[3.2] Very cheap ~ REVIVED 4 Million DPS+ RF Fire Nova Mine (Update soon)

Savorrow wrote:
Laÿne wrote:
Hello, is multiple traps support working with fire nova mine? :/

No, fire nova mine isn't a trap, it is supported by the minefield support.

Also.... question to the OP: did you find you died a lot while leveling? I am level 56 and have died 27 times, which is about 27 times more than usual for me lol. (I usually play marauders and duelists.) I have a 6L shavs and a noe ES +2 fire nova mine helm, so I'm not too worried about the leveling struggle. Just... really irritating getting stunned and/or 1 shot by yellows every now and then.

Also I found that swapping firestorm with arc made leveling a lot smoother from level 30ish to 53. I just used dual lifesprigs and a tabula til swapping to consuming darks at 53 and FNM. I used arc as a 5 link and also used a fireball in my 6th link (giving me another 5L set up) to help with the rare single target needs.

yeah, leveling is aids. You need high level, high quality temp chains blasph so things don't hit you anymore. If I had to re-level I would chose vortex mines over firestorm, and possibly take more HP nodes on tree, as well as mine laying speed.
in the lvling guild for 18 to 45 your 1st link is CoF what skill is that ?
How do you keep your mines alive with this build?

I'm still at level 33, Act 4 normal, and getting the mines to stay alive long enough for them to detonate is pretty difficult.
Cloak of Flames, pretty sure.
Worst_luck wrote:
mmogamr wrote:
Here's my current gear. I downed corrupt guardians. I'm at over 8.4k ES with Disc. I absolutely love this build. I do feel squishy at times, but the faster ES stacking really really makes the mine playstyle work well.

I'm not sold on a flask setup though.
witchfire definitely seems right for bosses. Especially if you pop it after you place mines and move away.
Kiara's? the curse removal is nice, but I must be undervaluing it? I like a chemist's silver flask of heat because you get 2 uses out of it and it lasts longer, which is really nice for +cold damage maps.
I'm currently using a basalt for bleeds, but I might trade it out for a diamond of bleeds for maps.n

I'm planning on attempting shaper tonight.
Aside from switching out a flask for witchfire, are there any glaring issues in my gear/gems?


Now that is proper gear. You should really keep in the witchfire, and the rest of the pots is your preference. You can upgrade your boots as well.

What you can do if you feel squishy is swap out anger for another aura, and tricurse mobs with enfeeble. You should try that out if you can get your hands on a +1 curse chayula or re-allocate your passives on tree to get whispers of doom. Let me know how things go with that. If you could somehow still switch back to anger for nooby maps then that could work well too.

Thanks for the reply. Yep, boots are on my list. I just haven't found anything that made me happy. Also, I want to replace the str ring with a better version of it. I finally managed to 21/20 a FNM after like 7 attempts.

How do you keep in witchfire while mapping? Witchfire, atziri, laviagna. That leaves 2 other flasks. If you run adrenaline on your quicksilver, then you only have 1 flask and you want staunching and heat(or kiara).

I'd really like to pick up whispers of doom again. The only thing that I could see to drop would be the throatseeker cluster and one of the trap and mine damage nodes by high explosives, do you have a better suggestion? I have a feeling +1 presence is going to be out of my reach this league.

IGN: dwreckedarc
Last edited by dwrecked#5218 on Mar 17, 2017, 12:57:28 PM
heisenbergman wrote:
How do you keep your mines alive with this build?

I'm still at level 33, Act 4 normal, and getting the mines to stay alive long enough for them to detonate is pretty difficult.

You need to rush to the trap cluster on the far right side of the tree. As outlined in the guide, this cluster is crucial, specifically the major node "Clever Construction". Makes your traps immune to damage for 5 seconds, and is a godsend.
mmogamr wrote:

Thanks for the reply. Yep, boots are on my list. I just haven't found anything that made me happy. Also, I want to replace the str ring with a better version of it. I finally managed to 21/20 a FNM after like 7 attempts.

How do you keep in witchfire while mapping? Witchfire, atziri, laviagna. That leaves 2 other flasks. If you run adrenaline on your quicksilver, then you only have 1 flask and you want staunching and heat(or kiara).

I'd really like to pick up whispers of doom again. The only thing that I could see to drop would be the throatseeker cluster and one of the trap and mine damage nodes by high explosives, do you have a better suggestion? I have a feeling +1 presence is going to be out of my reach this league.


Take out fangs of the viper, as well as the evasion and ES node, then on the mine damage near volatile mines, spec out of the right side and take the left side so you save one point. Or you can spec out of occultists dominion, which could be better for that case.

You'll have 3 points which are enough to take whispers of doom, then once you level, you can take the curse effect nodes instead of the duration shortcut. That's my suggestion, and what I would do in that case. You only lose about 18% mine damage and 20% chaos damage , as well as 5% ES that way.

p.s: i'm not sure if 16% spell dmg + 4% cast speed and 20 int is better to drop than 18% mine damage.
Nyrobie wrote:
in the lvling guild for 18 to 45 your 1st link is CoF what skill is that ?

You can google any abbreviation then write "poe" after it and you'll figure out what it is from the first link. You can google lyrics for a song and the song-name comes up. You can google pretty much anything you can think of and you'll get results. You don't need any filters on words or anything.
Another question: Why do we still need Detonante Mines + Faster Casting if we already have a node that lets us detonate mines instantly?

Savorrow wrote:
heisenbergman wrote:
How do you keep your mines alive with this build?

I'm still at level 33, Act 4 normal, and getting the mines to stay alive long enough for them to detonate is pretty difficult.

You need to rush to the trap cluster on the far right side of the tree. As outlined in the guide, this cluster is crucial, specifically the major node "Clever Construction". Makes your traps immune to damage for 5 seconds, and is a godsend.

Ah I see. Thanks!
i want to ask a question before start this build. If i use 5 link ES chest with chayula amulet for high defensive, how much damage i can deal.i scare with this set up i wont have enough damage for high tier map

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