[3.2] Very cheap ~ REVIVED 4 Million DPS+ RF Fire Nova Mine (Update soon)

Is there a reason why "Increased Spell Damage While Dual Wielding" isn't as good as Mine damage, Chaos damage, and Area damage?
VinLiz wrote:
I really wanna make a FNM, but i'm still doubting between occultist and assassin, since Assassin gives stronger power charges and 100% more (!) poison damage from crits. What do you think? Tree should remain fairly the same.

Quoting this:"Poison you inflict with Critical Strikes deals 100% more Damage""
Poison damage from crits doesn't work for mines since you're not the one critting.

Last edited by Worst_luck#4486 on Jan 17, 2017, 7:38:20 AM
The_Blind_Dragon wrote:
Is there a reason why "Increased Spell Damage While Dual Wielding" isn't as good as Mine damage, Chaos damage, and Area damage?

Spell damage doesn't double-dip to modify poison as well as the initial hit.
EltonMayo wrote:
Sorry if u have answered this before , I know I should check all the pages but... u know how it is :P
What's your max ES with LL variant? Im struggling around 6-7k (crappy boots currently ). I saw that u "dismantled" the character so whatever u remember about it works :)
Also great build, difficult to adjust to mines ( can do traps np, but shitting mines right under me is difficult/different ) but overall gr8 feel

I was at 8.5k, the feel isn't for everyone I can understand that bro :P
Thanks for the answer. To any1 else struggling to adjust from a clearspeed meta build to mines, I switched out atziri's promise to dying sun and it gets a bit more familiar.
What is general rotation for this build?
Does the ascendancy node "profane bloom" really help much?
Last edited by DanyStormborn#1138 on Jan 17, 2017, 10:01:12 PM
this is the best build ever in the world
sebastian142 wrote:
What is general rotation for this build?

Whirl into a pack , press ur fnm skill then detonate. Switch conc for bosses. Idk if I answered ur question.
DanyStormborn wrote:
Does the ascendancy node "profane bloom" really help much?

Not really, but it's better than anything else

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