[2.6] Toxic Aegis - CwC Chaos Flurry Gladiator

today i tested vaal cyclone with the build for breach, beyond, pack size maps and its awesome!! hahahha
vaal cyclone pulls mob together, chaos/poison dmg + gratuitious violence kills everything! :D fun

Gon try that build as soon as i get the money for anything, belt made myself in Standard.
German Fegit!
Standard Pleb!
Shitty Crafter!
Did a short test with Ring of Blades + EK

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Lets say I already have a 6L legacy Lightning coil, would that be a better option for this build than a random rare if I can make the resists work?

A LC isn´t that great for the build.

Its not bad though, but in the long run a well rolled rare (high AR/EV + Life) will be better for the defense and a Cospris is just BiS for Damage as it provides a 7 Link and second curse.

So if you can make the resists work a LC is for sure good to use and better than a "random rare" but won´t be better than a well crafted rare.
Current Builds:
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Playing with the Gull atm how have you guys found it with this build?
Just wanted to pop in and say THANK YOU for this build, have run some of the craziest maps ever and the build itself has most of the qualities I need for my enjoyment ;)

Currently level 84 (did a twinned 8-mod (no regen, extra cold, enfeeble) onslaught Colosseum at 83 and it was cake).

My current setup with a couple of things I consider improvements to the build (like Death Rush which hadn't even crossed my mind til it dropped, Gull is Fing amazing for the person above me who asked, and I personally think this chest is better than Cospris.

Followed your tree pretty much to the letter as there is like no budge room, and unless I'm missing something you do need 2x block jewels to cap for claw build, no? I don't think I'm done with my claw yet, lol (Vorici not 7 quite yet) and this 1 Alc belt is highly underrated and op at the same time :) Probably going to buy a legacy Aegis as well later today.

At any rate, thank you for breathing some lasting life into my enjoyment of this game :)
IGN: CPU, Gas, Cop, Live, Flee, Oil
Last edited by infinityinc#7793 on Mar 22, 2017, 3:06:14 PM

Happy to hear that you enjoy the build so much!
The Belt is really good indeed as intimidate is 10% more damage that dips for Spell and Attack.
Before this patch this belt was crap because it had reduced block chance - now it is a really good belt for this build and many other Poison builds. I also used it on my BV Berserker this league. The reduced Crit mod is also pretty big as it reduces the danger of oneshots.

Gull seems good from the Stats alone and the lesser shrines are all pretty good for this build so i´d think that the Helmet is a really solid choice.

Buffed Death´s Rush seems also nice, with longer Onslaught and the new life roll it fits in well as all other stats on it are really good.

For the Chest i have to disagree. New Cherubims is nice for sure but Cospris offers a 7. link, additional curse and ignoring curse immune mobs.

It also lets our Ascendancy explosions poison, which is really big damage on rares inside a pack.

But with the Buffs to the Chaos Mod on Cherubims its also a really solid choice!

The Claw tree should be at 75% block with no additional Jewels did you count Ascendancy Buffs and Tempest Shield?

I´d also recommend testing Vaal Haste - its such a great damage boost!
Current Builds:
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I'm playing this build on legacy and for now it's nice surprise, first time I have a character so strong in defence. Until now it take me some time to kill bosses in T8, T9 (Average damage for blade flurry : 628 and Average damage for bladefall : 1893) but I'm only 85 (and I know I have a only a 5L cospri, gem level 19 without quality, elreon level 6 so ring and amulet without chaos damage, wrong flask and failed to kill uber Izarro).

On which level have you kill uber Izzaro ? He oneshot me 2 times on his last phases until now

I'm wondering if instead written in blood it's not better to go for revenge of the hunted and void barrier :
Last edited by Dark11Wolf#3397 on Mar 24, 2017, 4:16:06 PM
hi , thanks for the build i did all guardians except phoenix :) i'm using

i'm just asking if http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Cherrubim%27s_Maleficence
would be nice or not ? ( it increases chaos damage up to 80% )
( this claw i made i can't even PC it )

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