[2.5][HC]OldManSyndrome's Aegis/Ed MoM Hierophant

It is a definite boost to single target damage, unfortunately the poison doesn't spread with contagion. Unless maybe you tried some Binos shenanigans.

But, you can always just swap to consuming dark for poison on hit anyway, which is why I'm not really a fan of the gem.

Cospri's may be a viable chest option for the character, however. Could run vuln/enfeeble in a reckoning+curseonhit+curse setup in shield, which would add dmg or another layer of defense. And then poison cursed enemies on hit to boost single target damage.
IGN: OldManSyndrome or _OldManSyndrome_
Last edited by OldManSyndrome#0240 on Dec 30, 2016, 4:06:04 AM
Sorta new and have two questions:

1.) Best way to color a lioneye's vision? Chrome spam or artisan bench?
2.) Would conviction of power make for safer HC vs Illuminated devotion?
Vorici 1B+1G most efficient way to get your colors, costs 15 per.

Conviction of power not at all worth it, the 20% increased aoe is a pretty massive buff to your ability to spread ED through contagion
IGN: OldManSyndrome or _OldManSyndrome_
How is this build going? Noticed you ripped at 94? What happened?
The level 94 is the character I sent to standard for testing purposes after PHC ended. He's there so I can do the AFK until dead videos for the FAQ section.

Current version is OldManSyndrome_BHC, who's level 90. Character feels complete, using him to farm Atziri, Pale Council and Uul-Netol while I'm working on a new character concept on OldManSyndrome_BHCII.
IGN: OldManSyndrome or _OldManSyndrome_
OldManSyndrome wrote:
The level 94 is the character I sent to standard for testing purposes after PHC ended. He's there so I can do the AFK until dead videos for the FAQ section.

Current version is OldManSyndrome_BHC, who's level 90. Character feels complete, using him to farm Atziri, Pale Council and Uul-Netol while I'm working on a new character concept on OldManSyndrome_BHCII.

Very nice! I was thinking "What could possibly kill him? The build is amazing!"

I was right in the middle of leveling up an ED hierophant when I found your guide. I'm 58 now and just itching to get my aegis.

Although my passive tree has left over witch nodes from my early progession. Do you ever end up going to witch to grab the spell block passive nodes? I'm also considering energized armor in the same witch node area.

Energized armor in the witch node ends up being +72% armor, 7% spell block, 80% armor from shield, 10% energy shield recharge.

Last edited by intangible_s#6679 on Jan 14, 2017, 6:54:00 PM
I don't recommend going into the witch area, the point investment doesn't justify the returns.
IGN: OldManSyndrome or _OldManSyndrome_
Well, my slayer just ripped. Time to try your build! Nabbed an Aegis for 50c.
[Hardcore league]
IGN: Jeria / Metalgrid
Im thinking about trying this build, seems like the new chest armour Skin of the Loyal would be great with the +1 to gems and 6 links, 100% global defenses means better armour/ev or ES in most cases than a well rolled rare and my last build confirmed that with a SoTL outperforming the stats of my cospri's, defenses. This requires good rolls on your other items though, wich we always shoot for anyway. You cant beat the cost of the skin of the loyal for sure, no more ripping tabulas for +1 corrupts,,,lol tabulas rejoice
Remember when high end gear was really high end !
Classic Audio all the way,olderthandirt and twice as
Grizzly :)
Skin of the Loyal is a solid choice. The Aegis prices have plummeted, so it's definitely a good time to give it a try.

Edit: I just math'd a Skin of the Loyal. It's definitely the chest to use. I would have about 5% less dps than using it over Lioneyes, around 200 less armor, 200 less life, but about 750 more energy shield.
IGN: OldManSyndrome or _OldManSyndrome_
Last edited by OldManSyndrome#0240 on Jan 15, 2017, 8:45:57 PM

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