) Jewels and the regular kind deserve an icon on the mini-map, ideally their own. Does the game allow for custom drop icons? I’d gladly provide some for the Jewels, depending on type. Either way, I’m far more likely to pick up even a Magic Jewel than some Rare Belts and Rings, so if nothing else, I feel they should have the same little mini-map indicator.
Shards and stacked currency: Judging from the vaguely logarithmic growth of existing tiers, I’d like to propose a system for shards (sub-currency) and stacks (super-currency). A currency’s shard form should give it -2 to the currency’s estimated relative value and thus tier placement, whereas any stack size (greater than 1) should give it +1 to its tier. For instance (and because I don’t have the tiers in my head nor am I motivated enough to look ’em up at this time :D), if a Chaos Orb is drop tier 5, a single Chaos Shard (-2) should be tier 3. If, however, you find a bunch of ’em stacked together (+1), as is often the case, they should have a final drop tier of 4. Other currencies should be treated accordingly, even a stacked bundle of Scrolls of Wisdom would then be in the same tier as a single Transmutation Orb, simply because a single pick-up click would be multiplicatively more rewarding. In theory, it’d then be possible for a stack of shards to be implied to be worth less than a drop of the solid currency, but when have you ever encountered 20+ shards of something in the wild, c’mon.

Please tell me what you think and, regardless, update the BEASTfilter for Metamorphosis! If I could buy you a Supporter Pack, I would. :3
I'd rather have no Harvest and the hope it one day returns in glory than this trash.
Infinal wrote:
Please tell me you’ll update this lovely filter for Metamorphosis! I’ve been using it since Legion and don’t think I can run the next league until it’s updated. D:

Yes, new update will be at Friday before league start or earlier. Thanks for feedback, i'll keep it in mind while updating!

Infinal wrote:
Does the game allow for custom drop icons?

No, it doesn't :(

Infinal wrote:
If I could buy you a Supporter Pack, I would. :3

As much as i'd like to get new supporter packs, it would be better to donate or become a patron, since it will help me get more free time to spend on developing this filter and FilterBLAST (which will soon have a major update).
Life is short - deal with it
BEASTfilter v4.0.7 update for Metamorph League!

* Added highlight for Metamorph Samples and Catalysts (no tiers for now, but will be after league's economy estabilish)
* Added support for Influenced items of all kinds (Shaper Elder Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord)
* Added highlight for new Map Fragments and Watchstones
* Added highlight for new Awakened Support Gems (all as top-tier drop)
* Updated Class ruless due Rune Daggers and Warstaves change
* Tiered new divination cards (tiered, but tiers will be reevaluated week after league's start)
* Added Awakener's Orb to tier-1 currency list, new Exalted Orb variations will be same as regular Exalted Orb
* Slightly updated currency tierings based on feedback
* Rare jewels now always have minimap icon, high-itemlevel abyssal jewels still have beam effect on top of that
* Some minor tweaks

Have a good start and don't lose sanity, Exile! :)

UPDATE: Now you can follow my filter on PoE profile and this feature shall auto-load latest update whenever you login into the game:
Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Jan 2, 2020, 11:17:41 AM
BEASTfilter v5.0

MAJOR UPDATE with complex overhaul: new highlight system, more detailed filtering and tiering (4x more filter code), gearing customization, strict preset and much more.

Full patch notes will be added as separate post here in a few days.

Feedback is welcome :)
Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Jan 9, 2020, 8:49:54 AM
I love your filter, thanks for the time you invested in it!
BEASTfilter v5.1 update

BEASTfilter v5 patch notes

Version 5.0 has major filter logic and indication system rework (4x more filter code) with detailed filtering cases for all item types, classes and special conditions.

[5.1] Added 2 new presets: "Starter" and "Lategame". "Strict" preset renamed to "Strict Lategame"

== New Evaluation System

Everything now sticks to 7 general value categories (with some balancing and extra tiering when needed), based on estimated worth and usability:

1) Top value - from 100c and higher
2) High value - from 10c to 100c
3) Medium value - from 1c to 10c
4) Low value - around 1c (or less if item has extra usability factors)
5) Potential value - most-likely not valuable, but may worth checking
6) Utility value - kept visible in case you may be interested to pick in the moment
7) No value - not worth your time (so filter hides them)

On top of visual indication categories № 1-5 each have their own drop sounds and minimap icons, № 1-2 have constant beam effect, № 3-4 usually have temporary beam effect.

New presets and customization features allow to control strictness for items with low value and below. More valuable items are always shown and can't be hidden.

== Visuals and Effects

Sound theme slightly changed and now tied to general evaluation system for more intuitive gameplay (no more specific sounds for specific items), 2 sounds changed their attribution, 1 sound removed, volume is rebalanced.

Shaper-voiced sounds for Mirror, Exalted and Divine orbs are still optionally available via Sound theme customization UI

Color highlight system improved:

* Item types with rarity now use standard approach: no more things to distract from evaluation.

* Different border color for gear type/class - helps to quickly distinguish and pick desired item type at a glance.

* Different backgrounds for items with special conditions (influenced, corrupted, special base, exclusive mods, enchants, extra quality, 5 links, 6 sockets)

* Individual styles (some with variations based on value) for: Currencies, 6 linked items, Uniques, Divination cards, Prophecies, Incubators, Gems, Maps, Map Fragments, Quest-like items, Recipes, Fishing secrets and legacy stuff.

* Stackable Currency highlight improved and now strictly follows 7 value-based visual tiers, their style gradually moves from shiny gold to faded bronze and copper. Nice look and easy to memorize.

