[3.0] Frosty's Assassin Spectral Throw [Video]
Hi there,
I didn't really find a comment on shaper/uber atziri/Guardians (Especially Poison Immunity)/.. viability. How about that? Otherwise the build looks fun and I would like to give it a try as soon as I know what to do with it in the end content. Cheers |
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" To this point I haven't tried anything T16+. But, I do think with good gear this build would fare similarly to other crit / poison / bleed based builds. You may need to do a little exploration as to what works best for your setup. I will likely be testing this myself in the near future (perhaps as CI though). IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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Quick question, Frosty (or anyone) is there a reason why we shouldn't squeeze in Fatal Toxins into the build once we have made the switch to chaos?
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" Not really worth it as it only applies to poison, I would focus more on nodes that double dip. IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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I have only 9kdps town and 4.8k hp am i doing something worng?
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYBAAAGAO4DHgUtBbUHmQ2NEJIRLxR1FSAV7RX2Fr8fQSPTI_Yk_SaVKgsqTSzhLOkuUzB8MjI1kjY9N9Q64T8nQzFHBkp9SshMjkz_TZJN404qUUdUvVVLWfBbr1xAXfJh4mJ5YqxlTWqMbIxuqm8ncFJ07XXLdf1944RvhKKGs4d2idOMNo19jX6Nv49gj_qWi5pqnaqi2aOKpMKmV6xmsNi0xbVItfK5PrxvvTa-p8LsyBTNmNDQ02_UI9RC1bnYdti92Ybawdvn3Q3nVOpi62PtP-4O8kXy4fVv_MX-Cv6P_94=?accountName=zwixxer&characterName=Maggotskki |
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" IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119 Last edited by WayTooFrosty#1574 on Mar 17, 2017, 7:05:21 PM
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This is my first runthrough with this game, I am getting stuck around t10 maps Im level 82. here is my gear, I am no where near 5k life I am at 3500 and pretty squish, any help would be awesome I have plenty of chaos finally to do some buying with. Thanks
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" There are a few things I could recommend to help with this: 1) get much better life rolls on your items, aim for 70+ on everything 2) get a leather belt with 100+ total life on it (or a rustic sash with 70+) 3) quality on gems makes a huge difference in your 6L 4) make sure you're leveling the appropriate gems (e.g. the inc duration with your CWDT setup) 5) upgrade your daggers to get 300+ pdps with >1.5 aps + crit chance/multiplier 6) make sure all your rings have +flat phys (diamond, iron, or steel if possible) 7) get an ammy with flat phys + crit chance/multiplier (big damage boost here) 8) try a defensive flask (e.g. rumis, basalt etc) 9) you can try rare gloves with attack speed, flat phys, accuracy and life (will give more life but lose a little dps I also don't know what your passive tree is. IGN: WayTooFrosty -|- Assassin Spectral Throw: /view-thread/1803119
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ok thanks for the input my passive tree is as strict to yours as i could make it minus some regrets spent to allow me more strength here or int there. I wasnt aware of higher daggers, I thought since you used them binos was BIS so i didnt even bother looking (again first play through lol) i also thought you wanted cwdt always at level 1s never higher. But thanks again this gives me a lot to look at.
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Can someone explain to me how the dps and physical attributes work on these daggers? Ive spent a bunch of chaos and ive gotten 300+ dps and 1.5aps+ but my bino still has ahigher number on the phys damage as i hover over spectral throw skill.
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