[3.2] Very cheap ~ REVIVED 4 Million DPS+ RF Fire Nova Mine (Update soon)

ImpishSpoops wrote:
i'm loving the build so far, although i have died over 118 times running with a tabula :P had no problems till merciless.

Still, love the build, and im working towards getting enough currency to improve my gear. However i do have two questions. One for the community and one for the creator of the build.

Okay, so first question: Can anyone explain to me or give me some -secret- tips on how to make proper currency in this game? I've gotten over 1600+ hours in this game and love it , but one thing i have NEVER been able to master is the currency/making money in this game. I see players on PoE trade who have like 7500+ Fusing orbs, and 200 Ex's and it just makes me go "HOW?". I swear theres some secret im missing. :P I know all about trading and flipping and all that, but as much as ive tried, i can never make any proper income unless i get that 1 SUPER rare unique that i can sell for a handful of currency that is usually not even enough to buy a good item in return. How do you guys get so much currency among? It just boggles me at how people do this. I am always barely scraping by, usually with barely 40c. Even for this build i feel like i wont beable to buy the items i need, like boots, gloves, helm and the regalia ect. And i have so few fuses i will never beable to six link let alone 6L two chests:C

and 2nd question, for the creator: out of curiosity why do you take the Whispers of Doom node to the north west/left sideof the tree? It gives +1 additional curses but unless i misread or missed something i dont see why we spend a point in this? Im just confused since im already using a curse and no more. Do we use more then once curse?

Just play the game more and you'll figure out how to make currency. Every little thing adds up. That's my tip.

Worst_luck wrote:
tweedacus wrote:
Any chance of a video of a map clear? :)

Yeah i'll upload one today sometime.

I also recorded a breachstone run. But it's size is 2.4 gb. I will upload it and share here :)


@Worst_luck Here is my gear, is there any advice? I'm doing t11 maps atm.
veritas1957 wrote:
Worst_luck wrote:
tweedacus wrote:
Any chance of a video of a map clear? :)

Yeah i'll upload one today sometime.

I also recorded a breachstone run. But it's size is 2.4 gb. I will upload it and share here :)


@Worst_luck Here is my gear, is there any advice? I'm doing t11 maps atm.

I was planning on recording an uber atziri run or a t15-16 run ( maybe kill a guardian or something) but I couldn't do it today cause my shadowplay is screwing me over for some reason.. I'm trying to fix it so I don't know when the vid will be up. I'll try my best this week.

Anyways, looking at your gear there's a lot of stuff you can upgrade. First of all, you should definitely consider getting % chaos damage on rings as that will boost you damage immensely, just do it when you can. Also, mine damage on belt, more ES on body/helm/belt < crystal belt? ( you should be at 10k or so eventually, also i think you should chaos spam that body armor). Your boot enchant isn't really the best imo, I think you should get the % mana recovery or the stun avoidance. Also that's some ugly spell damage on one of your consumings :P

Last edited by Worst_luck#4486 on Jan 9, 2017, 7:39:44 AM
Worst_luck wrote:

I was planning on recording an uber atziri run or a t15-16 run ( maybe kill a guardian or something) but I couldn't do it today cause my shadowplay is screwing me over for some reason.. I'm trying to fix it so I don't know when the vid will be up. I'll try my best this week.

Anyways, looking at your gear there's a lot of stuff you can upgrade. First of all, you should definitely consider getting % chaos damage on rings as that will boost you damage immensely, just do it when you can. Also, mine damage on belt, more ES on body/helm/belt < crystal belt? ( you should be at 10k or so eventually, also i think you should chaos spam that body armor). Your boot enchant isn't really the best imo, I think you should get the % mana recovery or the stun avoidance. Also that's some ugly spell damage on one of your consumings :P

Thanks for advice i try to keep it up :) I can't find good ring with chaos damage on poe.trade. Good rings are very expensive :)

Here is a video (First time breachstone): https://youtu.be/8_GieWqBvAI
veritas1957 wrote:

Thanks for advice i try to keep it up :) I can't find good ring with chaos damage on poe.trade. Good rings are very expensive :)