* [5.1] Color Scheme is now customizable in UI

Beam effects system completely reworked and now emphasizes value by constant or temporary beam and hints item type by same color as minimap icon (with exclusion for maps, which beam color corresponds to map tier category: white, yellow, red, special)

Minimap icons system completely reworked with intuitive symbolism approach:

* Triangle - Stackable items: currency (4 colors per 4 tiers) and divination cards (blue)

* Circle - One-slot items: incubators (green), prophecies (blue), gems (white), jewels (brown), amulets (yellow), rings (red)

* Square - Maps: usual tiers - white, yellow, red, influenced - blue, blighted - green

* Diamond (looks like 4 squares) - Map Fragments, Watchstones, Labyrinth and Incursion quest-like items

* Star - Specials: Uniques (brown), 6-link (yellow), Metamorph samples (green), Synthesis (blue), Fishy and extraordinary (white)

* Hexagon - Gear Item: Top/high/medium value (white, yellow, red), Influenced (brown), 6 sockets or 5 link (blue), Special mod or Enchant (green)

== Tiering

Uniques now categorized into 5 tiers (with 3 extra +half-tier layers for special cases)

Stackable Currency tiering reworked and now has 8 value-based tiers, which can be grouped into 3 categories:
1) High tiers = t1: 100c+, t2: 10c+, t3: 1c+
2) Middle tiers = t4: 0,3c+, t5: 0,13c+ (low value but high usability)
3) Low tiers = t6: 0,07c+, t7: 0,015c+, t8: rest (most of low tier currency are hidden in lategame presets)

Currency tiers now have better care for stacks: bigger stacks of low-value currency raise up in tier for priority pick-up.

Gems filtering reworked with complex conditions, which summarized in 8 tiers

6 link item appearance now depends on conditions (influenced, corrupted, weapon or body armour)

Map fragments tiering reworked, now with 4 tiers total (from 2)

Added 1 more tiers for Incubators (now 3 tiers total)

Slightly updated Divination cards tiers (5 total)

Quality Gems and Flasks now have threshold for minimum quality value, which vary in different presets

[5.1] Quality Gems and Flasks Threshold is now customizable in UI

== Gear

All gear types now have personal filter sections for better control and fine-tuning.

Each gear type section controls highlight with relevant rule sets for: influenced items, Special mods (Incursion/Warband/Delve/Betrayal/Bestiary), Enchants, Extra quality, 6 sockets/5 links, regular rares (endgame and leveling), magic/normal (leveling)

Gear types with Special Bases (atlas, abyss, talismans and so on) have extra section for them, with similar to above-mentioned highlight rule sets logic.

Customization UI now allows to hide gear types (item classes) you don't want to see at all to better focus on things you may need for your character or quicker endgame farming.

Any valuable or special cases of gear types will always be shown in any preset or customization.

Improved Leveling Gear Progression for each gear type. For magic/white items it also gradually becomes stricter: from many to only 3-4+ linked sockets with good bases.

[5.1] Customization UI now has option to completely hide magic/normal Leveling Bases (useful when you make another character in a league and already have some leveling gear)

Chance bases now disabled by default ([5.1] excluding Lategame preset (not Strict), which considers that you may want to chance some Headhunters)

== More ways to get filters

Filters with presets (Starter, Regular, Lategame, Strict lategame) accessible at:

* Item Filters list at my PoE profile [for PC and Console players]

* FilterNova auto-installer/updater ahk-tool [PC-only]

* FilterBLAST site, which also provides visual preview and customization (filtering options, colors and sounds) [PC, but Consoles may be supported in future]


renews wrote:
I love your filter, thanks for the time you invested in it!

Thank you! :3
Life is short - deal with it
Last edited by Dissolator#0628 on Jan 11, 2020, 9:58:35 PM
My first league I'm on console and ur filter confuses me. So will I always update latest items prices? Also I can't tell what's a good drop I need pictures of the item colors for 10-100c or 100+c alot kf items are dropping with red name n I'm using strict filter so i think it's good but it's only a chaos.. I've very lost and confused right now. Also does the constant and temporary beam effect work in console? Very bad question.... What's the difference between strict and lategame it's the only two options I found. I also don't know what some colors means to identify or if it's a good base.
Last edited by BabyTempest#9016 on Jan 17, 2020, 8:33:11 AM
BabyTempest wrote:
will I always update latest items prices?

I'm not fully understood this question, but i'll try to answer: currently there is no automation possible for filters' updates, GGG didn't gave API for that yet. So pricing in filters is estimated, based on softcore economy at PC realm (there is no market data available from consoles). But i update filters manually few times per league. You don't need to update it, just follow it and the game will load latest version i've uploaded.

BabyTempest wrote:
I can't tell what's a good drop I need pictures of the item colors for 10-100c or 100+c alot kf items are dropping with red name n I'm using strict filter so i think it's good but it's only a chaos.. I've very lost and confused right now. Also does the constant and temporary beam effect work in console? ... I also don't know what some colors means to identify or if it's a good base.

All beam effects shall work on console. Loud sounds and constant beams are main indicators of 10c+ value. Visuals have other evalution signals, but in general: big size with colored background should be at 1c+ value category or special drop. Items with black background is a common drop, mostly good bases in lategame presets, which shown just for case if you need some gear upgrades, you may get lucky while identifying them, but usually it's trash. For more details on visuals please use FilterBLAST preview alongside with explainations in v5 patchnotes from first post in this thread.

BabyTempest wrote:
What's the difference between strict and lategame it's the only two options I found.

Main difference is that Strict hides regular rares, while Lategame shows good bases with high itemlevel. Also Strict have higher quality treshold for gems and some other minor things. I have plans to improve presets, so there'll be more differences over a time.
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