
zulon5326 wrote:
Would be nice if the title actually said what build this is.
I had to look through the whole page just to find out its a cyclone build with xoph's axe.
Change the title, hopefully no one else wasted their time like I just did.

Boo hoo you had to click on a few spoilers because the title doesnt include every piece of gear and skill gems.

No thanks ill keep it how i like it.
Is Elemental Focus better than Added Fire?

Do you know, or could you check, how much evasion rating you had in hideout with Grace active?

Trying to figure out perfect flask setup:
1 divine life (instant/remove bleed)
1 ruby flask (remove shock)
1 quicksilver (increased speed)
1 stibnite (increased evasion)
1 basalt? / jade? / quartz? (remove curses)
Last edited by Affinity#3941 on Dec 23, 2016, 8:27:41 AM
How important is ele weakness on gloves? I was thinking about using Blasphemy-Enfeeble or something else since the only gloves i can find on with ele hit are snakebites or worse. Speaking of which would snakebites be bad with the reduced frenzy charge duration? Poison at max charges would be interesting.
Shinnu wrote:
How important is ele weakness on gloves? I was thinking about using Blasphemy-Enfeeble or something else since the only gloves i can find on with ele hit are snakebites or worse. Speaking of which would snakebites be bad with the reduced frenzy charge duration? Poison at max charges would be interesting.

Ele weakness on hit lvl 12 would remove 31% fire resistance from the enemies we attack

Each % fire pen/removed is almost equivalent to 1% MORE(multiplier) damage

You cannot run enfeeble/ash/grace together so you would have to drop an aura

Poison at max charges would be useless because you cannot poison with fire damage

Poison can only be applied with physical damage and chaos damage.
i'm afraid to do uber lab, never done it before... sitting on 6.4k hp, could he 1shot me?
foxloose3 wrote:
i'm afraid to do uber lab, never done it before... sitting on 6.4k hp, could he 1shot me?

It depends if you give him buffs

without any defense i know he can hit up to around 7k unbuffed on a crit

We have fortify and kintsugi to mitigate quite a phat chunk of damage if he somehow lands a hit.

Because we cyclone and have insane speed you should easily dodge a slam (if he is using a 2h mace)
or dodge a reave if he is using a sword.

We also maintain a gigantic amount of dodge/evasion

You should be fine ,

However...if you buff him then i think you should give up on that run.

Personally i wouldn't run him when he has Disruptor Charges


Last edited by Bloomania#2606 on Dec 24, 2016, 3:19:08 AM
Would this be a good uber lab farmer?
Yatunic wrote:
Would this be a good uber lab farmer?

By my standards no

Uber Lab Farmer means being able to give him buffs, not die, and kill him quickly while having a solid mitigation against traps etc

This build can kill uber izaro, but i wouldnt recommend giving him buffs

If his layout includes portals and gargoyles then maybe you would be able to do a full key run and kill argus as well

But i wouldnt call this build an uber lab farmer.
ok so where do i get endurance charges from ?
zIRCpanik wrote:
ok so where do i get endurance charges from ?

There no ed charges on this build?

We use frenzy charges

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