Here is a video (First time breachstone): https://youtu.be/8_GieWqBvAI

I made mine! Use essences :)
Worst_luck wrote:
dbdns3 wrote:
Are there any countermeasures against stun attacks?

another example

or you could just use a chayula and manage your resists/damage on rings

Does removing stun on cast help? I don't know if it helps for planting, but Practical Application would be a good node near the beginning of the tree, plus you get 20dex/str that can alleviate getting Alacrity and Physique
Why vile bastion? It doesn't give us es regen cuz mines kill blow. just for that 100% stun immunity on first hit?
SSF, because Path of Trade RMTers and bots suck.
i love this build. love love love this build.

only thing i hate is the budget part, which imo is pretty inaccurate. def not as cheap as you lead to believe.

Dual consuming dark ~ 20c - definitely get a break here, since i got both of mine with >57% spell damage and >35 dex for 4c

Infernal mantle ~ 1c (6linked myself) **or 6L High ES regalia** - this is prolly the most egregious part. infernal mantle is definitely ONE chaos, but "6linked myself" is not a ZERO currency operation. also, "or 6L high ES regalia" isn't exactly a "infernal mantle 1c" alternative. if you buy a 6L mantle, that's lotsa currency. if you 6L it yourself, that still quite a lot. 6L regalias are 3ex WHITE, nvm "high ES" and some decent other stats. so even if you buy it white, crafting is part of the budget. but you can get a 5L6s mantle for 20c (i did) so mebbe you catch a break there.

Fire nova mine enchant on helmet ~1-3ex (1ex right now) - this is close to correct.... they're about 1.7ish now, but that's for a WHITE one. try one with decent ES and some res/stats? easily double the price. again, if you craft, it's part of the budget

Witchfire brew ~40c - you get a break here, it's much less
Atziri's promise ~1c
Lavainga's Spirit ~20c
ES gear with resistances & chaos damage on rings ~ 40c - this is pretty low but i'm not willing to go into it.

150-250 Chaos

idk where you get the 150-250 number but even if you consider your LOWEST estimate, and say that ex are 60c a pop, you're talkin about a 2-3 ex build... and you could spend that much JUST on the helm....

i'd say it's more along the lines of like 10-15ex.

kinda sucks cos i'm at the point now where i should buy all ES gear AND the helm at least (no 6L regalia) but it's suddenly more expensive than i planned for.
ImpishSpoops wrote:
i'm loving the build so far, although i have died over 118 times running with a tabula :P had no problems till merciless.

Still, love the build, and im working towards getting enough currency to improve my gear. However i do have two questions. One for the community and one for the creator of the build.

Okay, so first question: Can anyone explain to me or give me some -secret- tips on how to make proper currency in this game? I've gotten over 1600+ hours in this game and love it , but one thing i have NEVER been able to master is the currency/making money in this game. I see players on PoE trade who have like 7500+ Fusing orbs, and 200 Ex's and it just makes me go "HOW?". I swear theres some secret im missing. :P I know all about trading and flipping and all that, but as much as ive tried, i can never make any proper income unless i get that 1 SUPER rare unique that i can sell for a handful of currency that is usually not even enough to buy a good item in return. How do you guys get so much currency among? It just boggles me at how people do this. I am always barely scraping by, usually with barely 40c. Even for this build i feel like i wont beable to buy the items i need, like boots, gloves, helm and the regalia ect. And i have so few fuses i will never beable to six link let alone 6L two chests:C

and 2nd question, for the creator: out of curiosity why do you take the Whispers of Doom node to the north west/left sideof the tree? It gives +1 additional curses but unless i misread or missed something i dont see why we spend a point in this? Im just confused since im already using a curse and no more. Do we use more then once curse?

dual curse is for the witchfire brew

making currency is a different matter altogether. saw some reddit post a while ago and i saw such answers as a) play 12-18 hours a day b) invest in good items c) flip d) scam e) set up like 50 live searches for good items to flip.... etc etc etc

if you find the answer, feel free to share -.-
crafted mod increased mine damage, is it suffix or preffix?

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