[2.6] The Curse Whisperer - Tri-Curse CI Whispering Ice Berserker - Viable for Everything
As you could see, its from 2.5. So its a bit higher. I have currently 9,3K, skipped LL finally for EF, as i can handle almost evrything till T16. In case i switch to another staff with LL setup.
Last edited by Wilmots#7633 on Mar 27, 2017, 7:42:01 AM
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Hi, I first time I play this build, but I'm having problems capping my resistance.
How can I cap my resists? |
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Yes this is indeed an issue, with good items. And maybe a jewel node.
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Trying thise build second time.
First Elementalist and now Berseker and having the same easue.. Cant kill Atziri and Shaper. To be honest on Shaper I loose all my portals on a phase two. I have: 1732 Intel 9400 ES 8100 Dmg 4000/12100 Fire Dmg and all resists are 135+ in HO. All my gems are maxed out. Shaper flusks now on me. My profile is open to check gear,if someone want to help with advise. Im eseley done those on BladeFury build,but WI is rly getting me frustrating on the top bosses. Is it all about me and my lame hands? |
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" This build uses Elemental Overload instead of crit damage. 40% MORE damage for just 1 node. I don't see a reason to spend points on crit chance without also investing heavily in crit multi. Replacing VP with Acuity would be really unsafe unless you crit at least 70% of the time (Icestorm crits per cast, not per hit, and in my experience having less than 2 storms leeching for you is bad; 0.35s cast). And even with that, a simple bad streak of 3-4 non-crit Icestorms in a row will kill you in T16. Acuity itself, even if you ignore its price, is not good for this build. You can get up to 80 Int, but that's only 25-30 more than a good rare glove, and this item has nothing else for us. No ES, no resists. 30 Int is not worth that. Seeing as you can craft +14 All Stats instead of a resist, if you can afford a no-resist glove, you can just as easily afford chest and boots with an open suffix and craft +28 All Stats on them without losing ES (and possibly 16% damage on Fingerless gloves). I understand if Acquity forces you to modify the build to make use of that uber item, but it's similar to trying to incorporate Skyforth just because it's so valuable. IMO the best use for those items is to sell them and buy yourself godly rare chest/boots/gloves/belt. " You mean the Breach league stats? The corresponding gear is posted in the Gear section. Pre-nerf Pyre lets you use a higher DPS gem instead of CtF. " I see nothing wrong with your char. Your gear is better than I had in any temp league. The only thing different I do is Ruby flask (of Heat) instead of Sapphire for the Shaper: pop it together with the Wise Oak to get the fire resist back on top. What exactly kills you there? Are you forgetting to pop Orb of Storms near the Shaper? Last edited by Kelvynn#6607 on Mar 27, 2017, 5:58:54 PM
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Yesterday I ripped the Witch version of the build to a bleed, and today I am going to roll the Marauder version. I goddamn love Ice Storm so much. I already spent a fuckton of chaos rebuying my gear:
Now I still need to buy a BSC and a better rolled staff, and I'm good to go. Aiming for 1700+ INT this time. Last character of the league for me, might as well go all out with the spending. Would anybody like some... POUNDCAKE?
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Ty Kelvynn. Im not sure about orb of storms cause at the second half of the fight im have mostly all ground near the Sahaper in black holles. He is killing me with the black orbs he frouing mostyly.
I tryed him 3times onley,so I think i will grow for thet). " How is Impereal Wit compere with Izaro Trumoll? Lot of damege income? Last edited by ScottEvill#0426 on Mar 31, 2017, 9:16:58 AM
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" I haven't gotten around to using them both together in this build. On my Witch, I had 2 Turmoils and grabbed the socket near witch start at level 87 so I could use Emperor's Wit. Considering at that point I already had 1500+ INT, the Wit jewel bumped me up to nearly 1600. Worth it IMO. If I can get buy an Emperor's Mastery jewel, I will probably use that as well. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other than that, I have to say... Not really feeling Marauder for this build. Like, it's certainly not bad, but Mara has an even harder time capping resistances it seems, and only gets limited use from his Ascendancies. Rite of Ruin is situational stun immunity. Meaning against some bosses you'll be vulnerable to stun unless you dedicate a flask slot SPECIFICALLY to deal with stuns. Not something I like doing. Aspect of Carnage is pretty good, but you don't even get it before level 75 something. I consider that to be the only downside simply because I hate running lab and want to get the most bang for my buck when I do get Asc. points. Crave The Slaughter is alright for movement, still, I feel other builds benefit from these points way more than a Whispzerker. Pain Reaver however, is hands down amazing for this build. No downside at all, and even potentially frees up either a curse slot or a gem slot on the staff. Great Asc. bonus. If you take all this and compare it to Elementalist, Witch gets good stuff EVERY single point she spends on the Ascendancy tree. She makes the most efficient use of each of the 8 points, and to me personally that is a huge plus because I won't have to feel bad for getting a bunch of attack speed on a build that only requires very little of it. Now granted, Marauder seems to have a slightly better (shorter) tree, and more jewel sockets before the build actually peaks out, but hell, spending the extra points to get myself a chunk of resistances and PERPETUAL stun immunity seems worth it to me. Dunno, right now I'm debating whether I should call it quits and reroll as Witch next week, or push through and see what happens once I spec into Aspect of Carnage. - - - - On a sidenote, YUM: Would anybody like some... POUNDCAKE? Last edited by Agilaz#5204 on Mar 31, 2017, 11:04:34 AM
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" Aww... That's why one of my flasks is always Staunching, and I've become quite adept at spotting all forms of bleeding/puncture/corrupted blood. In HC I'd definitely go with for 4 uses without refilling. " Emp Wit/Mastery 6/7% is the best when your Int is high enough. You can see how much it will give you before buying it. Just remove the items that give %increased Int: the staff, BSC, Perandus. Then you will see your raw Int. Those jewels will give you 6/7% of that. So if your raw Int is 1000, then 7% Emp Mastery will give you 70 Int. That's 1.5x better than even a perfect Izaro. The only problem with those jewels is the method of obtaining them. That system is totally fucked up. " Wy is this a problem? You get to lv 75 pretty much as soon as you get past Merc Dominus, just a few hours in the Lake. This is an endgame build. The game doesn't even really start for you until mid-80's. Last edited by Kelvynn#6607 on Mar 31, 2017, 12:40:49 PM
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" I had a Staunching flask, I just got really unlucky. I was doing a shaped Racecourse with some really nasty mods (Vulnerability, extra crit, mob damage, boss damage) + onslaught stone. I took down 2/3 bosses, but I ended up getting tagged by the Gladiator boss and the bleed killed me cause I was mashing my flask, not realising it was actually empty. 100% preventable and completely my fault, should not have been playing while tired. As for the part about Aspect of Carnage, it's more of a personal preference. With witch, you can take Paragon, Liege and Pendulum and never even bother with Mastermind of Discord, and you'd still do pretty damn well even in T15's. With Mara you NEED to get Aspect of Carnage otherwise you lose a big chunk of your damage, and you get it a little bit too late for my taste. Not saying that makes it a bad choice, just not what I look for in a build. Still, I've been playing way too much this past week, so I'll take the weekend off (since I work weekends anyway) to think about how I want to approach this. I think I might just end up rerolling as witch anyway, I have all the gear I could possibly need except maybe an Emperor's Mastery jewel. Would anybody like some... POUNDCAKE?
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